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Pesachim 115

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Gemara 115a [line 10]:
The words "Amar *Hilel*"
should be "Amar *Rav Hilel*"
This is the correct Girsa, and is found in the Rosh and the Ba'al ha'Itur
(Dikdukei Sofrim #3, Minchas Yehudah)

[2] Rashbam 115b DH Bala Maror Lo Yatza:
The words "u'Lefi ha'Kasuv *b'Sefarim*"
should be "u'Lefi ha'Kasuv *b'Sefarav*"
(The Rashbam is referring to the Sefarim of Rashi.)

[3] Rashbam 115b DH v'Ein Oker Es ha'Shulchan:
The words "*v'Keivan* d'Lo Matzi l'Meimar"
should be "*Keivan* d'Lo Matzi l'Meimar" (RASHASH)

[4] Rashbam 115b DH v'Ein Oker Es ha'Shulchan:
The words "*Im* Hayah Magbiho la'Tavshil"
should be "*v'Im* Hayah Magbiho la'Tavshil" (RASHASH) ************************************************

*1*) [line 1] L'ACHAR SHE'MILEI KEREISO - that is, even though Mitzvos Tzerichos Kavanah, and one does not fulfill the Mitzvah of Maror with the first Chazeres unless he has specific intent to do so, nevertheless it is not proper to recite the Berachah on the second Chazeres after filling himself on the first. (Therefore, he should recite the Berachah on the first Chazeres, and have intention to fulfill the Mitzvah with the first Chazeres.)

2) [line 14] MITZVOS EIN MEVATLOS ZU ES ZU (Mitzvos do not cancel each other)
(a) When two foods mix together, the food of which there is a majority cancels the other food, and the minority food is considered to all intents and purposes as if it is the majority food. When a person chews two foods at once, the two of them are constantly being mixed with each other, and it is inevitable that one of them will become at least slightly enveloped in the other, and part of it will be cancelled by the other food.
(b) Therefore, when a person eats a k'Zayis of Maror, a k'Zayis of Matzah and a k'Zayis of Pesach together, it is possible that some part of one of them will be cancelled by another and the total amount of that food will be less than a k'Zayis. Since it is impossible to know which one was cancelled, the person should be required to eat each one separately afterwards.
(c) However, others rule that cancellation does not exist when one eats two foods that are both Mitzvos. Both of them belong to one category, namely that of Mitzvos (this is similar to the concept of Min b'Mino Eino Batel -- see Background to Pesachim 65:10). Therefore, even though both of the Mitzvos mix together, one does not cancel the other, since "Ein Mitzvos Mevatlos Zu Es Zu."

*3*) [line 19] SHE'HAYAH KORCHAN B'VAS ACHAS - that is, in the times of the Mikdash, when it was a Mitzvah d'Oraisa to eat Maror, Hillel used to eat the Maror together with the Matzah and the Pesach. (Since they are all Mitzvos d'Oraisa, they do not cancel each other.)


4) [line 1] L'SHAKU'EI B'CHAROSES - to dip it entirely in the Charoses
5) [line 1] KAPA - (a) the poisonous, sharp acid that is in bitter herbs and onions (RASHBAM) ; (b) name of a worm which grows in herbs (RABEINU CHANANEL)

6) [line 4] ME'REICHA MAYIS - goes away (or dies) from the vapor given off by the Charoses

7) [line 6] AGAV CHALYEI - because of it sweetness
8) [line 8] ADBEREI - led; took on a walk
9) [line 13] MASHA LEI YADEI - he washed his hands
10) [line 21] SIV - the fibrous substance (just under the surface of the date palm)
11) [line 30] KA MADLEI TAKA - they were taking away (lit. raising) the table

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