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Nidah 32

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Rashi 32b DH Ish Ein Li:
The words "*H"N* Garsinan"
should be "*Hilchesa Ninhu* Garsinan"

1a) [line 5] SARIS - an impotent man
b) [line 6] AILONIS - a woman who is incapable of conception

2) [line 6] POG'IN B'ERVAH - they "come in contact with" i.e. transgress the commandment prohibiting forbidden relations (because when there is no Mitzvah of Yibum, the wife of the deceased remains forbidden to his brother)

3) [line 19] TERUMAS CHUTZ LA'ARETZ - Terumah taken from produce grown outside of Eretz Yisrael; there is a Rabbinic obligation to take Terumah from produce grown in Bavel, Egypt, Amon and Moav (See Insights to Chulin 6b:)

4) [line 36] 3 SHANIM V'YOM ECHAD L'VI'AH (TUMAS HA'NIV'ELES) When a woman has relations, she becomes Temei'ah. She must immerse in a Mikvah and wait for nightfall to become Tehorah again. This Tum'ah is not brought about by the Shichvas Zera which touched her, since Maga Beis ha'Setarim (Tum'ah which touches a hidden place of the body) is Tahor. (If the Zera is later discharged from her body, it again makes her Temei'ah at the time that it is discharged).


5) [line 1] L'MI'UTEI ISH ME'ODEM - this comes to teach that a man does not become a Zav if he see Shichvas Zera that is red

By Torah Law, a woman who sees blood is a Nidah for a period of seven days. It makes no difference whether she saw blood only one time or for the entire seven days. The next eleven days are "days of Zivah." If a woman experiences bleeding during these days for one or two consecutive days, she becomes a Zavah Ketanah and is Temei'ah. If she does not experience bleeding the following night and day, she may immerse in a Mikvah and she is Tehorah and no longer a Zavah. She may even immerse in a Mikvah the following morning but her Tum'ah and Taharah are contingent on whether or not she sees blood afterwards on that day. She is called a Shomeres Yom k'Neged Yom, because she must *watch* the following to day to see whether or not she sees blood

7) [line 14] B'ZIVAH (ZAV)
Zov is a clear discharge with the appearance of the egg white of a sterile or spoiled egg, in contrast with semen, which has the consistency of fresh egg white. Zov can also be a pus-like discharge resembling the liquid from barley dough or soft barley batter. The Halachah is that a Zav who emitted Zov twice or three times does not become Tahor from his Zivah until 7 "clean" days pass, during which he does not emit any Zov. He is supposed to check himself twice every day; once in the morning and once towards evening. If he emits Zov during those days, he must begin his count all over again (Rambam, Hil. Mechusrei Kaparah 3:1).

8) [line 21] BEN 9 SHANIM V'YOM ECHAD, MINAYIN? (RO'EH SHICHVAS ZERA) A man over nine years old who discharges Shichvas Zera is Tamei until the sun sets after he immerses in a Mikvah. (Vayikra 15:16)

A man who emits Zov two or three times becomes a Zav, whether the discharges of Zov were on the same day or on two or three consecutive days. A woman only becomes a Zavah if she saw blood on three consecutive days of her Yemei Zivah.

10) [line 37] MATZA'OS - mattresses

*11*) [line 38] PESHITA, D'HA DARASH LEHU - That is, if the Mishnah only intends to tell us that an object that is a few levels below a Bo'el Nidah is Tamei, let it just say "Metamei Midras", as the Mishnah usually does. The Mishnah must intend to teach us another Halachah. (RAMBAN)

12) [line 39] ELYONO SHEL ZAV see Chart

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