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Pesachim 110

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Gemara 110b [line 3]:
The words "*Karchanani* v'Chananchi"
should be "*Kar Chanani* v'Chananchi" (two words)
It seems that this is the Girsa of Rashi and the Rashbam; this is also the
Girsa in the Oxford Manuscript (Dikdukei Sofrim #60)

[2] Gemara 110b [line 24]:
The words "*Tzavach* Dikla"
should be "*Tzava* Dikla"
This is the Girsa in the manuscripts, the Aruch, and in Menoras ha'Ma'or
(Dikdukei Sofrim #300)

[3] Gemara 110b [line 25]:
"Amar Rav Avira, Ke'aros *v'Chikaros* Ein Bahem Mishum Zugos"
The word v'Chikaros does not appear in certain manuscripts. The Girsa of
Rabeinu Chananel, Menoras ha'Ma'or and Tosfos Rid is:
"Amar Rav Avira, Ke'aros *v'Chosos* Ein Bahem Mishum Zugos" (Dikdukei Sofrim #)

1) [line 4] DILMA CHALISH U'MISRA - lest he become weak or sick, and evil befall him
2) [line 13] MANI KESHUREI - would count the beams of the ceiling, one beam for each cup that he would drink

3) [line 14] MANKIT LEI IMEI - his foster-mother/nursemaid would hold for him
4) [line 17] ZUGOS - even numbers of cups, etc. which bring danger
5a) [line 21] "SHALOM" L'TOVAH MITZTAREF, L'RA'AH LO MITZTAREF - the seventh cup joins with the sixth cup for good (to make an odd number), but it does not join with an eighth cup for bad (to make an even number) because the seventh and last word of the third verse of Birkas Kohanim is "Shalom" (Bamidbar 6:26)
b) [line 22] VI'YCHUNEKA - the fifth cup corresponding to the fifth and last word of the second verse of Birkas Kohanim (Bamidbar 6:25)
c) [line 24] V'YISHMERACHA - the third cup corresponding to the third and last word of the first verse of Birkas Kohanim (Bamidbar 6:24)

6) [line 24] AFKINHU L'RABANAN B'ARBA'AH KOSOS - would dismiss his students after giving them four cups of wine to drink

7) [line 25] AF AL GAV D'ITZAK RAVA BAR LIVA'I - even though Rava Bar Liva'i was harmed

8) [line 25] LO CHASH LAH L'MILSA - he was not concerned about the matter
9) [line 26] D'OSVAN B'PIRKA - he asked vexatious questions during the public lecture (thereby embarrassing me)

10) [line 26] YOSEF SHEIDA - Yosef the demon
11) [line 26] ASHMEDAI MALKA D'SHEIDEI - Ashmedai, the king of the demons
12) [line 28] MALKA RASCHANA HU - he is an angry king
13) [line 31] ISHTALI V'IKRI V'NAFAK - if he forgot and happened to leave after drinking an even number of cups

14) [line 31] ZAKFA - thumb
15) [line 35] PAKA SHEIDA - the demon burst (died)
16) [line 36] REISHTINHI D'NASHIM KASHFANIYOS - the female chief of women sorcerers


a) [line 36] CHAREI CHAMIMEI - hot excrement
b) [last line] B'DIKULA BAZYA - in a broken (torn and perforated) basket
c) [last line] L'FUMAICHU, NASHEI D'CHARASHAYA - shall be for your mouths, women of sorcery
d) [last line] KERACH KARCHAICHI - (lit. may your baldness become bald) may the hair with which you practice your witchcraft fall out
e) [last line] PERACH PIRCHAICHI - let the wind carry off your crumbs [with which you practice your witchcraft]; alt., PIRCHAICHI - special utensils used for witchcraft


f) [line 1] IVDUR TAVLUNAICHI - may your spices scatter
g) [line 1] MORIKA - (a) saffron (RASHI); (b) perfume (RASHBAM)
h) [line 2] AD'CHANANI V'CHANANCHI - while HaSh-m had mercy upon me and I was prudent with regard to my whereabouts, and while you had mercy upon me
i) [line 3] LO ASISI L'GEIV - I did not come in [your midst]
j) [line 3] (KARCHANANI) [KAR CHANANI] V'CHANANCHI - my prudence and your mercy upon me have cooled

18) [line 5] RUSHMA D'CHAVISA - the markings [of the amount of Eifos] on a barrel. (Even if he were to sell an even number of Eifos of wine, he was careful not to mark down an even number of marks.)

19) [line 8] L'MEICHASH MIBA'I - a person must always be cautious [with regard to Zugos]

20) [line 16] CHENVA'AH - a tavern-keeper
21) [line 16] KOL YOMA HAVAH AZIL V'SHASI CHAMRA - every day her first husband would go [to that tavern] and drink wine (RABEINU CHANANEL, RASHBAM DH Chanus)

22) [line 20] HAVAH TZAYIL - his mind was clear
23) [line 22] AFIKTEI B'ZUGA - she sent him out of the tavern after drinking an even number of cups

24) [line 23] GAS BEI HA'HU TAIYA - an Arab merchant met up with him; alt., an Arab merchant understood that his condition was critical

25) [line 23] GAVRA KETILA - a dead man
26) [line 24] CHABKEI L'DIKLA - he threw his hands around a palm tree [to support himself because of his sickness and worry]

27) [line 24] (TZAVACH) [TZAVA] DIKLA - the palm tree dried up
28) [line 25] U'PAKA HU - and he burst (died)
29) [line 28] B'MILEI MINEI D'MEICHAL - of different types of food, fruits and the like

30) [line 29] CHANUS - (a) drinking in an even numbers of taverns; (b) drinking an even number of cups in a tavern

31) [line 33] ISPARGUS - a beverage of wine or beer made with asparagus (a type of cabbage) that has the quality of preventing inebriation (Otzar ha'Ga'onim #324) which people used to drink in the morning on an empty stomach for medicinal purposes

32) [line 34] ZUGEI L'CHUMRA - if a person is in doubt if he drank an even number of cups, he should be Machmir and drink another cup

33) [line 40] KAMA TAKA - before the meal

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