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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Shekalim 8

SHEKALIM 6-8 (1-3 Teves) - the Dafyomi study for the last days of Chanukah and 3 Teves has been dedicated to the memory of Hagaon Rav Yisrael Zev Gustman ZaTZaL (author of "Kuntresei Shiurim") and his wife (on her Yahrzeit), by a student who merited to study under him.

Shekalim 8


(a) According to Rebbi Meir, Rosh Chodesh Elul is the date for Ma'aser Beheimah.
What does this mean, and what is Rebbi Meir's reason?

(b) How do Rebbi Elazar and Rebbi Shimon learn from the Pasuk in Tehilim "Lavshu Karim ha'Tzon, va'Amakim Ya'atfu Bar, Yisro'u Af Yashiru", that the date for Ma'aser Beheimah is Tishri?

(c) Why does Ben Azai hold that the Elulim must be Ma'asered separately?

(d) What will be the Din according to Ben Azai, if five lambs are born...

  1. ... in Av, five in Elul and five in Tishri?
  2. ... in Tishri and five in the following Av?
(a) Bearing in mind that Ben Azai's disputants are Rebbi Meir, Rebbi Shimon and Rebbi Elazar, what is the problem with the presentation of his statement ('Ho'il ve'Eilu Omrim Kach, ve'Eilu Omrim Kach ... '?

(b) Even if, as the Gemara answers, Ben Azai was referring to the same Machlokes between Rebbi Akiva and Rebbi Yishmael, how could he refer to his Rebbe, Rebbi Akiva, in such a lighthearted manner?

(c) How does the Gemara ascertain the relationship between Ben Azai and Rebbi Akiva from the way that Ben Azai addressed him?

3) Can animals that are born *before* the 'Z'man ha'Goren' (one of the three designated times of Ma'asering each year) be Ma'asered together with animals that are born *after* it?


(a) The year of Ma'aser for trees is determined by the time that they bud, and for produce and olive-trees, when the fruit attains a third of its growth (which is when they can first be eaten).
How would the the first of Tishri determine the two batches of new-born animals (according to Rebbi Elazar and Rebbi Shimon), if Ma'aser Beheimah would be compared to ...
  1. ... the budding of the trees?
  2. ... the third of the growth of the produce and the olives?
(b) Rebbi Shamai compares Ma'aser Beheimah in this regard to produce and olive-trees even according to Rebbi Elazar and Rebbi Shimon in our Mishnah (who give the dividing date aas the first of Tishri) - by establishing our Mishnah according to Rebbi Shimon (Rebbi Shimon will then be following his own reasoning). What does Rebbi Shimon say?

(c) What problem does Rebbi Mana have with this from Ben Azai (of our Mishnah)?

(d) How does the Gemara reconcile both Rebbi Elazar and Rebbi Shimon, and Ben Azai with even the Rabbanan of Rebbi Shimon (See Hagahos ha'Gra) even if they were to go after the time that they became fit to eat?

(a) What does Rebbi Yonah's father learn from the Pasuk in Re'ei "Kol ha'Bechor Asher *Yivaled* ... ha'Zachar *Takdish*"?

(b) How does Rav Huna learn the same thing from Ben Azai and the Rabbanan?

Halachah 2


(a) What was the Lishkah?

(b) They would draw money from the Lishkah and put it into three boxes.
How were the boxes marked, and what was the purpose of marking them?

(c) How much did each of these boxes contain?

(d) According to Rebbi Yishmael, the boxes were marked in Greek lettering ('Alpha', 'Beta' 'Gama').
Why was that?

(a) Why did whoever was chosen to empty the Lishkah, take great care not to wear a garment with a hem, shoes or anything else that might serve as a receptacle?

(b) From which two Pesukim do we derive this concept, one in Bamidbar, the other in Mishlei?

Answers to questions



(a) What was the size of the four or five boxes of straw that the Mishnah in Shabbos permits one to empty from the store-house on Shabbos to make room for guests etc.?

(b) From where do we learn this?

(c) How many Sa'ah did they take from the Lishkah annually?

(a) The Mishnah in Shabbos renders one Chayav for carrying out on Shabbos, sufficient undiluted wine 'to dilute a Kos'.
How much is that and from where do we learn it?

(b) How much *diluted* wine must one carry out in order to be Chayav?

(c) In which regard does the Gemara give the Shiur of a Titartun and a quarter?

(a) The Gemara asks whether one is Yotze the four Kosos at the Seder, if one drinks them consecutively (which the Bavli invalidates -Pesachim 108b). What is the answer, and from where so we learn it?

(b) Why is one Yotze if one drinks each of the four cups in spurts?

(c) Is one Yotze at the Seder with ...

  1. ... Matzah of Shevi'is?
  2. ... wine of Shevi'is? Why the difference?
  3. ... Konditon (spiced wine)?
  4. ... White wine?
(d) How much water may one add to the wine for it to retain its status of wine?
(a) Why was Rebbi Yonah of all people, the one to permit boiled wine?

(b) A noble-woman theorized that it must be one of three things that caused Rebbi Yonah's face to shine.
What were they?

(c) What did he answer her?

(d) When Rebbi Avahu came to Teverya, Rebbi Yochanan's disciples thought that his shining face must be due to his having discovered a treasure.
Were they right?

(a) What was the old 'Temunta' measure of Tzipori the equivalent of?

(b) What did Rebbi Yanai's family used to use it for?

(c) Rebbi Yochanan stated that the old half-Sheminis measure of Teverya was the equivalent of a Revi'is. Why did he refer to it as 'old' (according to the text of the Tiklin Chadtin)?

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