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Sotah 14

SOTAH 14 - L"iluy Nishmas Rachel bas Moshe Potack, a woman of valor who was a source of inspiration to all who met her. She will be sorely missed by all those who were Zocheh to be touched by her presence. (Dedicated anonymously)

1) [line 1] GASTERA - the leader of a fort
2) [line 18] KOSNOS OR - garments of skins
3) [line 35] "LACHEN ACHALEK LO VA'RABIM, V'ES ATZUMIM YECHALEK SHALAL, TACHAS ASHER HE'ERAH LA'MAVES NAFSHO, V'ES POSH'IM NIMNAH; V'HU CHET RABIM NASA, VELA'POSH'IM YAFGI'A." - "Therefore I will give him a portion with the great ones, and he shall divide the plunder with the strong; in return for having poured out his soul to the death; and he was counted among the transgressors; and he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors." (Yeshayah 53:12) - The Gemara proceeds to explain this verse, phrase by phrase.

4) [line 38] "[V'ATAH IM TISA CHATASAM]; V'IM AYIN MECHENI NA MI'SIFRECHA ASHER KASAVTA." - "And now, if You will forgive their sin (of the golden calf, it is good); and if not, please erase mefrom Your book that You wrote" (Shemos 32:32)

5) [line 41] "V'ATAH AL TISPALEL B'AD HA'AM HA'ZEH, V'AL TISA VA'ADAM RINAH US'FILAH, V'AL TIFGA BI; [KI EINENI SHOME'A OSACH.]" - "Therefore do not pray for this people, nor lift up cry nor prayer for them, nor make intercession to Me; for I will not hear." (Yirmeyahu 7:16)

*****PEREK #2 HAYAH MEVI*****

6) [line 43] MINCHASAH (MINCHAS SOTAH - the meal-offering brought by the husband of a Sotah)
(a) A Sotah is a woman who is suspected of committing adultery because she was warned by her husband not to seclude herself with a certain man and she violated the warning. The process of warning her in front of witnesses is called Kinuy. The witnesses who see her seclude herself with the suspected adulterer are called Eidei Stirah. The time of seclusion must be at least for the time that it takes to roast an egg and swallow it. The woman is forbidden to her husband and the alleged adulterer until she drinks Mei Sotah (see (c), below).
(b) The husband must bring his wife to the Beis ha'Mikdash, along with a sacrifice consisting of 1/10 of an Eifah (approx. 2 quarts) of barley meal as a Minchah offering. The Kohen reads Parshas Sotah, the portion of the Torah describing the curses with which a Sotah is cursed, out loud (in any language that the Sotah understands) and makes the Sotah swear that she has been faithful to her husband.
(c) An earthenware jug is then filled with half a Lug of water from the Kiyor, and dirt from the floor of the Azarah is placed on top of the water. Parshas Sotah (that contains numerous appearances of Hash-m's name) is written on parchment and then immersed in the water, which causes the ink to dissolve, erasing the Holy Names. The Sotah afterwards drinks from the water. If she was unfaithful to her husband and allowed herself to become defiled, the water would enter her body and poison her, causing her belly to swell out and her thigh to rupture. If she was faithful to her husband, she remained unharmed and would be blessed that she would become pregnant (Bamidbar 5:11-31). In times when there is no Mei Sotah such as in the present day, she must be divorced and does not receive her Kesuvah.

7) [line 43] KEFIFAH MITZRIS - a basket made of Tzorei Dekel, the fibrous substance just under the surface of the date palm

8) [line 43] KEDEI L'YAG'AH - on order to exhaust her
9) [line 43] KELEI SHARES (Holy utensils)
A Keli Shares makes holy anything that enters it (Shemos 30:29). TOSFOS to Pesachim 63b DH Midi points out that this applies only when the utensil is in the Azarah.

10) [line 44] LEVONAH - frankincense or oliban; a gum resin from trees of Arabia and India. The gum is yellowish and semi-transparent, with a bitter nauseous taste. It is hard and capable of being pulverized, producing a strong aromatic odor when burned. A handful of Levonah was placed on top of most Menachos (meal-offerings), and was later offered on the Mizbe'ach

11a) [line 46] GERES - fine barley flour (flour that has been sifted through thirteen sieves)
b) [line 46] KEMACH - unsifted flour (flour that still includes unwanted parts of the barley stalk)


12) [line 4] KALASOS SHEL KESEF V'SHEL ZAHAV - baskets woven from silver or gold fibers

13) [line 36] TZEROR - a pebble
14) [line 36] GARGIR MELACH - a pellet of salt
15) [line 36] KORET - a grain

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