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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Pesachim 62


(a) According to Rav Ashi, the source of the Machlokes Rabah and Rav Chisda (whether a Machsheves Areilim from the Shechitah to the Zerikah is effective or not) is the Pasuk in Vayikra "ve'Nirtzah Lo Lechaper Alav" ('Alav ve'Lo Al Chavero').
What Pesul are we talking about? Which basic concept (according to everybody) do we learn from this Derashah?

(b) What will be the Din by Shechato le'Mulim, li'Zerok ha'Dam la'Areilim *Menuyim*?

(c) How does Rabah learn from the the Pasuk in a. that such a Machshavah is Kasher?

(d) What does Rav Chisda say to that?

2) We just learnt that Rav Chisda *holds* of Ho'il, and Rabah does *not*. They both appear to have switched their opinions from the case of 'ha'Ofeh mi'Yom-Tov le'Chol' (quoted above on 46b).
How do we reconcile ...
  1. ... Rabah *here* with his opinion *there*, where he *does* hold of Ho'il?
  2. ... Rav Chisda *here* with his opinion *there*, where he does *not* hold of Ho'il?


(a) The Beraisa on the previous Amud, suggested 'Ho'il ve'Orlah Poseles, ve'Tum'ah Poseles. Mah Tum'ah, Lo Asah Miktzas Tum'ah ke'Chol Tum'ah, Af Orlah' ... . What is the problem with establishing the Beraisa by Tum'as Gavri (when some of the *owners* are Tamei, as opposed to some of the *limbs*)

(b) The Seifa of the Beraisa reads 'Danin Davar she'Eino Noheg be'Chol ha'Zevachim (Orlah) mi'Davar she'Eino Noheg be'Chol ha'Zevachim (Tum'ah), ve'Al Yochi'ach Z'man' ... .
What sort of Tum'ah is the Seifa talking about?

(c) Why do the Pesulim of Orlah and Tum'ah not apply to all Kodshim - only to Pesach?

(d) Is it not strange, for the Reisha to be talking about Tum'as Basar, and the Seifa about Tum'as ha'Guf? How does the Gemara initially answer this?

(a) The Gemara gives an alternative answer to the previous question, according to Rebbi Yehoshua? What does Rebbi Yehoshua say, and what is the answer?

(b) Why is the Pesach different?

(c) The Seifa of the Seifa states 'Danin Davar she'Lo Hutar mi'Chelalo (Orlah), mi'Davar she'Lo Hutar mi'Chelalo, ve'Al Tochi'ach Tum'ah, she'Harei Hutrah mi'Chelalah. How is ...

  1. ... Tum'as Gavri Hutrah mi'Chelalah?
  2. ... Tum'as ha'Guf Hutrah mi'Chelalah ?
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(a) A Pesach is only Kasher within its first year.
If someone Shechts a Pesach which has passed its first birthday, it is Kasher. If however, one Shechted another animal as a Pesach - bi'Zemano, Rebbi Eliezer rules that it is Pasul.
What does Rebbi Yehoshua say, and what is his reason?

(b) What would Rebbi Eliezer say if one were to Shecht the same animal she'Lo bi'Zemano as a Pesach? How is this a Kashya on Rav Chisda, who holds 'Ho'il' Lechumra?

(c) How does Rav Chisda answer the Kashya from the Pasuk in Bo "va'Amartem Zevach Pesach Hu"?

(a) What is Sefer Yuchsin?

(b) Perhaps Rebbi Yochanan had some *unkown* reason for not wanting to teach it to Rav Simla'i.
What reason did he present to Rav Simla'i for not doing so?

(c) Why did Rebbi Yochanan consider Rav Simla'i's request to learn Sefer Yuchsin in three months ridiculous?

(d) What was Beruri'ah's learning capacity?

(a) Before departing, Rav Simla'i asked Rebbi Yochanan why Lishemo ve'she'Lo Lishemo is Pasul, whereas le'Ochlav ve'she'Lo le'Ochlav is Kasher. He gave him four reasons.
What are they?

(b) According to Rava, Rebbi Yochanan only gave Rav Simla'i three reasons. Why is that?

(a) Sefer Yuchsin seems to have had some almost magical power.
What happened after it was forgotten?

(b) How many camel-loads of Derashos did they carry, that were Darshened between "Atzel" and "Atzel"?

(c) What does 'between Atzel and Atzel' mean?

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