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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Pesachim 71


(a) What do we learn from the Pasuk in Re'ei "Vehayisa Ach Samei'ach"?

(b) And what does the word "Ach" teach us?

(c) How would this distinction between the first night of Yom-Tov and the night of Shemini Atzeres appear to be a proof for Ula quoting Rebbi Elazar (who requires Zevichah be'Sha'as Simchah)?

(d) Why is this proof not conclusive? What is the alternative way of explaining it?

(a) What does the Mitzvah of Simchah on Yom-Tov comprise?

(b) Is there an obligation of Simchah on the *day* of Shemini Atzeres?

(c) How will Ula quoting Rebbi Elazar explain the Beraisa which permits the Chagigas Arba'ah-Asar to be used as Shalmei Simchah?

(d) Why is this the only feasible way of understanding the Beraisa?

(a) According to Ula quoting Rebbi Elazar (mentioned in the previous question), the Mishnah 'ha'Hallel *ve'ha'Simchah, Shemonah*' does not appear to be functional when the first day of Yom-Tov falls on Shabbos.
On what two grounds does the Gemara reject the answer that one can fulfill it with the goats of the Se'eirei Chatas?

(b) Then how *do* we explain the Mishnah even when the first day of Yom-Tov falls on Shabbos?

(a) Ravin disagrees with Ula. What does he quote Rebbi Elazar as saying?

(b) Does Ravin also argue with Ula regarding using the Chagigas Arba'ah-Asar for the Chagigas Chamishah-Asar (if it was not brought with the Pesach) for the Chagigas Chamishah-Asar?

(a) To which Korban does the Pasuk in Mishpatim "ve'Lo Yolin Chelev Chagi Ad Boker" refer?

(b) What does Rav Kahana learn from the juxtaposition of this Pasuk to the word "Reishis"?

(c) Why is there no problem with the fact that, were it not for "Reishis", the Chalavim would be permitted until the second morning, whereas the meat became Asur already the night before?

(d) What problem does Rav Yosef have with Rav Kahana's Derashah from "Reishis"?

Answers to questions



(a) How do we know that the Pasuk in Re'ei "Lo Yalin Min ha'Basar Asher Tizbach ba'Erev ba'Yom ha'Rishon la'Boker" is referring to the Chagigas Arba'ah-Asar, and not the Chagigas Chamishah-Asar?

(b) How does the Tana initially learn the Pasuk "ba'Yom ha'Rishon la'Boker"?

(c) How do we then explain the continuation of the Beraisa 'O Eino Ela Boker Rishon'?

(d) How does the Beraisa refute this suggestion?

(a) How do we finally establish ...
  1. ... the Pasuk "Im Neder O Nedavah" (which permits eating a Neder or a Nedavah for two days)?
  2. ... "Lo Yalin ... ba'Erev ba'Yom ha'Rishon la'Boker"?
(b) What do we finally learn from here?

(c) How does this conclude Rav Yosef's Kashya on Rav Kahana?

(a) Is one Chayav Chatas for Shechting a Pesach as a Shelamim on Shabbos?

(b) If someone Shechts other Korbanos in the name of a Pesach, according to Rebbi Yehoshua, sometimes he will be Chayav, and sometimes, Patur.
When is he Chayav and when is he Patur?

(c) Why is he Patur?

(a) According to Rebbi Eliezer, he is Chayav even if the Korban is fit for a Korban Pesach.
How does he learn this from a Kal va'Chomer from someone who Shechts a Korban Pesach in similar circumstances?

(b) How does Rebbi Yehoshua counter Rebbi Eliezer's argument by differentiating between 'Shinneihu be'Davar Asur' and 'Shinehu be'Davar Mutar'?

(c) Rebbi Yehoshua rejects Rebbi Eliezer's proof from Eimurei Tzibur on the grounds that they have a fixed quota, whereas the Pesach does not.
What is the reaasoning behind this distinction?

(d) Rebbi Meir is even more lenient (with regard to someone who Shechts another Korban for the Eimurei Tzibur, than Rebbi Yehoshua.
What does *he* say?

(a) Will someone be Chayav if he Shechts a Pesach on Shabbos ...
  1. ... for anyone who cannot eat it?
  2. ... for some people who can and for some who cannot?
  3. ... if he Shechts it and it turns out to be a blemished animal?
  4. ... if he Shechts it and it turns out to be Tereifah (in a place which is invisible)?
(b) Why is he Patur if after the Shechitah, he discovered that the owner had withdrawn, died or become Tamei?
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