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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Shabbos 43


(a) How does *Rav Yosef* explain Rav Chisda (who forbids the placing of a receptacle to receive the egg laid by the chicken, but who permits covering it with a dish to prevent it from becoming broken)? What is Rav Chisda's reason, according to him?

(b) How does Rav Yosef explain the Beraisa which permits one to place ...

1. ... a receptacle under a broken barrel of Tevel wine?
2. ... a receptacle to receive the sparks?
3. ... a bench to support a sagging beam?
4. ... a receptacle underneath a leaking roof?
(c) Under which two conditions is it permitted to move an overturned basket onto which chickens have jumped?
(a) Rav Yitzchok disagrees with Rav Chisda. According to him, even to cover a freshly-laid egg with an overturned dish (to prevent someone from breaking it) is forbidden.

(b) Then how does Rav Yitzchak explain all of the Beraisos (quoted above) which permit the handling of vessels and receptacles for the various purposes described earlier?

(c) According to him, why does the Beraisa permit the spreading of mats to cover ...

1. ... stones?
2. ... bricks?
Answers to questions



(a) When is a regular honey-comb not Muktzah?

(b) What do 'those two honey-combs' refer to, and what is special about them?

(a) Having designated the honey for the bees, they are Muktzah? So according to Rav Yitzchak, how can the Beraisa allow one to cover those two honey-combs with a mat?

(b) What must he be careful about, when covering the honey-combs with the mats?

(c) Who must be the author of the Beraisa, and why?

(d) In that case, what does the Tana mean when he writes 'u'Vilevad she'Lo Yiskaven la'Tzud? Doesn't Rebbi Yehudah hold 'Davar she'Ein Miskaven, Asur'?

(a) Rav Ashi dispenses with the need to establish the Beraisa by those two honey-combs, because he takes note of the Lashon of the Beraisa 'ba'Chamah' and 'u'va'Geshamim'.
What does he deduce from there?

(b) How does *he* explain the Beraisa?

(a) How does one go about protecting a corpse from the sun?

(b) Why is it necessary to hold the mats aloft, before standing up the stretchers to support them?

(c) How is this a proof for Rav Yitzchak (mentioned on the previous Amud)?

(a) What method is there of actually moving the corpse out of the sun - if one does not have a loaf of bread or a baby to place on it?

(b) What is the reason of those who do not agree with this method?

(c) Rebbi Yehudah ben Lakish permits the removal of a corpse to save it from a fire.
What are the two possible reasons for this Heter?

8) May one move the oil that remains in a lamp after it has gone out?

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