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Pesachim 119

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Gemara 119a [line 10]:
The words "*Amar* Rebbi Shimon Ben Lakish"
should be "*v'Amar* Rebbi Shimon Ben Lakish"

[2] Rashbam 119a DH Sisrei Torah:
The words "Zeh ha'Megaleh Devarim she'Kisan Atik Yomin" are the beginning of
a new Dibur (MENACHEM MESHIV NEFESH) ************************************************

1) [line 2] HA'MEKABEL PENEI CHAVEIRO B'YSHIVAH - (a) one who clings to his fellow Torah scholar, helping him in his times of weakness; (b) one who is always the first to enter the Beis ha'Midrash, such that he always greets the other scholars who arrive afterwards (MAHARSHA)

*2*) [line 6] AMAR RAV KAHANA MISHUM REBBI YISHMA'EL B'REBBI YOSI - (this is mentioned here because the previous story involved the same Chachamim)

3) [line 7] L'MI SHE'NOTZCHIN OSO, V'SAME'ACH - to One Who is (keve'Yachol) defeated, and is happy

4) [line 9] "VA'YOMER L'HASHMIDAM LULEI MOSHEH VECHIRO AMAD BA'PERETZ LEFANAV L'HASHIV CHAMASO ME'HASHCHIS." - "He said He would destroy them, had not Mosheh, His chosen one, stood in the breach before Him to turn away His wrath from destroying." (Tehilim 106:23) - HaSh-m chose Mosheh because He knew that he would turn away His wrath from destroying the nation. Since Mosheh was HaSh-m's chosen one, we learn that HaSh-m was happy about the outcome.

5) [line 11] "V'YDEI ADAM MI'TACHAS KANFEIHEM AL ARBA'AS RIV'EIHEM U'FNEIHEM V'CHANFEIHEM L'ARBA'TAM" - "There were human hands under their wings on their four sides. Their faces and their wings were alike on the four of them." (Yechezkel 1:8) - Since "v'Ydei" in the verse is written "v'Yado," it hints that HaSh-m's hand is outstretched to humans to accept their repentance with mercy.

*6*) [line 13] KOL KESEF V'ZAHAV SHEBA'OLAM - (this may have been brought down here because it deals with the riches of Rome, which were mentioned earlier, on the previous page.)

7) [line 17] KA'METZUDAH ZU SHE'EIN BAH DAGAN - like a bird hunter's net that has no grain in it

6) [line 13] METZUDAH - a trap
7) [line 14] METZULAH - depths of the ocean
8) [line 18] KA'METZULAH SHE'EIN BAH DAGIM - like the ocean depths that have no fish in them

9) [line 26] MATMONIYOS - hidden treasures
10) [line 27] ANTONINUS BEN ASVIROS - a Roman emperor who was a friend of Rebbi Yehudah ha'Nasi

11a) [line 31] AKALIDEI - keys (usually made of metal)
b) [line 31] U'KELIPEI - the fasteners (the stiff rims usually made of metal) of saddlebags
c) [line 31] D'GALDA - were made of leather (to lighten the load)

12) [line 32] DYA"SH ADY"SH KaSHDa"CH ME'ODECHA SIMAN - the first three words of this Siman are a mnemonic device listing the initials of the people who said the verses of Tehilim 118:21-28 (1. David, Yishai, Achim [David's brothers], Shemuel. 2. Achim, David, Yishai, Shemuel. 3. Kulam [everyone], Shemuel, David, Kulam.) The fourth word, me'Odecha, identifies the first word of the first verse (118:21) with which they started.


13) [line 5] OVER LA'ASIYASAN - before he performs them
14) [line 7] "VA'YARATZ .." - "Then Achima'atz ran by the way of the plain, and overtook the Kushi." (Shmuel II 18:23)

15) [line 10] KOFEL BAH DEVARIM - he would say the verses of Tehilim 118:26- 29 twice each during his recitation of Halel

*16*) [line 13] DARASH RAV AVIRA - (This Agadah is cited here because of its connection to the verse from Hallel "Kos Yeshu'os Esa.")

17a) [line 30] EIN MAFTIRIN ACHAR HA'PESACH - after the Korban Pesach we do not conclude
b) [line 30] AFIKOMAN - [by saying,] (a) "Take your utensils out of here to eat with another Chaburah." (AFIKOMAN = APIKu MANaichu = remove your utensils) - this follows the opinion of Rav; (b) Shmuel, Rav Chanina bar Shila and Rebbi Yochanan explain that it means, "Bring out types of sweet treats."

18) [line 32] URDILA'EI - (a) types of boletes, such as mushrooms, morels and truffles mushrooms (RASHBAM); (b) meat of birds (RAN)

19) [line 32] GOZALAYA - young birds
*20*) [line 32] KEGON TEMARIM KELAYOS V'EGOZIM - that is, dessert foods, similar to those mentioned by Shmuel earlier, may not be eaten after the Pesach (RASHBAM); alternatively, even foods other than meat may not be eaten after the Pesach, in contrast to Shmuel, who only prohibited meats (RAN)

21) [line 37] V'LO MATZI ABUREI - and it is not possible to neutralize (with the taste of other foods)

22a) [line 38] SUFGANIN - bread or cake made from a spongy dough
b) [line 38] DUVSHANIN - bread or cake fried in honey
c) [line 38] ISKARITIN - wafers made from very soft dough

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