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Ta'anis 30

TA'ANIS 27, 28, 29, 30 - Ari Kornfeld has generously sponsored the Dafyomi publications for these Dafim for the benefit of Klal Yisrael

1a) [line 10] MI'SHESH SHA'OS UL'MA'ALAH - from after six [Halachic] hours (midday)
b) [line 10] MI'SHESH SHA'OS UL'MATAH - before six [Halachic] hours (midday)
2) [line 12] SE'UDAH HA'MAFSIK BAH - the last meal that one eats before the fast

3) [line 48] BASAR MELI'ACH - salted meat (that has been covered with salt for more than two days and one night, the time that it is permitted to eat the meat of a Korban Shelamim. Since the verse calls the meat of the Shelamim "Basar," Chazal learn that meat that has lingered longer than this time period has lost its status of "Basar." TOSFOS DH v'Af Al Gav points out that people who are used to eating this sort of meat may not do so on Erev Tish'a b'Av.)

4) [line 48] YAYIN MI'GITO - new wine from the pit where the wine collects after it is pressed
5) [line 50] TOSES - bubbles from fermentation

6) [line 50] GILUY
The sages prohibited the consumption of uncovered water, wine, milk, honey and fish brine that was left unattended. There is a possibility that a poisonous snake drank from the water, injecting poison into it. (See RAMBAM Hilchos Rotze'ach u'Shemiras ha'Nefesh 11:5-16.) This prohibition does not apply to wine during the first three days of its fermentation.

7) [last line] PAS CHAREIVAH - dry bread


8) [line 1] BEIN TANUR L'CHIRAYIM - between the oven and the stove
9) [line 20] "VA'TEHI AVONOSAM AL ATZMOSAM" - "and their iniquities shall be upon their bones (shall go down with them to the grave)" (Yechezkel 32:27)

10) [line 42] MITZPAH
(a) The Mitzpah (= lookout) was a city on a high peak to the north of Yerushalayim, identified with either Tel A-Natzbah or the village of Nebi Samuel. It contained a Mizbe'ach and a Beis Keneses and served as a frequent place for assemblies and prayer (RADAK to Shmuel I 7:5).
(b) A civil war ensued after the tribe of Binyamin sympathized with certain men from the city of Giv'ah who performed abhorrent acts with the concubine of a Levi. The Levi dismembered her dead body and sent the limbs to all of the tribes of Benei Yisrael to protest the iniquity. The apathy of the tribe of Binyamin and unwillingness to root out the evil in their midst caused Bnei Yisrael to gather in Mitzpah and swear that no one would give their daughters to the men of Binyamin as a wife. Only six hundred men remained from the entire tribe of Binyamin after the war. The other tribes regretted the loss and sought to find wives for these men, to rebuild their tribe. One plan used is recorded in our Gemara, that the words of the oath precluded *giving* wives to the men of Binyamin, but not the *taking* of those wives themselves. The events of this tragic time in Jewish history are recorded in Shoftim 19- 21.

11) [line 46] PERUSDIYOS - guards

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