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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Pesachim 121

PESACHIM 120-121 (25-26 Kislev) - the Daf study material for the first day of Chanukah has been dedicated to the memory of Hagaon Rav Yisrael Zev Gustman ZaTZaL (author of "Kuntresei Shiurim"), whose Shiurim lit the eyes of many, by his students.



(a) 'Zevach' applies either to the Chagigah of the fourteenth or to Nedarim and Nedavos (e.g. Shelamim).

(b) The reason that Rebbi Akiva obligates a separate Berachah over the Pesach and the Zevach - is because if one makes Shefichah with the blood of the Zevach or Zerikah with that of the Pesach, one is not Yotze.

(c) Rebbi Yishmael agrees with Rebbi Akiva with regard to the Berachah over the Pesach - because Shefichah does not incorporate Zerikah (and if one therefore made Zerikah with the blood of the Pesach one would not be Yotze), but not regarding the Berachah over the Zevach (where one *would* be Yotze, if one made Shefichah instead of Zerikah, because Zerikah incorporates Shefichah).

(a) Rebbi Yishmael learns from the Pasuk "ve'Dam Zevachecha Yishafech" - that the Pasach must be poured and not sprinkled.

(b) Presumably, Rebbi Akiva too, will agree with that.

(c) Zerikah comprised the Kohen holding the bowl in his hands, and sprinkling the blood from a distance on two diagonally-opposite corners of the Mizbei'ach (i.e. the north-eastern and the south-western corners) whereas by Shefichah, the Kohen stood on the Yesod, right next to the Mizbei'ach, and poured the blood at his feet on to the Yesod.

(d) The only Korban that requires neither Zerikah nor Shefichah - is the Chatas. To sprinkle the blood of the Chatas, the Kohen had to dip his hand into the bowl, and then to sprinkle it on to each of the four corners of the Mizbei'ach.




(a) The two Berachos that are recited at a Pidyon ha'Ben are 'Baruch ... Al Pidyon ha'Ben' and 'Shehechiyanu'.

(b) The father is the one who performs the Mitzvah of redeeming his first- born son, therefore he is obviously the one to recite the first Berachah.

(c) Nevertheless, the Gemara initially thinks that it may be the Kohen who recites 'Shehechiyanu', since *he* is the one to benefit (financially) - and in most cases, 'Shehechiyanu' is connected with physical pleasure or material benefit.

(d) In fact, the Gemara concludes, it is the father who recites 'Shehechiyanu', too (because the aspect of Mitzvah over-rides that of benefit).

4) This Sugya is inserted here - because, like the Din of the Mishnah on the previous Amud, it deals with one person who is confronted with two connected Berachos and a Sha'leh of whether he recites one of them or both.

***** Hadran Alach 'Arvei Pesachim', u'Selika Lach Maseches Pesachim! *****

On to Shekalim


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