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Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman
of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Shevuos 15

SHEVUOS 15 (6 Adar) - dedicated by the Feldman family in memory of their father, the Tzadik Harav Yisrael Azriel ben Harav Chaim (Feldman) of Milwaukee.


(a) (Mishnah): The same law applies to one who enters the Azarah, or a (valid) addition...
(b) Question: What is the source of this?
(c) Answer (Rav Simi bar Chiya): "As (Hash-m) showed (Moshe) the form of the Mikdash and service vessels, V'Chen Ta'asu" - for all generations, they must be sanctified (the same way as in Moshe's day).
(d) Question (Rava - Beraisa): All the service vessels made in Moshe's day were sanctified through the anointing oil; after Moshe, they are sanctified through usage.
1. Why don't we say "V'Chen Ta'asu" - they must be sanctified as in Moshe's day!
(e) Answer: Regarding service vessel it says "Va'Yimshachem va'Ykadesh *Osam*" - only those vessels were anointed, not those of later generations.
(f) Question: Why not say that those vessels had to be anointed, later generations can sanctify them by anointing *or* by usage!
(g) Answer (Rav Papa): "Asher Yesharasu Vam ba'Kodesh" - this teaches that usage sanctifies them.
(h) Question: Why is the other verse ("Osam") needed?
(i) Answer: If not for "Osam", one might have thought that future generations sanctify vessels through anointing (because of "V'Chen Ta'asu" *and* usage (because of "Asher Yesharasu");
1. Osam teaches that they are not anointed.
(a) (Mishnah): And with two Todah offerings.
(b) (Beraisa): Bread of the Todos is used, not the meat.
(c) Question: What is the source of this?
(d) Answer (Rav Chisda): "Shtei Sodos Gedolos".
(e) Question: What does it mean "Gedolos"?
1. Suggestion: The biggest species that may be brought (bulls).
2. Rejection: If so, the verse should explicitly say 'bulls'!
3. Suggestion: Big animals of whichever species they brought.
4. Rejection: That is not important in Hash-m's eyes!
i. (Beraisa): It says "Rei'ach Nicho'ach" by animal offerings, bird offerings and flour-offerings, to teach that Hash-m is equally pleased with a small or big offering, as long as the person intended to please Hash-m.
(f) Answer: It means, the largest type of Minchah that accompany a Todah, i.e. Chametz.
1. (Mishnah): The Menachos that accompany a Todah are made from five Sa'im of Yerushalayim, which equal six Sa'im of when Yisrael were in the wilderness;
2. This amount equals two Efos, which is 20 Esronim;
i. Ten Esronim are used for the (ten) Chametz loaves, ten are used (altogether) for the three types of Matzah: loaves, wafers and Matzah that was first scalded with boiling water.
(g) (Rami bar Chama): The remainder of a Minchah (after taking the Kometz) is used to Mekadesh the Azarah.
(h) Question: What is the reason?
(i) Answer: It should be like the Kidush of Yerushalayim:
just as we Mekadesh Yerushalayim with something (Todos) which may be eaten there, we Mekadesh the Azarah with something which may be eaten in the Azarah.
(j) Objection: We should use Todos, they may be eaten in the Azarah!
(k) Correction: Rather, just as we Mekadesh Yerushalayim with something which is disqualified if it leaves
Yerushalayim, we Mekadesh the Azarah with something which is disqualified if it leaves the Azarah.
(l) Question: We should use Chametz, like Kidush of Yerushalayim!
(m) Objection: Menachos are not Chametz!

