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Ta'anis 4

TA'ANIS 2-5 sponsored by a generous grant from an anonymous donor. Kollel Iyun Hadaf is indebted to him for his encouragement and support and prays that Hashem will repay him in kind.

1) [line 1] URPILA - fine rain; drizzle
2a) [line 1] PARTZIDA - a seed
b) [line 1] D'SUSEI KALA - under a hard clod of earth
3) [line 2] URU PILEI - (a) destroy the cracks [of soil]! (b) wake up, you [seeds in the] cracks [of soil]!

4) [line 3] TZURBA ME'RABANAN - a young, intense Torah scholar
5) [line 4] D'CHEIVAN D'NAVAT, NAVAT - once it has sprouted (breaking through the hard earth), it grows in an energetic manner. So, too, the Torah scholar whose erudition becomes known to the public quickly gains a widespread reputation (Rashi). Alternatively, once the scholar begins to grow in understanding of the Torah, he grows by leaps and bounds (Rabeinu Chananel)

6) [line 5] D'RASACH - who becomes aroused to anger
7) [line 7] KASHEH K'VARZEL - as hard as iron (resolute and persistent; unforgiving [to those who disrespect the Torah])

8) [line 8] "...UCH'FATISH YEFOTZETZ SELA." - (a) "...and like a hammer that shatters a stone into many fragments." (RASHI to Shabbos 88b DH Mah Patish);
(b) "...and like a hammer that is shattered by the hard stone." (RABEINU TAM, cited by TOSFOS to Sukah 52b) (Yirmeyahu 23:29)

9) [line 12] L'MEILAF NAFSHEI B'NICHUSA - to train himself to act calmly
10) [line 15] SHE'LO CH'HOGEN - inappropriately
11) [line 20] YACHOL AFILU CHIGERES - it was possible that the [*first* (RASHI DH u'Venos)] girl [to come out of the city] may have been lame (see TOSFOS DH Yachol)

12) [line 22] ASHER YAKENU - who will kill him (that is, Golyas) (Shmuel I 17:25)
13) [line 28] "HA'TZARI EIN B'GIL'AD..." - "Is there no balm in Gil'ad? Is there no healer there? Why has the daughter of my people not recovered her health?" (Yirmeyahu 8:22) - According to RASHI, this is referring to the incident involving Yiftach son of Gil'ad, the ninth of the Shoftim (judges of Israel) (Shoftim 11:1-12:7). Prior to entering into battle with the Amonim, he vowed to offer up to HaSh-m the first thing that emerged from his house upon his victorious return. To his great anguish, his only daughter was first to emerge from his house to greet him. Rather than seeking the advice of the Torah sages of his generation, including Pinchas the Kohen Gadol who could have annulled his vow (and been a "healer"), he sequestered his daughter for the rest of her life away from all human contact (ibid. 11:39, Bereishis Raba 60:3).

14) [line 37] "V'NED'AH NIRDEFAH LADA'AS ES HASH-M..." - "Let us know, let us strive to know HaSh-m like the dawn, the emergence of which is certain; then He will come to us like the rain, like the late rain that satiates the earth." (Hoshea 6:3)

15) [line 42] "SIMENI CHA'CHOSAM AL LIBECHA..." - "Place me like a seal upon Your heart; like a seal upon Your arm..." (Shir ha'Shirim 8:6)

16) [line 44] "HEN AL KAPAYIM CHAKOSICH..." - "Behold, I have engraved you upon My palms..." (Yeshayah 49:16)

17) [line 45] SAVRUHA - the students of the Yeshiva thought (were of the opinion)


18) [line 10] "KA'CHOMETZ LA'SHINAYIM VECHE'ASHAN LA'EINAYIM..." - "Like vinegar to the teeth and like smoke to the eyes..." (Mishlei 10:26)

19) [line 16] METURGEMAN - (a) the person who repeats in a loud voice the words of the Rav, who lectures in a low voice (RASHI to Berachos 56a); (b) the person who *translates into Aramaic* the words of the Rav, who delivers the Shi'ur in a low voice *in Hebrew* (RASHI to Yoma 20b); (c) a person appointed by the Beis Din to plead for the needs of the community during the times of prayer (RABEINU CHANANEL here)

20) [line 17] MECHAVARTA - it is much more plausible
*21*) [line 17] AD SHE'YA'AVOR ZEMAN SHECHITAS HA'PESACH - until after the time during which the Korban Pesach is slaughtered, i.e. on Minchah of Erev Pesach we no longer ask for rain (see Insights)

23) [line 20] RITZUY SHE'ELAH - an appeasement prior to the request [for rain that will follow]

24) [line 25] L'HAFSAKAH ITMAR - this refers to the time when we stop [mentioning Mashiv ha'Ru'ach u'Morid ha'Geshem and stop requesting rain]

25) [line 27] B'DABRA - in the fields
27) [line 31] PUKU - go out
28) [line 32] L'ABA - to Rav, [who is called Aba (a) as a title of authority (RASHI); (b) because that was his name (ARUCH, Erech Abaye, cited by TOSFOS Chulin 38a DH Itztrich)]

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