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Sotah 22

SOTAH 21-25 - These Dafim have been dedicated by Mrs. Estanne Abraham-Fauer in honor of the first Yahrzeit (18 Teves 5761) of her father, Reb Mordechai ben Eliezer Zvi (Weiner). May the merit of supporting and advancing the study of the Talmud be l'Iluy Nishmaso.

1) [line 1] V'LO SHIMESH TALMIDEI CHACHAMIM - but did not attend upon Talmidei Chachamim as a disciple, to learn the correct interpretations of the Mishnayos based upon the methods of the Gemara

2) [line 3] AM HA'ARETZ
(a) An Am ha'Aretz is an unlearned Jew who is lax in his Torah-observance (see Berachos 47b) who usually eats food that is Tamei. Terumas Ma'aser and Ma'aser Sheni must be separated from the produce bought from an Am ha'Aretz (which is known as Demai -- "Da Mai?" -- "What is this?") since a minority of Amei ha'Aretz cannot be trusted to have separated them before selling the produce. We presume that Terumah Gedolah, however, has been separated because of its stringency.
(b) The Perushim (i.e. those who usually eat their food b'Taharah) consider the clothes of an Am ha'Aretz to be Tamei Midras (see Background to Nazir 64:4b:a-b). They were concerned that the wife of the Am ha'Aretz sat upon them while she was a Nidah. We burn the Terumah that touches the clothes of an Am ha'Aretz.

3) [line 4] BUR - an ignoramus (who does not have proper manners)

4) [line 4] KUSI
(a) The King of Ashur brought the people of Kusa to Eretz Yisrael and made them settle in the Shomron. They converted to Judaism after they found themselves under attack from lions. The Chachamim disagree as to whether their conversion was honest and valid (Geirei Emes) or not (Geirei Arayos).
(b) After the times of the Mishnah, the Kusim were found worshipping an image of a dove and the Chachamim gave them the status of Nochrim. (According to most Rishonim, this means that they decided to treat them like Nochrim l'Chumra, even if they were Geirei Emes. According to the RAMBAM (Peirush ha'Mishnayos), however, this means that they decided that their conversion was not sincere and deemed them Nochrim (Geirei Arayos) for all Halachic matters.)
(c) Even though the Kusim kept many Mitzvos of the Torah down to their last detail, there were other Mitzvos that they did not keep at all. For example, the Kusim did not refrain from causing others to sin (which is prohibited by the verse, "Lifnei Iver Lo Siten Michshol" - "You shall not put a stumbling block before the blind" -- Vayikra 19:14).

5) [line 5] MAGOSH - a magician [who performs magic tricks by slight of hand]
6) [line 7] RATIN MAGOSHA - a magician mumbles [an incantation]
7) [line 7] V'LO YADA MAI AMAR - and does not know [the meaning of] what he is saying

8) [line 8] TANI TANA V'LO YADA MAI AMAR - [this person who learned Torah but did not attend upon Talmidei Chachamim also] learns and does not know [the meaning of] what he is saying

9) [line 17] "YERA ES HASH-M, BENI, VA'MELECH, IM SHONIM AL TIS'ARAV." - "My son, fear HaSh-m and the king. Do not mingle with those who are given to change." (Mishlei 24:21) - The word "Shonim" (inconsistent people) is the verb for those who study Mishnayos by repeating ("Shonim") them.

10) [line 20] SHONIN B'CHET - they transgress the same sin more than once
11) [line 22] HUTRAH LO - that is, to him it becomes as if it is permitted (Yoma 86b)

12) [line 22] HA'TANA'IM MEVALEI OLAM - those who learn Mishnayos are those who ruin the world

13) [line 26] "HALICHOS OLAM LO" - "His ways are as of old" (Chabakuk 3:6) - In Megilah 28b this statement ends with the words, "Al Tikri Halichos, Ela Halachos." - "Do not read Halichos (ways), but rather Halachos," i.e., those who learn and teach Halachos uphold the world and make it a better place.

14) [line 26] ELA SHE'MORIN HALACHAH MI'TOCH MISHNASAN - at this point the Gemara means that the Halachos that these people teach are mistaken, since they did not delve deeply into their Torah-learning. Without a teacher to teach them the correct interpretations of the Mishnayos based upon the methods of the Gemara, and whether the Halachah follows a particular Mishnah or not, these people will surely make mistakes.

