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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Sukah 50

SUKAH 50 (1st day of Shavuos) dedicated by Mrs. Bekelnitzky on the occasion of the 34th Yahrzeit of her late husband's father, Shraga Feivish ben Nosson Yakov (and Sima Gitle) Bikelnitzky.


(a) For Shabbos Sukos, they would fill a golden barrel that had not been sanctified as a K'li Shares ... . Ze'iri explains that, in the opinion of this Tana, 'Ein Shiur la'Mayim', and 'K'lei Shares Mekadshin she'Lo mi'Da'as'.
What is the significance of ...
  1. ... 'Ein Shiur la'Mayim'?
  2. ... 'K'lei Shares Mekadshin she'Lo mi'Da'as'?
(b) Why could they not use a K'li Shares to draw the water for Nisuch ha'Mayim, according to ...
1. ... Chizkiyah, who maintains that our Tana may even hold '*Ein* K'lei Shares Mekadshin Ela mi'Da'as'?
2. ... Rebbi Yanai quoting Rebbi Zeira, who maintains that, in addition, he might also hold 'Yesh Shiur la'Mayim'?
(c) Since when does a Kohen wash his hands and feet from a golden barrel?
(a) If one leaves wine in an uncovered strainer, the Tana Kama forbids it to be drunk.
What does Rebbi Nechemyah say?

(b) Could the author of our Mishnah, which does not permit water that was left uncovered to be put through a strainer (to be used for Nisuch ha'Mayim), be Rebbi Nechemyah?

(c) What do we learn from the Pasuk in Mal'achi "Hakriveihu Na le'Fechasecha"?

***** Hadran Alach, Lulav va'Aravah *****

***** Perek ha'Chalil *****

Answers to questions


3) Rav Yehudah and Rav Eina dispute whether to call it 'Simchas Beis ha'Sho'eivah' (because of the Pasuk in Yeshayah "u'She'avtem Mayim be'Sason") or 'Simchas Beis ha'Chashuvah'.
What is the reason for the latter name?


(a) According to Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Yehudah, the 'flute' overrode Shabbos. What do the Chachamim say?

(b) Rav Yosef maintains that they both agree that the flute of the *'Simchas Beis ha'Sho'eivah'* did not override Shabbos or Yom-Tov.
What then, is their Machlokes?

(c) What is the basis of their Machlokes?

(a) Rebbi disqualifies a K'li Shares that is made out of wood.
What does Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Yehudah say, and what is his reason?

(b) According to him, Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Yehudah learns from the 'flute of Moshe'.
What was the flute of Moshe?

(c) Why was it not made out of metal (i.e. overlaid with gold) like the other instruments?

(d) What is then Rebbi's reason?

(a) We refute Rav Yosef's explanation however. Perhaps even Rebbi will agree that the main Shirah constitutes *playing* the instruments. Then why does he not learn the Din of K'lei Shares from the flute of Moshe (to permit K'lei Shares of wood)?

(b) Alternatively, perhaps even Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Yehudah will agree that the main Shirah constitutes the *singing*, nor will we learn what *is* possible from what is not. He permits wooden K'lei Shares from the Pasuk in Terumah "ve'Asisa *Menoras* Zahav Tahor* Mikshah Te'aseh *ha'Menorah*". How does he learn this from there?

(c) What are the workings of ...

  1. ... a 'K'lal u'Frat u'Chelal'?
  2. ... a 'Ribuy, Mi'ut ve'Ribuy'?
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