1. Suggestion: We should ferment (make Chametz) the remainder of a Minchah and Mekadesh with it!
2. Rejection: "Lo Se'afeh Chametz Chelkam";
i. (Reish Lakish): Even the remainder which the Kohanim eat, it may not be baked as Chametz.
(n) Question: The two loaves brought on Shavu'os are a Minchah of Chametz!
(o) Answer: They are never fitting to Mekadesh the Azarah.
1. Possibility #1: The Azarah (or addition) was built before Shavu'os, and the Kidush is before Shavu'os.
2. Rejection: The loaves are not yet Mekudashos (to be disqualified if they leave the Azarah) until the accompanying lambs are slaughtered on Shavu'os!
3. Possibility #2: The Azarah was built before Shavu'os, and the Kidush is on Shavu'os.
4. Rejection: The Kidush must be at the time it is completed!
5. Possibility #3: The building was finished on Shavu'os, and the Kidush is on Shavu'os.
6. Rejection: We may not build the Mikdash on Shabbos or Yom Tov!
7. Possibility #4: The building was finished the day after Shavu'os, and then we are Mekadesh.
8. Rejection: The loaves are disqualified by being left overnight.
9. Possibility #5: The building was virtually finished before Shavu'os, the last bit was finished right after nightfall after Shavu'os (and then we are Mekadesh).
10. Rejection: We may not build the Mikdash at night.
i. (Abaye): "Uv'Yom Hakim Es ha'MIshkan" - the Mikdash may only be erected or built by day.
(a) (Mishnah): And with singing.
(b) (Beraisa): They sing the Shirah of Todah (Tehilim 100), with harps and cymbals, on every corner and every big rock;
1. They also sing "Aromimcha..." (the song of inauguration, Tehilim 30) and the song of (Hash-m's protection from) damaging angels (Tehilim 91):
i. Some call this the song of plagues - "V'Nega Lo Yikrav b'Ahalecha";
ii. The first opinion calls it the song of damagers because it says "Yipol mi'Tzidecha Elef".
2. They sing from "Yoshev b'Seser Elyon" until "Elyon Samta Me'onecha" (and "B'Barcho Mipenei Avshalom Beno" (Tehilim 3) - Gra deletes this).
(c) R. Yehoshua ben Levi would say these verses before going to sleep at night.
(d) Question: But he himself said, it is forbidden to heal oneself from words of Torah!
(e) Answer: One may use words of Torah for protection.
(f) Question: But to heal a wound, is this merely "forbidden?"
1. (Mishnah): One who whispers (the verse "Kol ha'Machalah...Lo Asim Alecha Ki Ani Hash-m Rofe'echa") over a wound has no share in the world to come.
(g) Answer: R. Yochanan explained, that is when he spits first, for we do not mention Hashem's name after spitting.
(a) (Mishnah): Beis Din walking, the loaves (after them - Gra deletes this)...
(b) Inference: This implies that Beis Din walks in front of the loaves!
(c) Question: "Achareihem Hoshaya va'Chatzi Sarei Yehudah"
(d) Answer: The Mishnah means, Beis Din walks and the loaves are carried;
1. (The Mishnah did not mean that Beis Din is in front,) the loaves are in front.
(e) Question: How are they carried?
(f) Answer #1 (R. Chiya or R. Shimon b'Rebbi): One is beside the other.
(g) Answer #2 (The other of R. Chiya and R. Shimon b'Rebbi): One is in front of the other.
(h) (Mishnah): The inner loaf is eaten, the outer loaf is burned.
1. According to the opinion that one is beside the other, the inner loaf is the one closer to the wall (Rashi - both are outside the wall; Tosfos - they are inside).
2. According to the opinion that one is in front of the other, the inner loaf is the one (in back,) which is closer to Beis Din.
3. According to this latter opinion, we understand why the inner loaf is eaten and the outer loaf is burned - the second loaf was taken on a path already Mekudash by the first loaf (i.e. the first loaf left Yerushalayim, but the second loaf did not).
(i) Question: According to the opinion that one is beside the other, they jointly Mekadesh the place, they should have the same law!
1. Counter-question: Also according to the opinion that one is in front of the other, it is difficult, how can the front loaf Mekadesh without the latter?
i. An addition that was not made with everything mentioned in the Mishnah (and two loaves are listed) does not get Kedushah!
2. Even according to the opinion that an addition made with even only one of the things mentioned in the Mishnah gets Kedushah, the two loaves are one Mitzvah (one loaf by itself does nothing)!
(j) Answer (R. Yochanan): A prophet instructed that the inner loaf is eaten, the outer loaf is burned.
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