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Moed Katan 25

MOED KATAN 24, 25 - anonymously dedicated by an Ohev Torah and Marbitz Torah in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel.

1) [line 4] RECHAVAH - others provide the mourners with refreshments or a meal outside (lit. in the street or square), on their way home from the funeral

2) [line 5] ADAM KASHER - (a) a person who is neither suspected of transgressing any sin nor of not keeping the Mitzvos and about whom no evil reports are spoken, even though he is not a Torah scholar (MAHARAM, ROSH, TUR YD 340:6, SHULHAN ARUCH ibid.); (b) a person who is known to make special efforts to keep the Mitzvos and to do Gemilus Chasadim (RABBEINU YONAH, RAMBAN, BACH ibid., SHACH ibid.)

3a) [line 8] [*KEDEI SHE*]YIVKEH V'YISABEL, ARVONA KA SHAKIL MINEI? - (This Girsa is found in Shabbos 105b and should be added here.) in order to make him cry and mourn,
b) [line 9] ARVONA KA SHAKIL MINEI? - (lit. his pledge is taken away from him [even before he reneges on his loan]?) his children die even before he has committed a sin?

4) [line 26] KAF KADA A'AR'A - he turned a pitcher over on the floor
5) [line 28] L'SHALSHULEI DERECH GAGIN - to hoist it up to the roof through the skylight and then carry it from roof to roof until it can be lowered to the ground

6) [line 31] "VA'YARKIVU...EL AGALAH CHADASHAH..." - "And they set the ark of HaSh-m upon a new cart..." (Shmuel II 6:3) - David ha'Melech had the Aron ha'Kodesh transported upon a new cart from the home of Avinadav in Giv'ah to the home of Oved Edom ha'Giti. (RASHI and other Mefarshim state that this was the same cart that the Pelishtim used to send the Aron ha'Kodesh to Beis Shemesh -- see Background to Yoma 52:13. However, the Peirush HA'KOSEV in EIN YAKOV writes that the verse (Shmuel I 6:14) states explicitly that that cart was dismantled and used as firewood to burn the cows that pulled it as Korbanos to HaSh-m. He claims that another cart was used to transport the Aron from Beis Shemesh to the house of Avinadav, and this cart was used twenty years later by David ha'Melech, proving that Chacham, Kevodo b'Mitah Rishonah.)

7) [line 32] PARUS BAVA - they broke open and widened the doorway
8) [line 35] TAFACH LEI AVUHA B'SANDELEI - his father (Rav Chisda) tapped him (Rav Nachman or Rav Chanan) on his sandal; alt., his father hit him with his sandal

9) [line 35] LO SITROD ALMA - (lit. do not oppress the world) do not bother me with such questions

10) [line 36] SHE'HAYAH KEVAR - (a) prophecy was received outside of Eretz Yisrael only that one time (the prophecies of Yechezkel) ; (b) prophecy came to him outside of Eretz Yisrael because he had already received prophecy in Eretz Yisrael

11) [line 36] KI ASKUHA L'HASAM - when they brought him to Eretz Yisrael
12) [line 37] L'DALUYEI REISHIN - to raise our heads
13a) [line 37] HASHTA ASINAN HACHA - now that we came here
b) [line 38] ASA BASRIN? - he came after us?
14) [line 42] SHILDO KAYEMES - the body is intact
15) [line 42] LO SIYEMUHA KAMEI - they did not finish telling him the entire matter (that the body was intact)

16) [line 44] D'UKMESEI L'TALMUDA'I - I firmly established my Torah learning
17) [line 44] TAMNEI SEREI - eighteen
18) [line 45] U'MASHMA LEI KAMEI - I attended to his needs
19) [line 48] IV'IS - became frightened
20) [line 48] ZAKFEI L'ARONEI - he (Rav Chaga) stood up the coffin
21) [line 48] V'HA D'LO I'ANASH ANASH MISHUM D'ZAKFEI L'ARONEI D'RAV HUNA - and the reason why he (Rav Chaga) was not punished was because he stood up the coffin of Rav Huna (See Insights)

21) [line 50] L'MISHLAL KERA'AIHU - to baste the rents [in their garments]


22) [line 1] GISHRA - bridge
23) [line 2] TAIYA - an Arab merchant
24) [line 2] RABANAN - the deceased sages
25) [line 2] D'KA AVDEI YEKARA A'HADADI - who are honoring each other
26) [line 5] CHALIF - passed [over the bridge]
27) [line 6] NASUR KACHEI V'SHINEI - his molars and front teeth fell out
28) [line 7] YENUKA - a young Yeshiva student
29) [line 7] GEZA YESHISHIM - the stock of the old, venerable sage (Rav Huna)
30) [line 8] KA'AS - pelican; alternatively, the little desert owl
31) [line 8] KIPOD - owl
32) [line 9] SHOD - destruction
33) [line 9] SHEVER - calamity
34) [line 9] SHIN'AR - the land of Bavel (the city of Bavel is located in the land of Shin'ar, as mentioned in Bereishis 10:10, 11:2; later the name Bavel came to refer to the entire area)

35) [line 11] ROCHEV ARAVOS - the One who rides on the Heavens (deserts - MALBIM) (these words are taken from Tehilim 68:5)

