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Nedarim 53

1) [line 2] SISVANIYOS - inferior, unripe grapes that stay on the vine throughout the winter that are only used to make vinegar (RAN; see ROSH for an alternate Girsa and explanation)

2) [line 15] SHUMSHEMIN - sesame seeds
3) [line 16] KEREISHIN - (Allium porrum) garden leeks
4) [line 17] KAFLOTOS - (Porrum capitatum) a leek with a large onion-like bulb; porret
5) [line 17] YARKOS HA'SADEH - wild vegetables
6) [line 18] SHEM LEVAI - a qualifying title added to its name; adjective
7) [line 22] SHE'MISTAPKIN - that use (lit. that supply themselves)
8) [line 27] YARKOS HA'GINAH - garden vegetables


9a) [line 7] MISHUM GUSH - because of a clod of earth from Chutz la'Aretz that might be stuck to them

The Rabanan decreed that the lands outside of Eretz Yisrael are to be considered to be Tamei because the Nochrim bury their dead fetuses in their houses

10) [line 8] KERUV - cabbage
11) [line 8] ISPARGUS - asparagus (botanically related to cabbage)
12) [line 9] GERISIN - a dish of Cilician beans
13) [line 9] MIKPAH - a stiff porridge of beans or grains that contains garlic, oil and vinegar (TOSEFTA Shabbos 14:15, et. al.)

14) [line 11] SHUM - garlic
15) [line 12] ASHISHIM - (a) lentils fried in honey (RAN to Daf 52b, citing the YERUSHALMI); (b) the waste of lentils (TOSFOS ibid., ROSH ibid.); (c) bread into which lentils (RASHI, cited by Rebbi Avraham Min ha'Har ibid.) or lentil flour (MEFARESH ibid.) is mixed

16) [line 15] LAKOS CHAYIM - to chew them raw

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