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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Shabbos 104


(a) How did the children Darshen 'Alef-Beis, Gimel Daled'?

(b) Why does ...

  1. ... the leg of the 'Gimel' stretch towards the 'Daled'?
  2. ... the leg of the 'Daled' stretch towards the 'Gimel'?
  3. ... the face of the Daled turn away from the 'Gimel'?
(c) What do ...
  1. ... the 'Hey' and the 'Vav' ...
  2. ... the 'Zayin', 'Ches', Tes', Yud' Chaf' and 'Lamed' ...
... stand for?

(d) What do the following mean:

  1. 'Mem' Pesuchah u'Mem' Setumah?
  2. 'Nun' Kefufah ve'Nun' Peshutah?
  3. the 'Samech' and the 'Ayin' (besides S'moch Aniyim)?
(a) What is the meaning of ...
  1. ... 'Peh' Pasu'ach, 'Peh' Sasum?
  2. ... 'Tzadei' Kafuf, 'Tzadei' Pashut? Is this not the same as 'Nun'
Kefufah, 'Nun' Peshutah?

(b) what important lesson do we learn from here?

(c) What did the children Darshen from the Kuf and the Reish? Why does the face of the Reish not face the Kuf, and why does the crown of the Kuf nevertheless lean towards the Reish?

(a) Why does the leg of the Kuf not reach its head?

(b) The Ba'al Teshuvah could crawl underneath the leg of the Kuf and climb into the wide space on its right. We do not however, make him do that, on account of Resh Lakish's Derashah from the Pasuk in Mishlei "Im le'Leitzim Hu Yalitz, ve'Im la'Anavim Yiten Chen".
What does Resh Lakish Darshen from that Pasuk?

(c) 'Shin and 'Tav' represent Sheker and Emes.
Why are the letters of Sheker consecutive, while those of Emes are far apart, representing the beginning, the middle and the end of the spectis 1rum.

(d) And why do all the letters of Sheker stand on one leg (on a narrow base), while those of Emes stand on a wide base?

(a) What is 1. AT BaSH; 2. ACHaS BeTA GIF etc. and 3.EL, BaM, GaN DaS. (all sequences of Gematriyos)?

(b) What message did Hashem convey via these Gematriyos ...

  1. ... to the Resha'im?
  2. ... to the Tzadikim?
(c) On what grounds does Hashem have pity on Yisrael, and does not send them to Gehinom?

(d) What does Hashem answer Gehinom when it lays claim to all of mankind?

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(a) Regarding the Melachah of Kosev, is there any difference whether one writes with ink, sap, paint, dye or even glue or Kankantum (vitreol)?

(b) Is one Chayav for writing ...

  1. ... two letters on two walls of a house, or on two pages of a ledger?
  2. ... on one's skin?
(a) Why is one Patur for writing with liquids, fruit-juices or Avak Derachim on Shabbos?

(b) What are the two meanings of 'Avak Derachim'?

(c) Is someone Chayav for writing ...

  1. ... with the pen held in the back of his hand, his toes, his mouth or with the pen held under his arm-pit?
  2. ... one letter beside a letter that is already written, or over a written script?
  3. ... one letter on the ground and one on the ceiling?
  4. ... one letter which is an acronym - such as a 'Kuf' for Kashya (a machlokes Tana'im)?
7) Is on Chayav, for writing with ...
  1. ... Mei Tarya or gallnut?
  2. ... dust, soot or charcoal?
(a) Rebbi Elazar brought a proof from Ben Satda, that people *do* sometimes write on their skin.
How do the Rabbanan refute this proof?

(b) Why can the author of our Mishnah, which rules that someone who writes one letter next to another is not Chayav - not be Rebbi Eliezer?

(c) Does it follow that the author of the Beraisa which writes 'Kasav Os Achas ve'Hishlimah le'Sefer, O Arag Chut Echad ve'Hishlimah le'Beged, Chayav - must be Rebbi Eliezer?

(a) What does Rebbi Yehudah say with regard to the Name of Hashem that was written in a Sefer-Torah without the correct Kavanah? What would be the case? Why would this mean that the author of our Mishnah cannot be Rebbi Yehudah?

(b) If someone writes one letter in Teverya, and one in Tzipori, he is Chayav. How does this differ from someone who writes two letters on two walls of a house, which cannot be read together, and which our Mishnah rules is Patur?

(a) What does the Beraisa mean when it writes 'Hegya Os Achas, Chayav' ...
  1. ... according to Rav Sheshes?
  2. ... according to Rava?
(b) How do we reconcile the Beraisa which says that someone who means to write one letter (such as a Ches), but by mistake he writes two (a Zayin), is Chayav, with our Mishnah, which writes Patur.
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