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Sotah 4

1) [line 2] HAKAFAS DEKEL - walking around a palm tree
2) [line 3] MEZIGAS HA'KOS - (a) diluting a cup of 1 wine wine with water (RASHI, ROSH to Kesuvos 5:24, RASHBA Toras Ha'Bayis Ha'Aruch 7:2); (b) diluting a cup of wine with water *and* passing it to them (RE'EM Yere'im ha'Shalem Siman 26); (c) pouring a cup of wine at the table (HAGAHOS MAIMONIYOS Hilchos Isurei Bi'ah 11:50) [All of these opinions are quoted by the BEIS YOSEF Yoreh De'ah 195:10]

3) [line 5] LITZLOS BEITZAH - to roast an egg
4) [line 5] L'GOM'AH - to swallow it
5) [line 8] LIKSHOR GARDEI NIMA - for a weaver to tie a string
6) [line 9] KISAM - sliver, a small piece of wood
7) [line 14] ARTZUSAH - her seduction [by the adulterer]
8) [line 38] MEHADEK - [the sliver is] stuck in tightly [between her teeth]
9a) [last line] CHADTA - a new [basket]
b) [last line] ATIKA - an old [basket]


10a) [line 1] RAKICHA - soft [bread]
b) [line 1] AKUSHA - hard [bread]
11) [line 4] D'LO NASIV - who never got married
12) [line 20] PEREK - wrist

13) [line 23] "[V'ATAH KACH LECHA...] VA'YOMER HASH-M, 'KACHAH YOCHLU VENEI YISRAEL ES LACHMAM TAMAI; BA'GOYIM ASHER ADICHEM SHAM.'" - "[Take wheat, barley, beans, lentils, millet and spelt, and put them in one vessel. Make bread from the mixture, and eat it for 390 days, the number of days that you will lie on your side. And your food, which you shall eat, shall be by weight, twenty Shekels a day; once a day you shall eat it. You will drink also water by measure, the sixth part of a Hin; once a day you shall drink. And you shall eat it like barley cakes; and you shall bake it with human excrement in their sight.] And HaSh-m said, 'In this way shall Benei Yisrael will eat their bread, Tamei; [among the nations whither I will drive them.']" (Yechezkel 4:9-13) - Yechezkel the prophet, who was taken to Bavel with the first Galus of people from Yerushalayim, is instructed to make a graphic display of the future siege and destruction of Yerushalayim, and the suffering that those who still remain there will undergo.

14) [line 37] "CHIDLU LACHEM MIN HA'ADAM ASHER NESHAMAH B'APO, KI VA'MEH NECHSHAV HU." - "Withdraw from man, whose breath is in his nostrils; for with what is he deemed worthy?" (Yeshayah 2:22) - By reading the word "va'Meh" as "Bamah," the Gemara renders the end of this verse as, "...for he is likened to a Bamah."

15) [line 38] BAMAH
(a) A Bamah is a raised area used for sacrifices. Before the Beis ha'Mikdash was built (when the Mishkan was not in use), there were times when it was permitted to offer sacrifices on public altars (Bamas Tzibur or Bamah Gedolah) and private altars (Bamas Yachid) (see Insights to Pesachim 91:2).
(b) BAMAS TZIBUR: Only one public altar was in use at any particular time. At various times in our history, the Bamas Tzibur was in Gilgal (where the Mishkan stood before the land was completely conquered, until it was moved to Shiloh), Nov and Giv'on (after the Mishkan in Shiloh was destroyed, see Zevachim 112b). An individual could offer only voluntary sacrifices on a Bamas Tzibur. There is a difference of opinion among the Tana'im as to whether all communal sacrifices could be offered on a Bamas Tzibur or only the communal sacrifices that have a fixed time (Zevachim 117a).
(c) BAMAS YACHID: Any person, even if he was not a Kohen, could build a Bamas Yachid anywhere in Eretz Yisrael and offer upon it his personal sacrifices. Only voluntary sacrifices were allowed to be offered on a Bamas Yachid.

16) [line 39] "[TO'AVAS HASH-M KOL GEVAH LEV;] YAD L'YAD LO YINAKEH." - "[Everyone who is proud of heart is an abomination to HaSh-m;] they will be punished from [the] hand [of HaSh-m] to [their] hand [and they] will not be exonerated." (Mishlei 16:5)

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