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Ta'anis 10

1) [line 7] TAMTZIS - the remainder of rain in the clouds
2) [line 9] SHE'MEGABEL ES HA'GEVINAH - who forms a cheese (the Girsa of the BACH #1 is *SHE'MEGABEN* ES HA'GEVINAH)

3) [line 11] "...CHESHCHAS MAYIM AVEI SHECHAKIM." - "[He made darkness His secret place; around Him was His pavilion,] dark with waters and thick clouds of the skies." (Tehilim 18:12)

4) [line 11] "...CHASHRAS MAYIM AVEI SHECHAKIM." - "[And He made darkness into pavilions around Him,] the drizzle of waters, and thick clouds of the skies." (Shmuel II 22:12)

5) [line 12] CHACHSHARAS - the preparing, sweetening of [the water]
6) [line 13] NEHOR ANANEI - if the clouds are bright
7) [line 13] ZE'IRIN MOHI - their amount of water is small

8a) [line 17] MI'TAMTZIS BEIS KUR, SHOSAH TARKAV - from the remainder of the water left in a utensil with which one waters a parcel of land on which a Kur is planted, one can water a parcel of land on which a Tarkav is planted
b) [line 17] BEIS KUR - a parcel of land on which a Kur of grain can be planted
c) [line 17] TARKAV - a parcel of land on which a Tarkav of grain can be planted

  • 1 KUR = 30 SE'AH
  • 1 SE'AH = 6 KAV
  • TARKAV = 3 KAV = 1/2 SE'AH = 1/60 KUR
The word Tarkav is a conjunction of the words Trei (two [Kavim]) and Kav (one Kav), yielding three Kavim.

9) [line 19] KUSH - (a) Ethiopia (JOSEPHUS); (b) Arabia (TARGUM YONASAN Bereishis 10:6); (c) an area in Africa on the upper Nile (HERODOTUS); (d) an area to the east of the Holy Land (YOVLOS)

10) [line 20] EDEN - the region that contains Gan Eden (the garden of Eden)
11) [line 22] "SHOCHENES AL MAYIM RABIM..." - "O you who dwell upon many waters, [who have many treasures, your end has come, and the measure of your greed.]" (Yirmeyahu 51:13)

12) [line 23] ASIRAH - wealthy
13) [line 24] D'CHATZDA B'LO MITRA - that she (Bavel) harvests without [needing] rain

14) [line 24] NEKITINAN - we have a tradition [that this is true, that Bavel harvests without rain] (RASHI)

15) [line 24] TOV'ANI V'LO YOVSHANI - (a) Bavel is swampy and not dry (RASHI); (b) flooded, rain soaked land is better than dry, rainless land (ARUCH)

16a) [line 29] MI'KI ME'AILEI TZIVEI - from when wood is brought in [to the storehouses for the winter months]
b) [line 29] L'VEI TAVOS RISHBA - to the house of (a) Tavos the trapper (RASHI); (b) Tavos the head of the family (R'oSH' B'eis A'v) (ARUCH)

17) [line 32] ILA'EI BA'U MAYA - [those living in] the high places (the mountains) need water. Rav, who came from Eretz Yisrael, which is higher than all other lands, is the one who rules that we *do* say She'elas Tal u'Matar on the sixtieth day after Tekufas Tishrei.

18) [line 34] HA'YECHIDIM - the singular, most pious Torah sages of the generation

19) [line 40] L'HAFKI'A ES HA'SHE'ARIM - it will "break" the market value and diminidh the amount of produce that a fixed amount of money will purchase. This may happen if the first of a set of fasts is decreed on a Thursday because (a) people will buy on Thursday three times as much food as on a usual day, since they need a large meal for after the fast besides their normal purchases for Shabbos. The merchants will fear that there is a threat of famine and raise their prices (RASHI); (b) The villagers and farmers who bring foodstuffs into the cities on Thursdays will only bring enough for Shabbos, not having heard about the fast. All of the food in the market will be sold that day, causing the price of food for Shabbos to rise. When the set of fasts starts on Monday, they will know by Thursday to bring enough food for after the fast and for Shabbos. (RABEINU GERSHOM); (c) When the set of fasts starts on Thursday, the merchants will hoard their grain, not providing the needed amount for Shabbos, since they fear that a calamity (which we are fasting to forestall) is about to strike. When the fasts start on Monday, the initial anxiety will subside by the end of the week, and there will be no increase in the price of food for Shabbos. (BA'AL HA'TZEROROS)


20) [line 5] PARNAS - a community leader
21) [line 7] VA'AFILU B'MASECHES D'CHALAH - (a) and even in the tractates that were learned during the months that were called Yarchei Kalah, Adar and Elul, when all students assembled in the Yeshivos in Bavel to learn together (RABEINU CHANANEL); (b) according to the Girsa B'MASECHES *KALAH* - and even in the tractate of Kalah, which is not learned regularly (RABEINU GERSHOM)

*22*) [line 8] TALMID, OSEH - (a) neither may one conduct himself like a Talmid Chacham if he is not one (RASHI) (b) [one who is not a Yachid may not conduct himself like one,] however, one *may* conduct himself like a Talmid Chacham even if he is not one (TOSFOS DH Eizehu) (c) [one who is not a Yachid may not conduct himself like one] except if he is a Talmid Chacham, in which case he may conduct himself like a Yachid even if he is not on that level (RABEINU CHANANEL)

23) [line 22] AL YISRA'EH BIFNEI HA'TZIBUR - do not appear [satiated] before the community

24) [line 23] IDUNIN - to pamper oneself; to eat a large amount
*25*) [line 27] AL TIRGEZU BA'DARECH - see Insights for the connection between this and the previous Agadah.

26) [line 29] TIRGEZU ALEICHEM HA'DERECH - you will lose your way
27) [line 35] L'MIGRAS - to review one's lessons
b) [line 35] L'IYUNEI - to delve deeply into Torah-learning
28) [line 37] V'HACHNISU CHAMAH LA'IR - and enter a city [for the night] while there is still daylight

29) [line 41] B'CHI TOV - when it is light (referring to the Pasuk "va'Yar ... Es ha'Or Ki Tov" - "And Elokim saw that the light was good" (Bereishis 1:4))

30) [line 42] "HA'BOKER OR ..." - "As soon as the morning was light, the men were sent away, they and their donkeys." (Bereishis 44:3)

31) [line 45] MA'AYANA - to prevent disorders of the bowels

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