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Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman
of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Shevuos 8

SHEVUOS 6-10 - Ari Kornfeld has generously sponsored the Dafyomi publications for these Dafim for the benefit of Klal Yisrael.


(a) (Beraisa): One might have thought, this atones for idolatry, Arayos, and murder.
(b) Question: What is the case of idolatry?
1. If he served intentionally - he is liable to die (of course the goat does not atone for him)!
2. If he served unintentionally - he is liable to bring a sacrifice (of course the goat does not exempt him from this)!
(c) Answer: We can say, he served intentionally without warning (so Beis Din does not kill him);
1. We can say, he served unintentionally and never realized his sin (so he is not yet liable to bring a sacrifice).
(d) Question: What is the case of Arayos?
1. If he sinned intentionally - he is liable to die; if he sinned unintentionally - he must bring a sacrifice!
(e) Answer: We can say, he sinned intentionally without warning, or unintentionally and never realized his sin.
(f) Question: What is the case of murder?
1. If he killed intentionally - he is liable to die; if he killed unintentionally - he must go to a city of refuge (of course the goat does not exempt him from this)!
(g) Answer: We can say, he killed intentionally without warning;
1. Or, he killed unintentionally and never realized it, or in a way that is exempt from exile (e.g. he was engaged in an upward motion).
(a) (Beraisa - R. Yehudah): One might have thought, this atones for these three transgressions - "Mi'Tum'os", not from all Tum'os;
1. Question: Which Tum'os are have a special law (presumably, the verse refers to these)?
2. Answer: Tum'ah of the Mikdash and Kodshim.
(b) Question: In what respect do these Tum'os have a special law?
(c) Answer: The sacrifice for them is an Oleh v'Yored.
(d) Question: Idolatry has a special law, the sin-offering for idolatry must be a female goat, one does not have the option to bring a female lamb (we should say that the inner goat atones for idolatry)!
(e) Answer (Rav Kahana): The inner goat atones for something that has a special leniency, not a special stringency.
(f) Question: A woman who gave birth has a special leniency, she brings an Oleh v'Yored!
(g) Answer (R. Hoshaya): "L'Chol Chatosom" - her sacrifice is for Tum'ah, not for a sin.
1. Question: According to R. Shimon, who says that the sacrifice is to atone in case she swore during labor that she will never have relations with her husband again, how can we answer?
2. Answer: The question does not begin according to R. Shimon, he says that "V'Chiper Al ha'Kodesh" teaches that it atones for Tum'os of the Mikdash and Kodshim.
(h) Question: A Metzora has a special leniency (he brings an Oleh v'Yored)!
(i) Answer (R. Hoshaya): "L'Chol Chatosom" - his sacrifice is for Tum'ah, not for a sin.
1. Question: According to Rav Shmuel bar Nachmani, who says that Tzara'as comes for seven sins, how can we answer?
2. Answer: The Tzara'as atoned for him, the sacrifice is only to permit him to eat Kodshim.
(j) Question: A Nazir Tamei has a special leniency, he brings pigeons or doves (in place of animals)!
(k) Answer (R. Hoshaya): "L'Chol Chatosom" - his sacrifice is for Tum'ah, not for a sin.
1. According to R. Eliezer ha'Kapar, who says that a Nazir is a sinner (for denying himself wine), how can we answer?
2. Answer: He must hold like R. Shimon (who learns from "V'Chiper Al ha'Kodesh").
(l) Question: Why doesn't R. Yehudah learn like R. Shimon?
(m) Answer: He uses "V'Chiper Al ha'Kodesh" to teach that the blood is sprinkled in the Heichal the same way it is sprinkled in the Kodesh ha'Kodoshim (once downwards, seven times upwards).
1. R. Shimon learns this from "V'Chen Ya'aseh l'Ohel Mo'ed".
2. R. Yehudah says, if we only learned from that verse, one might have thought that he slaughters another bull and goat in order to sprinkle their blood in the Heichal.
3. R. Shimon says, the verse connotes that the sprinkles from the same blood mentioned above.
(n) (Beraisa): Suggestion: Perhaps it atones for all transgressions of Tum'os of Kodesh!
1. Rejection "Umi'Pisheihem l'Chol Chatosom" (Chata'im that resemble Pesha'im, i.e. there is no sacrifice for them).
(o) Question: This refers to Chata'im of which he knew (of the Tum'ah) at the beginning and (realized his sin) at the end - one brings a sacrifice for this, surely the goat does not exempt him from the sacrifice!
(p) Answer: The case is, he realized his sin just before sunset of Erev Yom Kipur, there was no time to bring the sacrifice;
1. One might have thought the goat protects him from punishment - the verse teaches, this is not so.

(q) (Beraisa): Question: How do we know that the inner goat protects one who knew at the beginning but not at the end?
1. Question: The Tana already learned that it atones for something a sacrifice is not brought for!
2. Answer: Having said that it atones for Chata'im that resemble Pesha'im, i.e. there is no sacrifice for them, the Tana thought to extend this further;
i. Just as one will never bring a sacrifice for Peshai'im, also for such Chata'im, i.e. he did not know at the beginning but he knew at the end.
3. But it would not atone for Chata'im which he knew at the beginning but not at the end, for he brings a sacrifice of them when he finds out.
4. Question: How could he think that the inner goat atones when he did not know at the beginning but he knew at the end - the outer goat and Yom Kipur atone for this!
5. Answer: One might have thought just the contrary, the inner goat atones when he only knew at the end, the outer goat atones when he only knew at the beginning;
i. "Umi'Pisheihem l'Chol Chatosom" teaches that the inner goat atones for Chata'im that can come to a sacrifice.
(a) Suggestion: The inner goat should give a full atonement!
(b) Answer: Had it said 'Me'Chatosom", that would be true;
1. But since it says "L'Chol Chatosom", this teaches that a sin-offering will later be brought for them.
(c) Question: Since it does not fully atone, why does it suspend punishment?
(d) Answer #1 (R. Zeira): If the person dies without finding out, he is considered to have died without sin.
(e) Rejection (Rava): Death itself atones!
(f) Answer #2 (Rava): It protects him from punishment (until he realizes his sin).
(a) (Mishnah): If he never knew of the Tum'ah (and entered the Mikdash or ate Kodshim), and later was told that he had was Tamei, the goat (whose blood is) offered outside (the Heichal) and Yom Kipur itself atone for him...
(b) Suggestion: The Torah equates the inner and outer goats - we should say that the inner goat also atones for what the outer goat atones for!
1. This makes a difference if they were unable to bring the outer goat.
(c) Rejection: "V'Chiper...Achas" - the inner goat makes one atonement, not two.
(d) Suggestion: We should say that the outer goat also atones for what the inner goat atones for!
1. This makes a difference for Chata'im of Tum'ah after the inner goat was offered and before the outer goat.
(e) Rejection: "Achas b'Shanah" - the atonement of the inner goat only comes once a year.
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