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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Shabbos 126

1) How does Rebbi Aba quoting Rebbi Kahana, explain the Rabbanan, who say (regarding the window-stopper) 'Bein Kach, u'Vein Kach, Pokekin Bo'?


(a) The Mishnah in Eiruvin writes 'Nagar ha'Nigrar, No'alin Bo ba'Mikdash, Aval Lo bi'Medinah'. Who is the author of this Mishnah, and why the difference?

(b) Why does the Tana forbid a Nagar ha'Munach even in the Beis Ha'mikdash?

(a) What does Rebbi Yehudah hold regarding Nagar ha'Munach?

(b) What does Rebbi Yirmiyah now ask on Rebbi Aba (quoted in 1.)?

(c) What is Rebbi Aba's answer to that?

(a) What is the problem with Rebbi Yochanan, who rules like Raban Shimon ben Gamliel, from another statement of his, with regard to the next Mishnah - concerning Kisuyei Kelim?

(b) How do we know that Raban Shimon ben Gamliel does not require 'Toras Kli' for an object to be moved?

(c) The Gemara answers the Kashya in b., with the words 'Rebbi Yochanan Sevira Leih Kavaseih be'Chada u'Palig Aleih be'Chada'.
What does this mean?

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5) The Mishnah of Nagar ha'Nigrar (quoted above on Amud Aleph) is a S'tam Mishnah (i.e. the Tana Kama is not named) like Rebbi Eliezer. There is also a Stam Mishnah like the Chachamim ('u'mi'Divreihem Lamadnu she'Pokekin u'Modedin ve'Koshrin be'Shabbos') in Mi she'Hichshich.
Like which Mishnah do we rule, and why?


(a) Why do lids of Kelim that are attached to the ground require handles (even if they can be used independently), but not those of detached vessels?

(b) Rebbi Yochanan is quoted as establishing our Mishnah when the lid has a 'Toras Kli'. How does that force us to explain that it is speaking by Kelim which are attached to the ground?

(c) What is now the Machkoles between Rebbi Yossi (quoted in a.) and the Tana Kama (who does not differentiate between Kisuy Kelim and Kisuy Karka) (two explanations)?

******Hadran Alach, 'Kol ha'Kelim'!*****

******Perek Mefanin.******


(a) For what purpose is one permitted to clear out four or five boxes from a storehouse?

(b) Why is it otherwise forbidden?

(a) Why is one (even a Yisrael) permitted to move Terumah Tehorah on Shabbos, but not Terumah Temei'ah?

(b) What do the following have in common (with regard to moving them on Shabbos):

1. Demai, Ma'aser Rishon from which Terumas Ma'aser has been separated and Ma'aser Sheni and Hekdesh that were redeemed?
2. Tevel, Ma'aser Rishon from which Terumas Ma'aser was not separated, Ma'aser Sheni and Hekdesh that were not redeemed, and Lof (a kind of legume) and mustard-seeds?
(c) Why is one permitted to move a dry Turmus-bean on Shabbos?

(d) Why does Raban Shimon ben Gamliel permit moving Lof?

9) Under what circumstances may one move bundles of straw, wood and Zeradin (a type of bamboo that is cut when still soft)?


(a) If one is permitted to clear five boxes, why, according to Rav Chisda, does the Tana need to write 'four or five'?

(b) In that case, how does Rav Chisda explain 'Aval Lo es ha'Otzer'?

(a) Shmuel explains 'four or five' as being colloquial. How then, does he explain 'Aval Lo es ha'Otzer'?

(b) What is the basis of the Machlokes between Rav Chisda and Shmuel?

(c) Both Rav Chisda and Shmuel agree that one is not permitted to clear out the entire storehouse.
Why not?

(d) If the Tana of the Beraisa forbids clearing out a fresh storehouse, what does he mean when he then wites 'Oseh Bo Shevil'?

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