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brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Har Nof
Rosh Kollel: Rav Mordecai Kornfeld

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Nidah 40

1) "LINAH"

QUESTION: The Gemara includes "ha'Lan" in its list of invalid Korbanos. RASHI (DH ha'Lan) explains that this expression refers to *blood* which was not applied to the Mizbe'ach before sunset.
(a) How did Rashi know that the Beraisa is discussing exclusively *blood* which was not applied to the Mizbe'ach before nightfall, and not parts of the Korban itself which were not offered on the Mizbe'ach until after nightfall?

(b) In fact, Rashi himself in Zevachim (27b), when explaining the same Beraisa, explains that "ha'Lan" means parts of the Korban itself which were not offered on the Mizbe'ach until after nightfall. Why, then, did he explain differently here?

(a) TOSFOS (DH ha'Lan) points out that our Beraisa also mentions Nosar among the invalid Korbanos. Tosfos explains that Nosar, cannot mean the usual "*meat* from a Korban which was not eaten until after its proper time," since the Beraisa rules that Nosar is left on the Mizbe'ach if brought there by accident, and that is not the case with the parts of a Korban that are supposed to be *eaten*. Nosar, then, must be referring to the *fats* of the Korban which were not offered on the Mizbe'ach until after nightfall. If so, "ha'Lan" must be referring to something else. It must mean the *blood*, and not the *fats* of the animal, which was not offered until after nightfall.

(b) As for Rashi in Zevachim, when the Gemara in Zevachim quotes our Beraisa, it omits one word: "Nosar." Thus, Rashi there is justified in explaining the word "ha'Lan" in that Beraisa as referring to the fats of the Korban which were not offered on the Mizbe'ach until after nightfall. (M. Kornfeld)


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