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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Nidah 64

1) According to Rav, a woman who sees blood on the fifteenth of one month, the sixteenth of the following month and the seventeenth of the next one, she now has a fixed Veses.

(a) What is this Veses called?

(b) What does Shmuel say in this case.

(c) How does the Gemara first want to connect the Machlokes between Rav and Shmuel to that of Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel and Rebbi.

The Gemara concludes that they both hold like Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel.
(d) Then what is their Machlokes all about?
2) A woman who was used to seeing on the fifteenth day changed to the sixteenth and then to the seventeenth, she will be permitted on the following sixteenth, but forbidden on the fifteenth.
(a) Why is that?

(b) How will Rav explain this Beraisa, which clearly does not count the first sighting which she saw on the fifteenth together with the following two, which she saw be'Dilug?

(c) But isn't it obvious that *that* is why the Beraisa mentions 'Haysa Limudah' etc.? So what was the Kashya?

(d) When will the fifteenth, the sixteenth and the seventeenth become permitted, and why?

3) The Beraisa says that a woman fixes a Veses when she sees on the twenty-first of the one month, the twenty-second of the following month, and the twenty-third of the next one (even though there were not three Dilugim).
(a) How does Shmuel explain this Beraisa?

(b) How does he prove his point?

4) Rav Papa tells us that, although a woman's Veses is not fixed with less than three sightings, she must nevertheless take into account the day that she saw, and suspect that she might see again on that day in the following month.
(a) What is the Chidush" We know that already from our Mishnah?
Rav Papa also says that a woman who sees on two consecutive months on the same day, breaks this 'semi-Chazakah' after once not seeing on that day.
(b) Again, what is the Chidush? Is it not clear from our Mishnah, that one does not need three times to break one or two sightings?
(c) A woman saw regularly on the twentieth of the month. Then in *Nisan*, she also saw on the thirtieth; in *Iyar*, she saw again on the thirtieth, but not on the twentieth; and in *Sivan*, she did not see at all. What will be her Din, if she sees on the twentieth of *Tamuz*?
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(a) In which way, does the Tana compare a woman's Dam Besulim to wine?
Rebbi Yehudah calls a vine which has no wine, and a woman who has no blood, a Durteki.
(b) What does 'Durteki' mean?

(c) How does the Beraisa compare a woman's blood to yeast?

(d) And what does Rebbi Meir say about a woman who has a lot of blood?

6) Beis Shamai holds that a girl who gets married before she is due to see, is given four nights.
(a) What does this mean?
Beis Hillel says that we give her 'Ad she'Chaysah ha'Makeh.
(b) What does that mean - according to Shmuel, who says 'Kol Zeman she'ha'Rok Be'soch ha'Peh'?
If her time to see has arrived (but she has not yet in fact, seen), we give her, according to Beis Shamai, only the first night.
(c) What do Beis Hillel say about that?
If she has already seen blood, then Beis Shamai hold that, after the Be'ilas Mitzvah, she must already separate.
(d) What do Beis Hillel say in this case?
7) Beis Hillel gives a girl who gets married before she is due to see, 'Ad she'Chaysa ha'Makah', which Rav explains to mean ''Kol Zeman she'Nocheres'. What exactly, does this mean?

8) And if she gets married after she is due to see, they give her 'until Motzei Shabbos, four nights'. According to Rav, Tashmish by day does not detract from the four nights.

(a) What is his proof from Beis Hillel's words?

(b) What does Levi say about this, and how does he explain the 'four nights' of Beis Hillel?

(c) According to Rav, why do Beis Hillel mention specifically four *nights*?

(d) According to Levi, having said four nights (meaning four Onos), why do Beis Hillel need to add 'until Motzei Shabbos'?

9) If no blood is seen until after the second Bi'ah, Rebbi Chanina says that the woman is Temei'ah.
(a) Why is that? How do we know that the blood is not Dam Besulim, which is Tehorah?

(b) What does Rebbi Asi say about this?

(c) How will Rebbi Chanina refute Rebbi Asi's proof from Shmuel?

10) What does Rav say about the wedding-night of a Bogeres, and what will be the Din if she has already seen?

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