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Pesachim 85

1) [line 16] KOLEF - and he peels back the meat
2) [line 21] MISHUM PEKA - because the part of the bone that is covered with meat may crack (when it is struck on the part that has been peeled)

3) [line 22] KULIS - (O.F. redondel) femur, thighbone

3) [line 22] PIGUL
(a) A sacrifice that was slaughtered with the intention of eating it or offering it after its allotted time becomes disqualified. Such a Korban is forbidden to be eaten as it states in Vayikra (7:18) "v'Im He'achol Ye'achel mi'Besar Zevach Shelamav ba'Yom ha'Shelishi Lo Yeratzeh, ha'Makriv Oso Lo Yechashev Lo, *Pigul* Yiheyeh." - ("If [the person bringing the offering plans] to eat it on the third day, [the sacrifice] will not be accepted. It is considered Pigul (putrid, rejected) and it will not be counted in his favor.")
(b) If a person eats Pigul intentionally he is Chayav Kares. If he eats it unintentionally he must bring a Korban Chatas. (Sefer ha'Chinuch Mitzvah 144)

4) [line 22] NOSAR
(a) If any meat of an animal of Kodshim remains after the time that was allotted for it to be eaten, it must be burned, as it states in Vayikra (19:6) "b'Yom Zivchachem Ye'achel umi'Macharas, *veha'Nosar* Ad Yom ha'Shelishi ba'Esh Yisaref." - ("It shall be eaten the same day that you slaughter it and on the next day, and anything that *remains* until the third day shall be burned in fire.")
(b) If someone eats Nosar intentionally he is Chayav Kares. If he eats it unintentionally, he must bring a Korban Chatas. (Sefer ha'Chinuch Mitzvah 215)

5) [line 24] CHASHADEI KEHUNAH - the Kohanim who might intentionally make the Korban into Pigul because they hate the owner of the Korban

6) [line 25] ATZEILEI KEHUNAH - the lazy Kohanim who might not finish eating the Korban in time

7) [line 37] TUM'AS SETARIM
Tum'as Beis ha'Setarim refers to an object that is Tamei that comes into contact with the concealed part of a person or object. Under such circumstances, the object cannot make a person Tamei by Maga, but it can make him Tamei by Masa. For example, if a piece of a Sheretz was found in the folds of a person's skin, he is Tahor because a Sheretz is only Metamei through Maga. If, however, he had a Nevelah in the folds of his skin, he is Tamei, because a Nevelah is also Metamei through Masa.
The place where the two halves of the bone touch each other is concealed, and they cannot receive Tum'ah one from the other

8) [line 39] UCH'MAN D'MIPARTEI DAMI - and the two parts of the bone are as if they have been separated (and then put next to each other so that they touch)


9) [line 5] SHE'YANI'ACH - until he will place it down (at the location of the other Chaburah)

10) [line 6] AKIRAH V'HANACHAH
(a) In order to transgress the biblical prohibition of Hotza'ah on Shabbos, certain conditions must be met. An Akirah (initiation of movement) and a Hanachah (putting the object to rest) must be performed on the object by the same person.
(b) If one person does the Akirah and another does the Hanachah, only a rabbinical prohibition is involved, as the Gemara states in Shabbos 3a.

11) [line 12] B'NIGRARIN - we are dealing with a case where they are [hanging down from the poles to the ground and] being dragged out

12) [line 15] KUFITZ - a cleaver
13) [line 16] HA'AGAF - the area within each of the city's gates that is beneath the door of the gate; that is, the part of the floor which the door covers when it is closed

14a) [last line] KEZEISA PISCHA - [because of the large amount of people in a Chaburah, each person would only receive] a Kezayis of a Pesach
b) [last line] V'HALEILA PAKA IGRA - and the [loud sound of the] reciting of the Halel would [seem to] cause the roof to burst

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