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brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Har Nof
Rosh Kollel: Rav Mordecai Kornfeld

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Nidah 22

    • Question: The Rabbanan rule that if a woman issued blood filled pieces with cracks in them, she is still Tahor. Rebbi Eliezer rules that a woman would be Tamei in such a case since the blood in the pieces can make contact with the woman's flesh through the cracks. (Rashi DH Ki Pligi) If the blood which is in these pieces can touch the flesh of the woman as they came out, why do the Rabbanan rule that she is Tahor?

    • Answer: The ROSH, quoting the Sar Mikutzi, explains that we rule that if blood went directly from the Makor out of the woman's body through a tube then she is Tahor. Why is that so? Is it because the blood never made contact with the woman's flesh outside of the Makor, or is it because it left her body in an unusual manner?

      Rebbi Eliezer understood that the woman is Tahor if blood left her Makor through a tube because the blood did not make contact with the flesh of the woman out of the Makor. Based on this understanding, he rules that if the blood was contained in pieces which had cracks, allowing the blood to make contact with her flesh on its way out, she is Tamei. However, the Rabbanan understood that the reason she is Tahor in the case of a tube is because the blood left her body in an unusual way. If so, even if blood came out of her body in pieces which had cracks it would not render her Tamei, since this is also an unusual manner to shed blood. (This appears to be the intention of Rashi DH Ki as well.)

      The DARKEI MOSHE and BACH (YD 188) add that even if pure blood came out in some unusual way, not related to pieces with cracks, the woman is also Tahor.

      HALACHAH: The Mechaber (YD 188:3) rules that if blood left the Makor through a tube, the woman is Tahor. If pieces fell from the woman with cracks from which blood could make contact with her body, she is still Tehorah.

      The SHACH (8) quotes the opinion of the BACH that it is correct to be consider her Tamei in a case where pieces with blood fell from her body, but if bloodless pieces fell from her body, she is Tehorah.

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