36) [line 13] SAFDANA - eulogizer
37) [line 13] TEMARIM HENI'U ROSH - the date-palms shook their heads
38) [line 15] BAR KIPOK - the name of a eulogizer
39) [line 15] HAHU YOMA - on that day [that Ravina passed away]
40) [line 16] MAI AMART? - what will you say in your eulogy
41) [line 16] ARAZIM - cedars (that are sturdy)
42) [line 17] SHALHEVES - flame
43) [line 17] EIZOVEI KIR - hyssops that grow out of the wall (that are frail)
44) [line 17] CHAKAH - a fishing hook
45) [line 17] REKAK - a pool of water or the shallow water near the shore
46) [line 18] NACHAL SHOTEF - a gushing river
47) [line 18] MEI GEVIM - pond waters
48) [line 18] BAR AVIN - the name of a eulogizer
49) [line 20] CHALASH DA'ATEI ALAIHU - he became upset or depressed because of them
50) [line 20] IS'HAPUCH KAR'AIHU - the soles of their feet became upturned (so that they could not walk)

51) [line 21] CHALITZ (CHALITZAH)
(a) If a married man dies childless, his widow must undergo Yibum (the marriage of a dead man's brother with his wife), as it states in Devarim 25:5-10.
(b) If the brother chooses not to marry her, he must perform Chalitzah (a procedure in Beis Din that absolves her of the Mitzvah of Yibum - ibid.). He appears before a Beis Din of three and states, "I do not want to marry her," after which his sister-in-law approaches him before the elders, takes off his right sandal and spits in front of him. She then declares, "This is what shall be done to the man who will not build up a family for his brother," and she is then free to marry whomever she wants.

52) [line 22] DIGLAS- the Tigris River
53) [line 22] ROV SHALISHIS - the majority of Shalishis, a term used for Benei Yisrael (YA'AVETZ states that the correct Girsa should be *Shelishiyah*, which is a term used for Benei Yisrael in Yeshayah 19:24) Rava was considered equal to the majority of Benei Yisrael

54) [line 23] TA'INU ME'ACHARECHA - we went astray and no longer follow You
55) [line 23] AL TAZNICHENU - do not forsake us
56) [line 23] K'OS MEI MARAH - like the sign of the bitter waters that the Sotah drinks
57) [line 26] TUGAH - sorrow/distress
58) [line 27] NE'ENACH - moaned
59a) [line 27] B'ES CHANINASO - at the time of his (the newborn boy) receiving caresses
b) [line 27] AVAD CHANINO - he (Rebbi Chanin) who was to caress him died
60) [line 30] YOMO SHEL YOSHIYAHU - the day that Yoshiyahu was killed by the archers of Par'oh Nechoh in the valley of Megido (Armageddon) (Melachim II 23:29-35, Divrei ha'Yamim II 35:20-36:4)

61) [line 32] REBBI AMI D'AVAD, L'GARMEI HU D'AVAD - Rebbi Ami, who acted in this way, was following his own opinion - no other Chachamim rule this way

62) [line 34] ERETZ SHIN'AR - the land of Bavel (the city of Bavel is located in the land of Shin'ar, as mentioned in Bereishis 10:10, 11:2; later the name Bavel came to refer to the entire area)

63) [line 35] ERETZ TZVI - Eretz Yisrael (Tzevi = desire)
64) [line 35] SHA'ASHU'EHA - her (Shin'ar's) joy
65) [line 35] REKES - Tiberias
66) [line 36] ACHISU AMUDEI D'KEISARI MAYA - the pillars of Caesarea shed tears
67) [line 36] D'REBBI YOSI - [at] Rebbi Yosi's [death]
68) [line 36] SHAF'U MARZEVEI D'TZIPORI DAMA - blood flowed from the gutters of Tzipori (a) because Rebbi Yosi, who was an outstanding Talmid Chacham, came from Tzipori (RASHI to Sanhedrin 109a); (b) because Rebbi Yosi was martyred upholding the oneness of HaSh-m (YERUSHALMI, cited by TOSFOS); (c) because Rebbi Yosi gave up his life for the Mitzvah of Milah (TOSEFTA, cited by TOSFOS)

69) [line 37] ISCHAMI'U KOCHAVEI B'YEMAMA - stars were seen during the day
70) [line 37] I'AKRU KOL ILENAYA - all of the tree were uprooted
71) [line 38] NECHISU KEIFEI D'NURA ME'REKI'A - meteors fell from the sky
72a) [line 38] ISHTA'U TZALMANAYA - [the faces and features of] the idols melted and became smooth
b) [line 39] V'HAVU L'MECHALATZAYA - and became [flat as if they were pressed by] rolling machines

73) [line 39] ISKATZETZU KO ANDARTAYA - all the statues were cut down
74) [line 40] ICHASRU SHIV'IN MACHTARTA - seventy tunnels were dug by thieves
75) [line 40] NECHISU KEIFEI D'VARDA ME'REKI'A - large hail stones fell from the sky
76) [line 41] NASHUK KEIFEI D'FERAS A'HADADI - the shores of the River Peras touched each other (and the arched bridges were smashed in the process)

77) [last line] TA'UN DIKLEI SHEITZEI - the date-palms bore thorns

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