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Pesachim 65

1) [line 6] BASAM - a person who deals in spices and perfumes
2) [line 6] BURSI - a tanner, who uses excrement to tan hides
3) [line 13] HA'CHOLEV - one who milks an animal
4) [line 14] HA'MECHABETZ - one who curdles milk [(O.F. matons) masses/curds] (RASHI); alt., one who separates the curds from the whey (the watery part of the milk which is left after the curds have formed and separated) [(O.F. jonchieres) a reed utensil used in preparing cheese] (RASHI Shabbos 95a)

5) [line 14] HA'MEGABEN - one who presses together curds of milk to form cheese
6) [line 14] HA'MECHABED - one who sweeps
7) [line 14] HA'MERABETZ - one who sprinkles the floor with water in order to make the dust settle
8) [line 15] HA'RODEH CHALOS DEVASH - one who takes off honeycombs from a beehive
9) [line 30] DAM HA'TAMTZIS - the blood that drains out after the Dam ha'Nefesh (the blood that spurts out upon slaughter) comes out


(a) When a forbidden object is mixed with a permitted object, the mixture becomes prohibited if most of the mixture is Isur, but is permitted if most of the mixture is Heter because of "Bitul b'Rov."
(b) The above applies when unidentical substances are mixed together. However, when a liquid mixes with an identical liquid, the Tana'im argue as to the status of the mixture. According to Rabanan, the Isur can still be nullified by a majority of Heter. According to Rebbi Yehudah, though, even a miniscule amount of Isur prohibits the mixture, since the Isur is not nullified at all. (When two identical *dry* substances become mixed together, all agree that the majority in the mixture determines the mixture's Halachic status.)
(c) Similarly, if the blood of Kodshim that must be cast on the Mizbe'ach mixes with blood that is unfit to be cast on the Mizbe'ach (e.g. Dam ha'Tamtzis), the Rabanan of Rebbi Yehudah rule that we follow the Rov (majority). If most of the mixture is Dam ha'Tamtzis, it is not fit for Zerikah. According to Rebbi Yehudah, we do not follow the Rov, and even if there is a miniscule amount of blood that is fit for Zerikah, Zerikah may be performed.

11) [line 6] ARKUVOSEIHEM - their ankles
12) [line 7] DEYO - ink
13) [line 7] CHELEV - fat
14) [line 9] KAMITVESEI MANAIHU - their clothes become stained with blood
15) [line 10] METUSHTASHIN - besmeared or smudged (with mud)
16) [line 11] D'MADLU LEHU - they lift them
17) [line 18] D'MASGEI A'ITZTEVEI - they walk on raised stone platforms
18) [line 23] U'MAFSHIL LA'ACHORAV - and puts it over his shoulder
19) [line 24] TAYA'UT - the manner/custom of Arab merchants

*****PEREK #5 ELU DEVARIM*****

20) [line 27] MICHUY KERAVAV - the cleaning of the intestines from excrement. [The Gemara 68a discusses how this is done]

21) [line 28] HADACHAS KERAVAV - washing the intestines with water to remove the remaining excrement

22) [line 29] HARKAVASO - carrying the Korban Pesach on one's shoulder in Reshus ha'Rabim (when it is still alive)

23) [line 30] YABALTO - (O.F. verrue) its wart

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