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by Rabbi Ephraim Becker
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Pesachim 100


(a) Question: This Bereisa was reported to R. Pinchas b. R. Ami and was accepted, and is thus, indeed, difficult!
(b) Answer: We learn like R. Huna (aligning the Mishnah like R. Yosi).
(c) Question: But we find that R. Yosi argues even by Erev Pesach!
1. This is inferred from a ruling in accordance with R. Yehudah.
2. A ruling implies a dispute, and the subject is Erev Pesach!
(d) Answer: The correct inference is that they argue over stopping in the middle of eating; but agree about the restriction of eating.
1. The cited incident indicates the dispute over interrupting.
2. The incident resulted in a Halachic ruling like R. Yosi.
(e) [Shmuel cited by R. Yehudah] The Halachah is not like R. Yehudah nor like R. Yosi, rather one spreads a cloth and recites Kidush.

(f) Question: But Shmuel taught that we interrupt (implying stopping)!
(g) Answer: The interruption is only to place the cloth.
1. In the cited incident the Reish Gelusa covered the food and recited Kidush.
2. A Bereisa is brought to support this law.
(h) Question: One Bereisa teaches that R. Yehudah and R. Yosi agree that one may not begin his meal, and another Bereisa teaches that they agree that one *may* begin!?
1. The Bereisa which maintains that there is agreement that one may *not* begin could well refer to Erev Pesach.
2. However, when would they agree that one *may* begin (we know that they *argue* by Erev Shabbos)?!
(i) Answer: They agree to permit beginning before nine hours (and they argue after nine hours).
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