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Nidah 10

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Gemara 10b [line 4]:
"Nechusei *Yama*"
The word "Yama" should be removed.
This is the way it appears in Sukah 43b ( - see Rashash Chulin 124a)

[2] Rashi 10b DH Maskif:
The words "Higi'a Zemanah *l'Lo* Higi'a"
should be "Higi'a Zemanah *v'Lo* Higi'a"

1) [line 1] HADAR KA'CHAZYA B'ONOS - if she saw again at the time of her monthly period (after having an initial break of three months)

*2*) [line 1] MAI - see chart and Insights

Rebbi is of the opinion that after a condition is met two times, we can presume that it will happen again until there is evidence of a change. Raban Shimon Ben Gamliel argues and maintains that we make this presumption only after the condition is met three times (Nidah 64a)

*4*) [line 15] CHIZKIYA AMAR TAMEI, KEIVAN D'ILU CHAZYA METAM'A - That is, if the girl saw blood a third time she is *retroactively* Tamei. (RASHI, 10b DH Maskif)


5) [line 2] SIRFAH MATZUY - the sap/Dam Besulim of a Besulah comes regularly.

there are liquids which are Metamei vessels mid'Oraisa; namely liquids that are an Av ha'Tumah.

The Zov of a Zav, the semen of any person, the blood of a Nidah, Zavah and Yoledes, and the *saliva* and urine of a Zav, Zavah, Nidah and Yoledes, are all an Av ha'Tumah and are Metamei people and vessels mid'Oraisa


(a) A Zav, Zavah, Nidah, Yoledes, and Metzora, all can spread Tumah through Midras. If one of the above stands, sits, lays, leans or is hung on an object that is suitable for standing on, sitting on, etc., the object becomes Tamei Midras (lit. an object that is treaded upon), otherwise known as Mishkav or Moshav ha'Zav.

(b) An object which is Midras is an Av ha'Tumah and spreads Tumah in the same manner in which it itself becomes Tamei. If someone stands, sits, lays, leans, or is hung on a Midras, he and the clothes he is wearing or any objects he is touching at the time become Tamei. After he has removed himself from contact with the Midras, the person remains a Rishon l'Tumah and does not make clothes and objects Tamei. An object that is suitable for standing on, sitting on, etc. which lies under a Midras, however, does not itself become Midras.

8) [line 9] NECHUSEI (YAMA) - the groups of people who would go "down" from Eretz Yisrael to Bavel and then return to Eretz Yisrael

8a) [line 11] SHOFA'AS - if she has a continuous flow of blood
9) [line 13] POSEKES - if her flow of blood is intermittent
10) [line 16] MEDALEFES - a her blood drips out
11) [line 18] KI NAHARA - like a river
12) [line 20] HIGI'U L'FIRKAN - they have reached the age of puberty
13) [line 24] SHE'ME'AVSOS OSAN - they corrupt them (by causing blood to ooze from a wound)

14) [line 31] YEMEI IBURAH OLIN LAH L'YMEI MENIKUSAH - If a woman does not see blood while nursing and continues to not see blood when she stops nursing and becomes pregnant, the days see did not see while nursing are combined with the days she did not see while pregnant to jointly make a three-Onah pause, after which blood is no longer expected and Dayan Sha'atan

15) [line 42] LEIDAH YEVEISHTAH - a birth with no show of blood

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