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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Nidah 66


(a) If a woman begins to see blood during Tashmish, how must she proceed?

(b) What must she do if she continues to see during the third time of the third marriage?

(c) How is this examination performed?

(d) In which two cases is an examination not necessary?

(e) And when can she *not* rely on the blood coming from the wound?

2) According to Rebbi, a woman is believed when she declares that the blood that she is seeing comes from a wound in the uterus.
Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says that, in reality, that blood is Tamei, but our Rebbes declared it Tahor.

What is their Machlokes, and what are its ramifications? 3) We learnt earlier that from the third Bi'ah with the third husband, the woman must examine herself with a tube.

(a) Why are we not afraid that the tube itself will cause a wound?

(b) Why does the woman begin with the Bedikos only after the third Bi'ah with the third husband? Why not from the third Bi'ah of the first husband and onwards? (Why is there no Chazakah already then?)

(c) And why not after the first Bi'ah of the third husband? (Why is there no Chazakah already then?)

(a) What did Rebbi do with the woman who always used to see blood during Tashmish?

(b) How did Shmuel diagnose a woman on whom he made the same test, but from whom nothing came out?

Rebbi Yochanan gave some strange advice to the woman who tended to see blood whenever she came up from Tevilas Mitzvah.
(c) What are the two ways of interpreting Rebbi Yochanan's advice?

(d) What do we learn from the Pasuk in Vayikra "ve'Tamei Tamei Yikra"?

5) Rebbi decreed 'in the fields' that 'Ra'asah Yom Echad, Teishev Shishah ve'Hu'; 'Shenayim, Shishah ve'Hein'; 'Sheloshah, Teishev Shiv'ah Neki'im'.
(a) What does 'in the fields' mean?

(b) What is the significance of each of the three of Rebbi's statements?

Rebbi Zeira says that the Jewish women adopted an additional stringency.
(c) What was that stringency?
6) Rava taught Rav Shmuel that, a woman who miscarried on the third day of Zivus is a Zavah, and she must count seven clean days - in spite of the fact that she had pain during the first of the two days.
(a) What is his dual reasoning for this?

(b) Why did Rava require her to see for two days, when the women had already undertaken to count seven clean days, even after seeing one drop of blood?

7) If a woman accepts a man's proposal to get married, she needs to keep seven clean days.
(a) Why is that?

(b) Does this also apply to a Ketanah, and why?

Answers to questions



(a) Why should a woman not use Neser (a type of earth) or sand to wash her hair (Chafifas ha'Rosh) for Tevilas Mitzvah?

(b) And why should she not use cold water?

(c) What should a man teach his wife and daughters with regard to preparing for Tevilas Mitzvah?

(d) But why should that be necessary, in light of the Beraisa, which explicitly writes that, when the woman Tovels, the water does not need to enter the folds on the woman's body?

(a) What happened to Rebbi's maidservant when she returned from Tevilah, and what did Rebbi Tell her to do?
What is the Din if a woman finds something stuck to her body after she has Toveled ...
(b) ... according to the first Lashon?

(c) ... according to the second Lashon?

(d) What are the two practical differences between the two Leshonos?

10) Rava forbids a woman to Tovel whilst standing on earthenware vessels. The Gemara first attributed Rava's reason to Gezeiras Merchetza'os.
(a) What is Gezeiras Merchetza'os?

(b) If Rava's reason is *not* because of 'Gezeiras Merchetza'os, then what is it?

(c) What is the difference between the two reasons?

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