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Pesachim 40

1) [line 2] TZIRIYA - the crack
2a [line 2] V'LO SALIK LEHU DIKULA D'MAYA - the boiling water does not cover them
b) [line 3] ME'ARBA RUCHASA - from all four sides

3) [line 4] LO LICHROCH - it is forbidden to parch (roast)
4) [line 10] AGAV MADLAIHU - while the juice is dripping down
5) [line 11] CHATZBA D'AVISHNA - a pitcher used for parching grains
6) [line 12] SECHIFA SHARI - if the mouth of the pitcher is turned downward, allowing the liquid to run off, it is permissible
b) [line 12] ZEKIFA ASUR - if the pitcher is upright such that any liquid that is discharged condenses back onto the grain, it is forbidden

7) [line 15] TZOMSAN - (O.F. estreint) binds them (preventing moisture from penetrating)
8) [line 17] B'DURA D'VEI BAR CHASHU - the village of [the household of] Bar Chashu
9) [line 20] SHERIREI - hard
10a) [line 20] MAN D'TZAYIS LEI L'ABA - whoever heeds the teaching of Rabah, [who is called Aba (a) as a title of authority (RASHI); (b) because that was his name (ARUCH, Erech Abaye)]
b) [line 20] ACHIL NAHAMA D'IPUSHA - (lit. will eat moldy bread) will eat bread made from flour that contains bran, shell, etc.

11) [line 24] D'SHI'EI - that are smooth
12) [line 25] PAS NEKIYAH - bread made from fine flour
13) [line 25] HADRA'AH - bread made from coarse flour; black bread
14) [line 32] BETZEIKOS - [Matzos made from] dough of non-Jews
15) [line 35] DEB'IDNA D'NACHIS L'SHIMUR LO AVAD LAH SHIMUR - since from the time that it needed to be guarded (at the time that the water was mixed into the flour), it was not guarded

16) [line 38] D'MEHAPCHEI KEIFEI - that tie up and turn over the bundles of wheat (after they are cut)


17) [line 1] MENAKTA LEI IMEI - his mother set aside [wheat] for him [from the beginning of the harvest]
18) [line 1] B'ARBEI - in tubs (to guard them against moisture)
19) [line 1] ARBA - boat
20) [line 2] CHISHTA - the Chishta River, in Bavel
21) [line 5] MIRDA'AS - a pack-saddle
22) [line 6] TACHRICHIN - shrouds
23) [line 8] LAZBINHU KAVA KAVA - it shall be sold one Kav at a time
24) [line 9] KI HEICHI D'KALYA - so that it should be finished
25) [line 10] MOLELIN - to thicken a dish with flour
26a) [line 14] ILFAS - a tightly covered pot, stew-pot
b) [line 14] KEDEIRAH - an open pot
27) [line 15] MERUTACHIN - boiling hot
28) [line 15] TAVLIN - spices
29a) [line 16] KE'ARAH - a dish
b) [line 16] TAMCHUY - a large bowl or serving tray
30) [line 18] CHOMETZ - vinegar
31) [line 18] TZIR - fish brine
32) [line 19] TZOMSAN - (O.F. estreint) binds them (preventing moisture from penetrating)
33) [line 22] LECH LECH, AMRINAN NEZIRA, SECHOR SECHOR; L'CHARMA LO SIKRAV - "Go away, go away," we say to the Nazir, "go all around; do not come near the vineyard!" That is, Ula prohibits placing flour into a pot whether vinegar is poured in before or afterwards, to distance a person from sin

34) [line 24] BURDIKI - the bakers
35) [line 25] MEMACHEH - to dissolve
36) [line 25] CHASISEI - (a) flour which has been dried in an oven (RASHI);
(b) lentil flour (ARUCH, TOSFOS); (c) Matzos that are ground until they are flour (Matzah meal) and cooked in water (RIF, ROSH)

37) [line 28] CHAROSES - an acidic dip for meat made with vinegar into which flour is placed to repress its acidity [(O.F. aigrum) acidity]

38) [line 29] CHARDAL - mustard
39) [line 32] MEI TASHMISHO SHEL NACHTOM - water used by a baker to cool his hands when preparing Matzos

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