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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Pesachim 50


(a) The Pasuk in Zecharyah "ve'Hayah ba'Yom ha'Hu, Yihyeh Or Yekaros ve'Kipa'on" teaches us that there is something which is precious (rare) in this world, but will be easily available (or that is significant in this world but will be cheap) in the World to Come?
To which three things does this refer?

(b) What did Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi see when he said that he had seen an inverted world?

(c) His father told him that he saw well.
How did he see the Talmidei- Chachamim there?

(a) What should a person bring with him when he arrives at the Gates of Heaven?

(b) Which group of people are supreme in Heaven?

(c) What causes the Gemara to amend the initial wording of 'Harugei Malchus'?

(d) The correct wording, the Gemara concludes, must be 'Harugei Lud'.
Who were the Harugei Lud?

(a) According to Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi, how large will Yerushalayim be in time to come?

(b) Rebbi Elazar interprets the same Pasuk in Zecharyah ("ba'Yom ha'Hu, Yihye Al Metzilos ha'Sus Kodesh la'Hashem") to mean that all the ornaments that one hangs between the horse's eyes will be holy.
Rebbi Yochanan appears to make a compromise between the two explanations.
How does *he* interpret the Pasuk?

(c) According to the first two explanations ...

  1. ... how does this connect with the continuation of the Pasuk "Vehayah ha'Siros be'Veis Hashem ke'Mizrakim Lifenei ha'Mizbei'ach"?
  2. ... what does the continuation of the Pasuk "ve'Lo Yihye Kena'ani Od be'Veis Hashem" mean?
(a) And how does Rebbi Yochanan explain this latter Pasuk?

(b) From where do we know that "Kena'ani" means a businessman or a merchant?

(a) How does the Gemara interpret the Pasuk (ibid) ...
  1. ... "ba'Yom ha'Hu Yihye Hashem Echad"? Do we not say every day "Shema Yisrael ... Hashem *Echad*"?
  2. ... "u'Shemo Echad"? Is His Name not One in this world, too?
(b) What did that old man tell Rava when he was about to reveal the Name of Hashem (with the appropriate vowels) in his annual Derashah?

(c) What is the significance of the Pasuk in Sh'mos "Zeh She'mi le'Olam, ve'Zeh Zichri le'Dor Dor"?

***** Hadran Alach, 'Elu Ovrin'! *****

***** Perek Makom she'Nahagu. *****
(a) Until when is it only customary not to do work on Erev Pesach? How about after that?

(b) What is the reason for this?

(c) What should someone do if he arrives in a town where the Minhag is to work until midday from a town where the Minhag is *not* to, or vice-versa?

(d) What major reason does the Mishnah give for not deviating from the local Minhag (though this needs clarification)?

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7) 'Ha'Holech mi'Makom she'Kalu le'Makom she'Lo Kalu ... Chayav Leva'er'. What is a 'Makom she'Kalu' and what is a 'Makom she'Lo Kalu'?


(a) From which time of day is work forbidden ...
  1. ... on Erev Pesach?
  2. ... on Erev Shabbos and every other Erev Yom-Tov?
(b) What other difference is there between someone who works on Erev Pesach and someone who works on another Erev Yom-Tov or on Erev Shabbos?

(c) Why will someone who works on Motza'ei Shabbos, Motza'ei Yom-Tov or Motza'ei Yom Kipur not receive a Divine blessing?

(d) Which other occasion should be added to this list?

(a) Who is ...
  1. ... a Zariz ve'Nifsad'?
  2. ... a Shafal ve'Niskar'?
(b) Into which category did the women of Mechuza belong?

(c) How does Rava reconcile the apparent contradiction between the two Pesukim in Tehilim "Ki Gadol *Ad* Shamayim Chasdecha" and "Ki Gadol *me'Al* Shamayim Chasdecha"?

(d) With which principle does this conform?

(a) What is ...
  1. ... 'Maskulta'?
  2. ... Rechayim?
Why can neither of them expect to see a Divine blessing in their work?

(b) What do we learn from the Pasuk in Mishlei "Sadin Asesah va'Timkor"?

(c) Why is selling jars and (bundles) of canes (to build fences) not a lucrative business?

(d) Why is there is no Divine blessing for ...

  1. ... market-vendors;
  2. ... people who rear small animals:
  3. ... people who chop down good trees to sell as firewood;
  4. ... for those who are forever trying to obtain the bigger portion?
    What do they all gave in common?
(a) The Gemara considers it obvious that 1. a Meturgeman (whose job it is to translate the Derashah on Shabbos and Yom-Tov); 2. someone who invests the property of orphans for a percentage and 3. someone who is dependent on his far-flung ships for an income, will not receive a Divine blessing in their respective undertakings.
Why not?

(b) Why did the Anshei Keneses ha'Gedolah fervently pray that the Sofrim should not become rich?

(c) Is it possible for a Sofer to circumvent this curse?

(a) What did the residents of Baishan ask Rebbi Yochanan about traveling from Tzor to Tzidon?

(b) What did he reply?

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