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Nidah 65

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Gemara 65b [line 20]:
"*d'Magbei* Bah Tefei"
The Girsa of the Aruch was "d'Magchei" ( - they argue/negotiate).
The Ya'avetz (according to Rashi's explanation)
emended the word to be "d'Naghei" ( - they stay up late)

A girl is a Ketanah (minor) until she has two pubic hairs after she enters her twelfth year. During the following six months she is a Na'arah (maidenhood). When six months elapse she becomes a Bogeres (adult).

2) [line 19] KOL TELASA YARCHEI, CHADA ONAH - there were three months between Be'ilos

3) [line 20] MINYAMIN SAKSENA'AH - Minyamin of Sacassana, a province of Armenia (alt. possibly from Saxony - RASHASH)

4) [line 25] KEIVAN SHE'NITKU SHINAV - once a man loses his teeth) because of old age)

*5*) [line 30] U'MI BA'INAN KULEI HAI? - Does the word "Onah" refer to such a long period of time?

6a) [line 30] GITAV - his wine presses
b) [line 30] BEIS BADAV - his olive presses
7a) [last line] DAPIN - the board that is placed on the grapes
b) [last line] LULAVIN - (O.F. escove) [twigs used as] brooms, brushes (RASHI);
the two posts supporting the beams of the press (ARUCH)
c) [last line] ADASHIN - the press itself, where the grapes or olives are placed

*8*) [last line] MADICHAN - That is, it is not necessary to immerse them in a Mikvah because these objects are either attached to the ground or Peshutei Klei Etz, and therefore they cannot become Tamei.


9a) [line 1] AKALIM - (O.F. redorte) a kind of lattice work made of poles interwoven with thin branches or reeds, which covers and keeps together the olives or grapes beneath the press
b) [line 1] NETZARIM - twigs
c) [line 1] BITZBUTZ - hemp
d) [line 2] SHIFA - rush, a marsh plant with a slender pithy stem
e) [line 2] GEMI - bulrushes, reed-grass

14a) [line 4] CHARFEI - early crop
b) [line 4] AFLEI - (alt. AFEILEI) late crop
15a) [line 5] MAG'ILAN B'ROSCHIN - he immerses them in boiling water
b) [line 5] CHOLTAN B'MEI ZEISIM - he scalds it with the thin secretion of olives while it is boiling

16) [line 8] V'CHAMA? ONAH! - for how much time? one period of time
17) [line 9] KELAPEI LAYA - where are you turning to? (the opposite should be true)
18) [line 8] V'CHAMA ONAH? - and how much time is an Onah?
19a) [line 15] TEKUFAS NISAN V'TISHREI - the equinoxes
b) [line 16] TEKUFAS TAMUZ V'TEVES - the solstices

*20*) [line 20] SHA'ANI KESUVAH, D'MAGBEI BAH TEFEI - That is, since they are so busy with the Kesuvah, he will not be Bo'el the Be'ilas Mitzvah before midnight. That is why his 12-hour Onah ends at midday (see Tosfos Kesuvos 2a DH l'Yom)

20a) [line 24] HADUREI A'PIRCHA LAMAH LI - "Why do you ask from an obscure source when there is well-known Mishnah that states the same law? (RASHI Chulin 76b)

21) [line 28] KI HAVU BAH - when they were learning (lit. when they were in) [the first Mishnah of Perek Tinokes]

22a) [line 29] LO HAVU MASKEI MINAH - they only educed from it (lit. they only took out of it)
b) [line 29] KED'MASIK TA'ALA MI'BEI KARVA - very little (lit. the produce that a fox takes out of a plowed field)

23) [line 32] SHOF'OS DAM - continually issuing blood

*because* Rebbi Meir took on (in this instance) *some* of the stringency of Beis Shamai

*25*) [line 38] KOL MAR'EH DAMIM, ACHAS HEN - That is, whether or not the blood changes in color, it may be attributed to Dam Besulim.

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