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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

Introduction to Shabbos

Shabbos 2

1) What is the penalty for performing a Melachah on Shabbos?


(a) What does '*Yetzi'os* ha'Shabbos' incorporate?

(b) What does 'Shetayim she'Hen Arba' mean?

(c) And what is the meaning of 'bi'Fenim' and 'ba'Chutz'?

(d) What does one have to do in order to be Chayav for transporting or carrying on Shabbos?

(a) Which are the two cases in which the rich man is Chayav?

(b) The Mishnah concludes both of them with the words 'u'Ba'al ha'Bayis Patur'.
What does Patur usually mean, what does it mean in this case?

(c) 'Pashat he'Ani es Yado Lifenim, ve'Natal Ba'al ha'Bayis mi'Tochah, O she'Nasan le'Tochah, ve'Hotzi, Sheneihem Peturim'. Why is that?

(d) When the Mishnah concludes 'Sheneihem Peturim' is it referring to the Akiros or to the Hanachos or to both?

Answers to questions



(a) What does 'Shevu'os Shetayim she'Hen Arba' mean?

(b) What does 'Yedi'os ha'Tum'ah Shetayim she'Hen Arba' mean?

(c) What are the initial two Mar'os Nega'im, what are the remaining two, and from which word in the Torah do we learn them?

(a) Our Mishnah elaborates 'two which are four for the one inside, and two which are four for the one outside' whilst in Shevu'os, the Mishnah just writes 'two which are four'.
The Gemara asks this question, and answers that the Mishnah in Shevu'os confines itself to the Avos, whereas *our* Mishnah also includes the Toldos.
What is wrong with that answer, and why can we not explain that it mentions all the Avos (the Yetzi'os), some le'Chiyuv, and some li'Petur ?

(b) What does the Gemara finally answer?

(c) Why are Yetzi'os considered Avos, and Hachnasos, Toldos?

(a) The Gemara brings a proof from both the Mishnah in K'lal Gadol and from our Mishnah, that the Tana refers to Hachnasos as Yetzi'os. What are the proofs?

(b) How does Rava refute that proof?

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