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by Rabbi Ephraim Becker
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Pesachim 96

PESACHIM 96 - dedicated by Uri Wolfson in honor of his Chavrusa, Rav Mordechai Rabin of Har Nof.


(a) Question [R. Yosef]: Would a Tamei Mes who ate the Eimurim of a Pesach brought b'Tumah be Chayav Kares (i.e. does the Heter extend)?
(b) Answer [Rava]: The Tumas Eimurim is linked to the Tumas Basar.
(c) Question: What was done with the Eimurim of the Pesach Mitzrayim?
(d) Answer [Abaye]: They may well have roasted (and eaten) them!
1. Also, there were three Mizbeichos (the lintel and doorposts).
2. Also, were there no other unique features of that Pesach?
(a) The Pesach Mitzrayim required designation on the tenth.
(b) Its blood was sprinkled on the lintel and doorpost with a hyssop.
(c) It was eaten in haste and on one night (as opposed to our seven).
(a) Question: What is the source for designation on the tenth?
(b) Answer: The word "Zeh" -only *that* Pesach was taken on the tenth.
(c) Question: Perhaps only that Pesach requires four days of inspection ("haZeh" is written there, too)?
1. We know otherwise from the Bereisa!
2. The word "Mishmeres" connects the Tamid with the Pesach Mitzrayim regarding four days of inspection.
3. If the *Tamid* is connected to the Pesach Mitzrayim, then certainly our *Pesach* is connected to Pesach Mitzrayim!
(d) Answer: That is on account of "Tishmeru."
(e) Indeed, our Pesach is connected by the Pasuk to Pesach Mitzrayim in all regards, such as four days of inspection.
1. Question: Then what is the function of "haZeh?"
2. Answer: To indicate that Pesach Sheni has only one day.
(a) Question: Are we to learn from haZeh that only *that* Pesach was eaten at night?
(b) Answer: As above, the Torah links that Pesach to future ones.
1. Question: Then what is the role of haZeh?
2. Answer: It teaches the laws of R. Elazar b. Azaryah and R. Akiva (until when the Pesach can be eaten).
(c) Question: Are we to learn from "Bo" that an Arel is restricted only from the Pesach Mitzrayim?
(d) Answer: No, since the Torah links that Pesach with future ones.
1. Question: Then what is the role of "Bo?"
2. Answer: The Arel does not eat from *it* but he does eat the Matzah and Maror.
(e) Question: Does "Bo" teach that only here an apostate is restricted?
(f) Answer: The Torah links that Pesach to future ones.
1. Question: Then what is the role of Bo here?
2. Answer: Apostasy invalidates by Pesach; not by Terumah.
(g) We need to be taught that both Arel and Ben Neichar are restricted.
1. Had we only known Arel we might have ascribed the reason to his being "Ma'us" unlike the apostate.
2. Had we only known the Ben Neichar we might have thought that his heart is turned away from HaShem, unlike the Arel whose heart is with HaShem (but unfortunately cannot get a Milah).
(h) Question: Do we restrict the resident-alien only by that Pesach?
(i) Answer: The Torah links that Pesach to future ones.
1. Question: Then what is the role of "Bo" here?
2. Answer: Only here does apostasy disqualify, not by Terumah (see Rashi).
(j) Question: Are we to learn that only by that Pesach is the one who did not circumcise the males of his household restricted?
(k) Answer: The Torah links the Pesach.
1. Question: Then what is the role of "Bo" here?
2. Answer: This restriction does not apply to eating Terumah.
(l) Question: What of breaking bones?
(m) Answer: Pesach is linked.
1. Question: Then what is the role of "Bo" here?
2. Answer: Only a Kosher Korban has the restriction.
(n) Question: What of eating it half-roasted?
(o) Answer: Pesach is linked.
1. Question: Then what is the role of "Mimenu?"
2. Answer: To teach us the Din of Rabah citing R. Yitzhok.
(a) Question: What is the source?
(b) Answer: "Oso" -only *this* Korban is eaten in haste.
(a) Question: How can a Korban Pesach be eaten for seven days?

(b) Answer: The Mishna speaks of the Chametz restriction (implying that Pesach Mitzrayim only had one night of such restriction).
(c) Question: We know from the Bereisa that the Chametz prohibition was also by day!?
(d) Answer: The Mishna is speaking of the Korban Pesach (only at night, like our Pesach) and then goes on to say that the prohibition of Chametz was only one day, unlike ours which is seven days.
(a) R. Yehoshua wondered about his tradition that Temuras Pesach *is* offered and Temuras Pesach *is not* offered.
(b) R. Akiva explained the *not offered* as when the original Korban is found before the replacement is Shechted.
1. It has been rejected and can only be sold (when it develops a Mum) and the proceeds are used for Shelamim.
2. The same is true of a Temurah made before the Shechitah.
3. *After* the Shechitah, the found animal itself (as well as the animal made a Temurah) may be offered as a Shelamim.
(c) Question: R. Yehoshua should teach that *Pesach* is offered and not offered?
(d) Answer: He teaches that Temuras Pesach is also considered rejected.
(e) [Rabah] The law of the Mishna hinges on the actual Shechitah.
(f) [R. Zeira] The law hinges on Chatzos, the time for Shechitah.
1. Question: But the Mishna says "before the *Shechitah*?
2. Answer: It means before the *time* for the Shechitah.
(g) This dispute also appears between the Tana'im.
(a) [Rabah] The law applies only if it was found after Shechitah and the substitution was done after the Shechitah, but if it was found before the Shechitah and the substitution was after, the substitute is rejected, like the original.
(b) Question [Abaye]: The Bereisa learns from "Im Kesev" to include a substituted animal after the Pesach may be brought as a Shelamim?
1. It would go without saying if it is found after Shechitah and the substitution is made after Shechitah.
2. It must be that it was found before Shechitah and the substitution was after Shechitah!
(c) Answer: It was after Shechitah (and could be derived logically) and the Pasuk is only an Asmachta.
(d) Question: Then what does the Pasuk teach?
(e) Answer: To teach that he must burn the tail with the Eimurim.
(f) There are those who learn the above sequence as applying to the Reisha of the Mishna (that the Pesach which is found before Shechitah is rejected and must be sold after it develops a Mum, and the same for its substitution):
1. [Rabah] This law is speaking where it was found before Shechitah and the substitution was done before Shechitah, but if it was found before Shechitah and the substitution was after Shechitah, the substitute is offered as a Shelamim (since the Shechitah only stamped that which was eligible).
2. Question [Abaye]: Citing Bereisa as above.
(i) I would not need a Pasuk to invalidate it if it was found before Shechitah (and was thus pushed away) and substituted before Shechitah (copying that rejection).
(ii) It must be that it was found before Shechitah and the substitution was after Shechitah, and yet the Pasuk teaches us that this is rejected, thus refuting Rabah.
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