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Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman
of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Sanhedrin 50


(a) (Mishnah): Stoning, burning...
(b) Stoning is more severe than burning, for it is given to blasphemers and idolaters.
(c) Question: Those are considered severe transgressions because they rebel against Hash-m; (the reasons for the severity of the transgressions remains the same in the entire discussion, we will not repeat them every time).
1. A Bas Kohen who was Mezanah is burned, this is severe because she profanes her father!
(d) Answer: Chachamim say that a Bas Kohen is burned only if she had Nisuin (or is a Bogeres or non-virgin), but a (virgin) Mekudeshes Na'arah is stoned (like a Bas Yisrael);
1. Surely, the Torah is more stringent when she is Mekudeshes (she disgraces her father even more, she was Mezanah while under his jurisdiction) - it follows that stoning is more severe than burning.
(e) Stoning is more severe than beheading, for it is given to blasphemers and idolaters.
(f) Question: People of an Ir ha'Nidachas are beheaded, this is more severe!
1. Question: What is the stringency of an Ir ha'Nidachas?
2. Answer: We destroy their property.
(g) Answer: Enticing to serve idolatry is worse than serving it;
1. (Beraisa): The ones who enticed a city to become an Ir ha'Nidachas are stoned.
(h) Stoning is more severe than choking, for it is given to blasphemers and idolaters.
(i) Question: One who wounds a parent is choked; this is severe because honor of parents is compared to honor of Hash-m.
(j) Answer: Since a Nesu'ah (Bas Yisrael) is choked for Zenus, and a Mekudeshes Na'arah (Yisrael) is stoned, it follows that stoning is more severe than choking.
(k) Burning is more severe than beheading, for a Bas Yisrael who was Mezanah is choked.
(l) Question: People of an Ir ha'Nidachas are beheaded!
(m) Answer: It says "Aviha" by stoning a Mekudeshes Na'arah, and also by burning a Bas Kohen;
1. Just as stoning is more severe than beheading, also burning.
(n) Burning is more severe than choking, for a Bas Kohen is burned (the stringency is that she profanes her father).
(o) Question: One who wounds a parent is choked!
(p) Answer: Since a (Nesu'ah) Bas Yisrael who was Mezanah is choked, and a Bas Kohen is burned, this shows that burning is more severe.
(q) Beheading is more severe than choking, for it is given to people of an Ir ha'Nidachas.
(r) Question: One who wounds a parent is choked.
(s) Answer: Ir ha'Nidachas is more severe, for idolatry is a rebellion against Hash-m.
(a) (Mishnah - R. Shimon): Burning...
(b) Burning is more severe than stoning, for a Bas Kohen who was Mezanah is burned, this is severe because she profanes her father.
(c) Question: Stoning is severe, for it is given to blasphemers and idolaters;
1. These are severe because they rebel against Hash-m.
(d) Answer: R. Shimon says that a Bas Kohen is burned even if she is Mekudeshes;
1. A Mekudeshes Bas Yisrael is stoned - surely, the Torah is more stringent regarding a Bas Kohen.
(e) Burning is more severe than choking, for a Bas Kohen who was Mezanah is burned.
(f) Question: One who wounds a parent is choked; this is severe because honor of parents is compared to honor of Hash-m!
(g) Answer: Since a (Nesu'ah) Bas Yisrael who was Mezanah is choked, and a Bas Kohen is burned, this shows that burning is more severe.
(h) Burning is more severe than beheading, for a Bas Kohen who was Mezanah is burned.
(i) Question: Beheading is severe, for it is given to people of an Ir ha'Nidachas - their property is destroyed!
(j) Answer: Enticing to serve idolatry is worse than serving it;
1. R. Shimon holds that the ones who enticed a city to idolatry are choked, surely this is more severe than beheading.

2. Burning is more severe than choking, all the more so it is more severe than beheading!
(k) Stoning is more severe than choking, for it is given to blasphemers and idolaters.
