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Nidah 19

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Gemara 19b [line 22]:
"*Ela* Hachi ka'Amar Lehu, Alfuha be'Gezerah Shavah"
The word "Ela" seems to be extra.

1) [line 5] KEREN KARKOM - luster of saffron; i.e. its leaves which have a brilliant color

2) [line 6] MEIMEI ADAMAH - a suspension of a certain type of earth in water
3) [line 6] MAZUG - red wine mixed with water
4) [line 6] K'MEIMEI TILTAN - water in which fenugreek is soaked
5) [line 7] YAROK - yellow
6) [line 11] CHERES - adrement, vitriol, black ink used by shoemakers
7) [line 11] AMOK MI'KEN - darker than this
8) [line 12] DI'HA MI'KEN - lighter than this
9) [line 12] KA'BARUR SHE'BO - like the clearest (shiniest, brightest) part of it
10) [line 13] BIK'AS BEIS KEREM - a valley in the Galil in the vicinity of present day Karmiel
11) [line 13] MEITZAF MAYIM - he covers the earth with a minute layer of water
12) [line 14] YAYIN HA'SHARONI - wine that comes from Sharon

13) [line 23] NIG'EI BATIM
The marks of Tzara'as for houses consist of streaks or spots that are intense green or intense red.

(a) If Tzara'as is found on a house, it is put into quarantine by a Kohen for a week.

(b) The Kohen returns after seven days to check the house. If the Tzara'as has spread, one must remove (Choletz) the stones with Tzara'as from the house, scrape off the surrounding plaster, insert new stones and re-plaster the entire house. (The same applies if the Tzara'as spreads before the end of the week.) The house is then put into quarantine for another week. If the Tzara'as has remained the same afte the first week, the Kohen leaves it as is and returns again seven days later.

(c) If, after the second week, the Tzara'as has either remained the same or spread, one must remove (Choletz) the stones with Tzara'as from the house, scrape off the surrounding plaster, insert new stones and re-plaster the entire house. The house is then put into quarantine for another week (Vayikra 14:40).

(d) If the Tzara'as returns to the house during the following week, the owner must dismantle (Notetz) the entire house (Vayikra 14:45). The stones from the house must be taken out of the city and remain Asur b'Hana'ah forever.

14) [line 23] NIG'EI BEGADIM
The marks of Tzara'as for clothes consist of streaks or spots that are intense green or intense red.
(a) If spots of Tzara'as which are at least a Gris in size appear on a garment, the garment is put into quarantine by a Kohen for a week.

(b) If, after one week, the spots are even bigger than before, the entire garment is burned. (The same applies if the Tzara'as spreads before the end of the week.) If the spots remained the same size, the garment is put into quarantine for yet another week.

(c) If after the second week the Tzara'as has either remained the same or spread, the entire garment is burned. If the spots of Tzara'as remain but have faded somewhat, then only the spots are cut out from the garment and burned and the rest of the garment is Tahor. If Tzara'as returns to the garment after the old Tzara'as has been cut out, the entire garment is burned.

15) [line 32] GERISIN - [marks of Tzara'as the size of] a Cilcian bean


If the marks of Tzara'as spread to the entire cloth, the cloth is Tahor. This is learned from the Tzara'as of a person, where the Torah states that if the marks of Tzara'as spread over his entire body, he becomes Tahor, as stated in the Pasuk (Vayikra 13:13) "Kulo Hafach Lavan Tahor Hu"

16a) [line 39] NE'EMAR "KARACHAS V'GABACHATS" BI'VGADIM - "Pecheses Hi, b'Karachto O v'Gabachto" ("It is a penetrating mark on the smooth or fluffy side [of the cloth]"; alt., "on his new or worn cloth") (Vayikra 13:55)
b) [line 39] V'NE'EMAR "KARACHAS V'GABACHAS" B'ADAM - "v'Chi Yiheyeh va'Karachas O va'Gabachas, Nega Lavan Adamdam; Tzara'as Porachas Hi b'Karachto O v'Gabachto" ("However, if he has a bright pink mark on his bald spot or where his hairline has receded, it may be a sign of the Tzara'as curse on his bald spot or hairless forehead") (Vayikra 13:42)

18) [line 47] SHACHOR, ADOM HU, ELA SHE'LAKAH - black blood is really red blood that has changed color

19) [line 48] KACHOL - blue


20) [line 10] A'MANA - on a garment
21) [line 17] SHE'MIS'AGEL V'YOTZE - builds up inside the body until it eventually comes out

22) [line 22] ALFUHA BI'GZERAH SHAVAH - learn it through a Gezerah Shavah

23) [line 23] "SHELACHAYICH PARDES RIMONIM [IM PRI MEGADIM]" - literally, "Your arid areas/offshoots are an orchard of pomegranates and precious fruits"; homiletically it means "When you send forth the blood of Nidah, you are like a locked-up orchard and thereby produce precious children" (Shir ha'Shirim 4:13). (The previous Pasuk is "Gan Na'ul Achosi Chalah; Gal Na'ul, Ma'ayan Chasum" (As chaste as a locked garden, My sister, O bride; a spring that is locked up, a sealed fountain").

24) [line 24] ADAM DAN KAL V'CHOMER L'ATZMO ... V'EIN ADAM DAN GEZERAH SHAVAH L'ATZMO- since a Kal v'Chomer is based on logic, a person may make up a Kal v'Chomer without a Kabbalah from his Rebbi. One may not, however, make up a Gezeirah Shavah.

25a) [line 34] MA'ACHOLES SHEL ROSH - head-lice
b) [line 35] (MA'ACHOLES) D'CHULEI GUFA - body-lice

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