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Pesachim 9

1) [line 1] GEIRERAH CHULDAH - a rat or weasel dragged it
2) [line 6] MEDUROS - dwelling
3) [line 10] LO MESHAIRA - it does not leave anything over
4) [line 17] MEGURAH - store room; bin

(a) By Torah Law, a person is required to tithe his grain only if he harvests it in a normal manner. This includes removing the chaff in the field, piling up the grain there and bringing it through the front door of his house (Berachos 35b). If he brings it into his house while it is still in its chaff, the obligation to tithe the grain is only mid'Rabanan.
(b) The Rabanan did not prohibit eating such grain in a temporary fashion (Achilas Ara'i). Feeding an animal is termed Achilas Ara'i and is therefore permitted.

6) [line 27] MOTZ - chaff
7) [last line] METZIK - (a) an oppressor, a tough person (RASHI); (b) according to the Girsa MOSEK, an olive picker (TOSFOS Avodah Zarah 42a DH Shel Metzik Echad, based on the Tosefta Ohalos 16:6)

8) [last line] RIMON - the name of a place


9) [line 1] HETZITZ - peered
10) [line 3] BARDELAS - (a) (O.F. puteis) ferret; a small, half-tamed, flesh-eating animal similar to a weasel; (b) a polecat; a small dark brown flesh-eating animal similar to a weasel; (c) a striped wild animal of the genus felis leopard; striped hyena (RASHI Avodah Zarah 42); (d) marten (Tosfos Sanhedrin 15b DH veha'Bardelas)

11) [line 9] IM RU'ACH HIPILAH - if she miscarried a *sac* of skin (Shefir) filled with air

*12*) [line 16] U'MI AMRINAN EIN CHOSHESHIN SHEMA GEIRERAH CHULDAH - that is, are we not afraid that a weasel dragged Chametz to another place in that very house? (TOSFOS)

*13*) [line 18] SHE'LO YEHEI TZARICH BEDIKAH AHCARAV - that is, if the Chametz is left out in the open, we will suspect that a weasel took a piece and hid it elsewhere in the house -- even if we do not know for sure that any piece from the original pieces was missing.

14) [line 21] LO MATZNE'A - the Chuldah does not hide it (Chametz)
15) [line 25] U'METAMRA - and hides it
16) [line 32] TZIBURIN - piles

(a) When in doubt as to the nature of an item, we normally follow the Rov (majority rule) and assume that the item is of the same Halachic status as the majority of such items. For instance, if a piece of meat is found lying on the street (or in the hands of a non-Jew in the street), and most of the meat in the town is Kosher, it can be safely assumed that the meat is kosher. This is learned from "Acharei Rabim l'Hatos" (Shemos 23:2).
(b) If, however, the nature of the item is in doubt while it is still "in its place," or Kavu'a, (i.e. it was not separated from other items of its kind), we do not follow the Rov. Instead, we remain in doubt as to the status of the item. For instance, if a person buys meat and then forgets whether he bought it at a Kosher or non-Kosher store, we cannot assume that the meat is Kosher just because most of the stores in the town are Kosher. We are questioning its status while it is still in its proper place (= the store), before it was separated from the other pieces of meat in the store.

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