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Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman
of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Sotah 15


(a) (Beraisa): He takes it up and burns it in a service vessel.
(b) Question: Can this really be?
(c) Answer: Rather, he takes it up in order to burn it.
(d) (Beraisa): He salts it and puts it on the fire.
1. We learn this from "You will salt all your Menachos".
(e) (Beraisa): After the Kometz is offered, the remainder of the Minchah may be eaten.
1. We learn from "The Kohen will burn the part which is a remembrance"; "The rest of the Minchah is to Aharon and his children".
2. Amora'im argue regarding the offering of the Kometz.
i. (R. Chanina): Once the flame rules over the Kometz, the rest of the Minchah may be eaten;
ii. (R. Yochanan): Once the flame catches the majority of the Kometz.
(f) (Beraisa): The Kohanim may mix it with wine, oil, and honey.
(g) Question: Why is this allowed?
(h) Answer: "For greatness" - Kodshim are eaten in the way of kings.
(i) (Beraisa): The only prohibition is to ferment it.
1. (Reish Lakish): "Do not bake as Chametz, their portion..." - even their portion may not be baked as Chametz.
(a) (Mishnah): All Menachos ...
(b) Question: It is not true that all other Menachos require oil and frankincense - by a sin-offering of flour, it says "Do not put on it oil, do not put on it frankincense"!
(c) Answer: The Mishnah means: (Standard) Menachos require oil and frankincense, come from wheat, and from fine flour;
1. A sin-offering of flour, even though it does not require oil and frankincense, comes from wheat, and from fine flour;
2. The Minchah of the Omer, even though it comes from barley, requires oil and frankincense, comes from finely sifted (barley) flour.
3. The Sotah offering does not require oil and frankincense, comes from barley, and from mixed flour.
(d) (Beraisa - R. Shimon): It was fitting that a sin-offering of flour should require oil and frankincense, in order that a sinner should not save money;
1. The Torah said that it does not, in order that his offering will not be glorious.
(e) It was fitting that a sin-offering for eating Chelev (i.e. a standard animal sin-offering) should require Nesachim (accompanying flour and wine offerings), in order that a sinner should not save money;
1. The Torah said that it does not, in order that his offering will not be glorious.
2. The sin-offering of a Metzora and his guilt-offering do require Nesachim, for they do not come for a sin.
(f) Objection: But R. Shmuel bar Nachmani taught, leprosy comes as a punishment for (even 1 of) 7 specific sins!
(g) Answer: Suffering the leprosy is the atonement; the sacrifice only serves to permit him to eat Kodshim.
(h) Question: If so, the sin-offering of a Nazir should require Nesachim, for it does not come for a sin!
(i) Answer: R. Shimon holds as R. Eliezer ha'Kapar, who says that a Nazir is a sinner.
(j) (Mishnah): R. Gamliel says, just as ...
(k) (Beraisa - R. Gamliel): Allow me to make a beautiful exposition.

1. R. Meir taught - since she fed the adulterer delicacies, therefore her sacrifice is animal food.
2. Chachamim: That is true of a rich woman, not of a poor woman!
i. Rather, since she did an animal act, her sacrifice is animal food.
(a) (Mishnah): The Kohen takes an earthenware flask, and puts in it 1/2 Log of water from the Kiyor (laver); R. Yehudah says, 1/4 Log.
1. Just as he requires a smaller passage to be written in the scroll, he also requires a smaller quantity of water.
(b) The Kohen enters the Heichal and turns to his right. There was a place, 1 Amah by 1 Amah, covered by marble with a ring (handle) attached.
1. He lifts the cover, takes dirt from underneath, and puts on the water so it may be seen on the surface - "From the dirt in the ground of the Mishkan, the Kohen will take and put into the water".
(c) (Gemara - Beraisa - R. Yishmael): A new earthenware flask is required.
(d) Question: How does he learn this?
(e) Answer #1: He learns a Gezeirah Shavah "Kli-Kli" from a Metzora.
1. Just as a Metzora needs a new earthenware vessel, also a Sotah.
2. Question: How do we know that a Metzora needs a new earthenware vessel?
3. Answer: "He will slaughter 1 bird into an earthenware vessel, on living water (i.e. that came from a spring).
i. Just as living water has not been used - also a vessel that is unused.
4. Question: If we learn the vessel of a Sotah from that of a Metzora - we should also learn the water, and say that a Sotah also requires living water!
5. Answer: Yes - R. Yishmael requires this!
i. (R. Yochanan): Water of the laver - R. Yishmael says, it must be from a spring; Chachamim say, other (Mikvah) water may be used.
(f) Objection: We cannot learn Sotah from Metzora - a Metzora is more severe, his purification requires cedar, hyssop and scarlet thread!
(g) Answer #2 (Rabah): "In an earthenware vessel" - the vessel already mentioned (i.e. by a Metzora).
(h) (Rava): (Chachamim only permit a used vessel) when it has not been blackened (from cooking) - but if its face is blackened, it is invalid.
1. Just as water is unchanged, the vessel must be unchanged.
(i) Question (Rava): If it had blackened, and it was returned to a furnace and refired - what is the law?
1. Do we say, once it became invalid, it remains invalid?
2. Or, do we say, since it is new again, it is valid?
(j) Answer (Beraisa): R. Elazar (Tosfos' text - R. Eliezer) says, if a person carried a bundle on his back, hanging from cedar, hyssop and scarlet thread, they are unfit for a Metzora.
1. Even though they can be bent back into shape, they remain invalid!
(k) Rejection: This is no proof - the case is, some of the wood peeled off, and they cannot be restored.
(l) (Mishnah): He enters the Heichal, turns to the right ...
1. Every time one turns, he should turn to the right.
(m) (Mishnah): There was a place there, 1 Amah ...
(n) (Beraisa #1): "From the dirt (soil) that will be" - one might have thought, he may bring in dirt from outside - "In the ground of the Mishkan";
1. One might have thought, he must dig with an axe - "That will be".
i. To fulfill both verses: if there is (loose) dirt in the ground of the Mishkan - he takes it; if not, he brings from outside.
(o) (Beraisa #2 - Isi ben Yehudah): "From the dirt that will be ..." - this teaches that he may take dirt from the outside;
1. "In the ground of the Mishkan" - this comes to include the Mishkanos of Shilo, Nov, Givon, and the Beis ha'Mikdash.
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