15) [line 28] TZALYANIS - who prays a lot
16) [line 28] SHOVAVIS - who is over-friendly with her neighbors
17) [line 32] D'NAFLAH A'APAH - who fell on her face [in prayer]
18) [line 36] D'HAVAI BEI CHENISHTA B'SHIVEVUSAH - that there was a synagogue in her neighborhood

19) [line 41] HA'MEVA'ET B'RABOSAV - who rebels against his teachers
20) [line 42] SHE'LO HIGI'A L'HORA'AH - who has not arrived at a level of understanding and maturity to decide Halachic questions

21) [line 43] "KI RABIM CHALALIM HIPILAH; VA'ATZUMIM KOL HARUGEHA." - "For she has cast down many wounded; and there is a profound number of those whom she has killed (METZUDAS DAVID)." (Mishlei 7:26) - "Hipilah" refers to the Talmid Chacham who is not fit to decide Halachic questions, since it is related to the word "Nefel" (a stillborn), and the Gemara calls this person a "Katan she'Lo Kalu Lo Chadashav." "Atzumim" refers to the Talmid Chacham who is fit to decide Halachic questions but does not, since he is "Otzem" (closes) his mouth and does not take upon himself the responsibility for which he is legitimately prepared (RASHI).


22) [line 1] V'HA RABA ORI!? - but Rabah [bar Nachmani] decided Halachic questions [well before he reached the age of forty] (this is evident since he only lived until the age of forty -- Rosh Hashanah 18a)

23) [line 2] B'SHAVIN - (a) [when the Talmid Chacham who is less than forty years of age is] on the same level [of learning, understanding and maturity as the greatest sage of the city, which was the case regarding Rabah bar Nachmani, he may decide Halachic matters] (RASHI, RI, RABEINU CHANANEL); (b) [when the Talmid Chacham who is less than forty years of age is] on the same level [of learning, understanding and maturity as the greatest sage of the city, he may *not* decide Halachic matters; only when he is greater than the greatest sage of the city, which was the case regarding Rabah bar Nachmani.] (TOSFOS)

24) [line 3] PARUSH SHICHMI - (a) a person (lit. an ascetic, as in all of the following) who performs Mitzvos like the people of *Schechem*, who performed Bris Milah for alterior motives and not l'Shem Shamayim (for the sake of Heaven) (RASHI); (b) a person who "carries the Mitzvos on his shoulder (*Shechem*)," i.e. who displays them for all to take note of his righteousness (TOSFOS, according to the explanation of Rav Yitzchak Isaac Chaver)

25) [line 3] PARUSH NIKFI - (a) a person who shuffles along, striking (*Nokef*) his feet against the rocks (RASHI); (b) a person who states, "Lend (*Akif*) me money and I will perform Mitzvos" (TOSFOS, according to the explanation of Rav Yitzchak Isaac Chaver)

26) [line 3] PARUSH KIZA'I - (a) a person who walks with closed eyes, pretending not to look at things at which it is prohibited to look, and strikes his head against walls until he lets blood (*Makiz*) on the walls (RASHI); (b) a person who performs a Mitzvah after he transgresses an Aveirah, claiming that one balances out (*Mekiz*) the other (TOSFOS, according to the explanation of Rav Yitzchak Isaac Chaver)

27) [line 4] PARUSH MEDUCHYA - (a) a person who walks stooped like a certain type of curved pestle (*Meduchyah*) (RASHI); (b) according to the Girsa, PARUSH *MIN HA'NECHAYAH* - a person who states, "From the little money that I have I will subtract (*Menakeh*) in order to do Mitzvos (TOSFOS, according to the explanation of the Penei Moshe); (c) a person who states, "I will do the Mitzvos as long as I (or my descendents) do not lower myself beneath a certain level of status, wealth, etc. I will only take off (*Menakeh*) what I have above this level (TOSFOS, according to the explanation of Melo ha'Ro'im)

28) [line 8] HA'MAKIZ DAM LA'KOSALIM - lets blood on the walls
29) [line 9] D'MESHAPE'A KI MEDUCHYA - see above, entry #27
30) [line 11] MA CHOVASI SU, VE'ESA'ENA - (a) What further obligation is there for me to do, that I should do it? (RASHI); (b) Tell me what have I done wrong, so that I shall do Teshuvah (TOSFOS, according to the explanation of Melo ha'Ro'im)

31) [line 17] D'METAMRA METAMRA - acts that are committed in hiding are concealed
32) [line 17] D'MEGLYA MEGALYA - acts that are committed publicly are revealed
33) [line 17] BEI DINA RABA LISPARA - the Great Beis Din [in Heaven] should exact payment

34) [line 18] MEHANEI D'CHAFU GUNDEI - from those people that cloak themselves with black garments (as if they are saintly when they are really not)

35) [line 20] TZEVU'IN - hypocrites
36) [line 24] MADHEH ATAH - you weaken [the effect of]
37) [line 30] MISNAVNAH V'HOLECHES - she withers away over a long period of time, as opposed to suddenly

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