(l) Question: One who wounds a parent is choked!
(m) Answer: Since a Nesu'ah (Bas Yisrael) is choked for Zenus, and a Mekudeshes Na'arah (Yisrael) is stoned, it follows that stoning is more severe.
(n) Stoning is more severe than beheading, for it is given to blasphemers...
(o) Question: Beheading is severe, for it is given to people of an Ir ha'Nidachas!
(p) Answer: Enticing to serve idolatry is worse than serving it;
1. (R. Shimon holds that) the ones who enticed a city to idolatry are choked, surely this is more severe than beheading.
2. Stoning is more severe than choking, all the more so it is more severe than beheading!
(q) Choking is more severe than beheading, for it is given to one who wounds a parent.
(r) Question: Beheading is severe, for it is given to people of an Ir ha'Nidachas!
(s) Answer: Enticing to serve idolatry is worse than serving it;
1. The ones who enticed a city to idolatry are choked, surely this is more severe than beheading.
2. (Beraisa): The ones who enticed a city to idolatry are stoned;
3. R. Shimon says, they are choked.
(a) (R. Yochanan): (Chachamim say that) if a Mekudeshes Na'arah Bas Kohen was Mezanah, she is stoned; R. Shimon says, she is burned.
1. If she was Mezanah with her father, she is stoned; R. Shimon says, a Bas Kohen is burned.
(b) Question: What does R. Yochanan teach?
(c) Answer: Chachamim say that stoning applies only to a Nesu'ah (or Bogeres or non-virgin), not to a (virgin) Mekudeshes Na'arah; R. Shimon says, it applies to both.
(d) Question: What is the reason for the argument?
(e) Answer: Chachamim say that stoning is more severe, R. Shimon says that burning is more severe.
1. This reason also teaches about anyone who is liable to both Misos, he receives the harsher one.
(f) Question: What is the source of R. Shimon's opinion about a Mekudeshes Na'arah?
(g) Answer (Beraisa - R. Shimon): The Torah gave two general rules about a Bas Kohen...
(h) Interjection: His rules also apply to a Bas Yisrael! (This questioner already knows R. Shimon's opinion.)
(i) Correction: The Torah gave two general rules (that should have applied) *even* regarding a Bas Kohen (a Nesu'ah that was Mezanah is choked, a Mekudeshes Na'arah is stoned);
1. The Torah said that a Nesu'ah Bas Kohen has a different law than a Nesu'ah Bas Yisrael, and a Mekudeshes Bas Kohen has a different law than a Mekudeshes Bas Yisrael (i.e. the Bas Kohen is burned);
2. Just as (even Chachamim agree that) a Nesu'ah Bas Kohen gets a harsher Misah than a Nesu'ah Bas Yisrael, also a Mekudeshes Bas Kohen.
3. The special law of a Bas Kohen does not apply to Zomemim witnesses that are killed for testifying that a Nesu'ah or Mekudeshes Bas Kohen was Mezanah (they are choked or stoned, as if they testified about a Bas Yisrael).
(j) (Beraisa) Suggestion: "U'Vas Ish Kohen Ki *Sechel*" - perhaps this refers even to Chilul (desecration of) Shabbos!
(k) Rejection: "Liznos" - the verse only applies to Zenus.
(l) Suggestion: Perhaps it even applies to a single girl!
(m) Rejection: It says here "Aviha", like it says regarding a Mekudeshes Na'arah;
1. Just like there she has a husband, also here.
(n) Question: Perhaps "Aviha" (here) teaches that she is burned only if she was Mezanah with her father (and is not free for the Gezerah Shavah)!
(o) Answer: "Hi Michaleles" implies that she was Mezanah with someone else (if it was with her father, he is Mechalel her), therefore, "Aviha" is free for the Gezerah Shavah.
(p) Question: There it referred to a Mekudeshes Na'arah - how do we know to include a Nesu'ah or a Bogeres, even if she is old?
(q) Answer: '*U*'Vas" - in any case.
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