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Ta'anis 20

TA'ANIS 20 (15 Elul) - dedicated by Yechiel Wachtel l'Iluy Nishmas his father, Reb Shimon Eliezer ben Reb Yechiel Wachtel (who passed away on 15 Elul 5757).

1) [line 21] NIKDERAH - (O.F. pertucer - to pierce) [the sun] shined or pierced through [the clouds]

2) [line 23] NIKDEMAH - according to the Dikdukei Sofrim #80-90, this word and the word "Nikderah" on this line and in the previous entry should be *NAKDAH* - to pierce or bore a hole. Even when there are no clouds, the sun is said to pierce through the sky, as in Makdir Aleihem Chamah (Avodah Zarah 3a). This is also the Girsa in the Gemara Gitin 56a. (According to our Girsa, perhaps NIKDEMAH means that the sun moved *eastward* for them (from the word "Kedem"), seeming to stay still to the observer on earth -- Y. Shaw)

3) [line 29] "...V'RAGZU V'CHALU MIPANECHA." - "[Today I will begin to put the dread of you and the fear of you upon the nations of the world, who shall hear about you,] and shall tremble, and be in anguish because of you." (Devarim 2:25)

4) [line 35] NIVZIM - contemptible
5) [line 35] D'LO MUKMEI MINAN - that they do not appoint from us
6) [line 35] REISHEI NAHARA - tax collectors (who collect taxes at river crossings)
7) [line 36] GEZIRIPATEI - oppressive police officers
8) [line 36] "V'HIKAH HASH-M ES YISRAEL KA'ASHER YANUD HA'KANEH BA'MAYIM..." - "For HaSh-m shall strike Yisrael, as a reed is shaken in the water, [and He shall uproot Yisrael from this good land, which He gave to their fathers, and shall scatter them beyond the river, because they have made their Asherim, provoking HaSh-m to anger.]" (Melachim I 14:15)

9) [line 38] "NE'EMANIM PITZ'EI OHEV..." - "The wounds of a friend are faithful; but the kisses of an enemy are superfluous." (Mishlei 27:6) - Rashi offers two explanations for the word "Na'taros" - (a) fickle, capricious; (b) (O.F. encres - burdensome) excessive

10) [line 40] GIZ'O MACHALIF - its stump grows new stems that become another trunk
11) [line 42] EREZ - a cedar tree
12) [line 45] KULMUS - stylus
13) [line 46] MIGDAL GEDOR - Dikdukei Sofrim #80 brings the Girsa'os MIGDAL *GEDER* and MIGDAL *EDER*, which is a place in Eretz Yisrael north of Chevron, mentioned in Bereishis 35:21


14) [line 1] MECHU'AR - ugly
*15*) [line 2] LO HICHZIR LO - see Insights
16) [line 3] REIKAH! - you empty, worthless person!
17) [line 8] NA'ANEISI LACH - (a) I spoke against you too much (RASHI Berachos 28a); (b) I have humbled and lowered myself in front of you (RASHASH ibid., based on Shemos 10:3)

18) [line 23] HAI NIHU...? - which ones are...?
19) [line 24] MACHAMAS GOVHAIHU - because of their height
20) [line 24] A'GUDA D'NAHARA - on the bank of the river
21) [line 25] ASHISA RE'U'AH - a wall in danger of collapse
22) [line 25] CHALIF - pass by
23) [line 26] TUSAH - (lit. beneath it) alongside of it
24) [line 27] NAKIF - let us walk around it
25) [line 28] LO MISTEFINA - I am not afraid
26) [line 29] L'FANUYEI - to remove it
27) [line 33] MENAKIN LO MI'ZECHIYOSAV - the Heavenly Court deducts it from his account of merits

28) [line 39] V'LO SASTI B'TAKALAS CHAVERAI - and I did not rejoice at another person's failure

29a) [line 39] B'HACHINASO - (a) using his derogatory nickname (RASHI); (b) according to the Girsa *B'CHANICHASI* - with a nickname that I invented (ARUCH)
b) [line 40] B'CHANICHASO - (a) a derogatory nickname of one's ancestors that has become rooted in his family history (RASHI); (b) with a nickname that others have invented (ARUCH)

30) [line 41] YANKUSEI - his youth
b) [line 41] SIVUSEI - his old age
31) [line 42] YOMA D'EIVA - a cloudy day (when strong winds threatened to throw down walls that were in danger of collapse)

32) [line 42] HAVU MAFKIN LEI - they would take him out
33) [line 42] GUHARKA D'DAHAVA - a golden carriage used by distinguished people
34) [line 42] SAYAR - inspect
35) [line 43] L'MARA - for its owner
36) [line 44] PANYA D'MA'ALEI SHABATA - towards evening of Erev Shabbos; when Shabbos was about to begin

37) [line 45] D'FAYISH LEHU L'GINA'EI - that remained with the farmers who came to sell them

39) [line 46] D'SAMCHA DA'ATAIHU - they would rely on it
40) [line 48] MILSA D'ASVASA - a remedy; medicinal herbs
41) [line 48] HEVI MALI KUZA (D'MAYA) MINEI - he would fill a small cup of it
42) [line 48] SIPA D'VEISA - at his doorpost
43) [line 49] MILSA D'SHIVSA - (a) [he learned] a practice of the demons (Shivta is the name of an evil spirit -- Yoma 77b), in which they attacked anyone who ate without washing his hands first (RASHI); (b) a medicinal elixir (RABEINU CHANANEL)

44) [line 50] DALI LEI - he suspended it
45) [last line] PASACH L'BAVEI - open the gate to his house
46) [last line] KULHU MATZINA MEKAIMANA - all of these [great deeds] we are able to carry out

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