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Yevamos 121

1) [line 1] B'VEISA D'SHISA - a room made of marble (into which the wind cannot penetrate)

2) [line 2] (PARKIS) [PIRKEIS] - to move convulsively before death (in an excessive manner)

3) [line 2] D'SHACHATEI B'VARA - where he killed him outside
4) [line 5] KARMEI - the name of a place in Bavel
5) [line 5] A'BEI HADYA - in the place called Bei Hadya, further down-river from Karmei

6) [line 6] DIGLAS - the Tigris River
7) [line 7] A'GISHRA D'SHAVISTENA - at the bridge of Shavistena
8) [line 7] A'PUMA D'SHUSHVINEI - according to the testimony (lit. the mouth) of the good friend (lit. best man) of the deceased

9) [line 9] D'TZAMSEI - that prevent the face from swelling
10) [line 11] CHAZYEI B'SHA'ATEI - they identify him at the time [that he is drawn out of the water] (during the first hour -- KORBAN NESANEL 3:20)

11) [line 11] MITPACH TAFACH - [his facial features] swell
12) [line 20] AGMA D'SAMKI - the swamp of Samki

13a) [line 21] TA, NESHAMTEI - Come, let us put him into Niduy (excommunicate him)

b) [line 21] NESHAMTEI (NIDUY - Excommunication)
(a) The minimum period of Niduy is thirty days in Eretz Yisrael or seven days in Bavel and elsewhere. If the Menudeh does not repent from his ways he is put into Niduy for a second thirty-day period. If he still does not repent, he is then put into Cherem. The laws of Cherem are much more stringent.
(b) No one may come within four Amos of the Menudeh, except for his wife and family. He is not permitted to eat or drink with other people, nor is he included in a Zimun or any other Mitzvah that requires a quorum of ten men. He may not wash his clothes, shave or take a haircut or wear shoes. Learning and teaching Torah, however, are permitted, as well as engaging in work. The last two are not permitted to a Muchram, who must learn by himself and engage in work to the minimum extent that will provide him daily sustenance. People may speak with the Menudeh or the Muchram unless Beis Din specifically prohibits it.
(c) Even if the time of the Cherem or Niduy has finished, a person remains in Niduy or Cherem until he is permitted by three commoners or by an expert sage (SHULCHAN ARUCH 334:27 and REMA 334:24)

14) [line 24] MIT'A TA'INA - I made a mistake
15) [line 25] KEIVAN D'KAVU V'KEIMEI - since they [the waters of that swamp] stay in one place (there is no outlet through which the waters may flow)

16) [line 25] GALEI - waves
17) [line 26] GALI ASHPELU - the waves carried him far away (and he emerged alive)
18) [line 26] "LO YE'UNEH LA'TZDIK KOL AVEN..." - "No evil shall happen to the righteous; [but the wicked shall be filled with trouble.]" (Mishlei 12:21) - Rav did not unjustly excommunicate Rav Shila.

19) [line 27] "...U'SESHU'AH B'ROV YO'ETZ." - "[Where there is no counsel, the people fall;] but in the multitude of counselors there is safety (salvation)." (Mishlei 11:14) - Because he asked Shmuel's advice, Rav was spared from unjustly excommunicating Rav Shila.

20) [line 27] MEKEMRIN MICHMORIN - setting traps for fish
21) [line 28] MECHILAH - a small cave that serves as a fish-trap, dug out at the edge of a river. Fish that are washed into it find it difficult to get out. The cave has an airspace above water level for the fishermen to breathe when they are catching the fish that get washed into it.

22) [line 35] D'SALIK - that they emerge [from the Mayim she'Ein Lahem Sof]
23) [line 39] DAF SHEL SEFINAH - the plank [from the wreck] of a ship
24) [line 39] NI'ANATI LO ROSHI - I bowed my head to it (to each wave)
25) [line 43] SHE'MITAREFES BA'YAM - that was floundering at sea, about to capsize
26) [line 44] KAPOTKIYA - Cappadocia, a district of Asia Minor
27) [line 45] GAL TIRDANI L'CHAVERO - one wave carried me to the next
28) [line 45] AD SHE'HIKI'ANI - until it (the sea) spit me out
29) [line 48] GOV ARAYOS - a lion's den
30) [line 48] CHAFURAH - a pit


31) [line 1] CHAVER HU - he is a snake charmer
32) [line 1] AGAV ITZETZA - because of the pressure (of falling on them)
33) [line 3] YOREH - a vat
34) [line 12] NAYIM - sleep
35) [line 14] KEIFIN AL GAV KEIFIN - rock formations
36) [line 15] D'SHISA HAVU - they were made of marble (and were slippery)
37) [line 16] MASRICH - to cling to, to adhere to [one of the rocks] (even though they are slippery)

38) [line 16] V'NAYIM PURSA - and sleep a bit
39) [line 17] NECHUNYA CHOFER SHICHIN - See Insights to Shekalim 14:1
40) [line 20] ZACHAR SHEL RECHELIM - a ram (the ram from the binding of Yitzchak -- RASHI)

41) [line 22] "...U'SEVIVAV NIS'ARAH ME'OD." "[HaSh-m comes, and does not keep silent; a fire devours before Him,] and there is a mighty tempest around Him." (Tehilim 50:3)

42) [line 23] MEDAKDEK IM SEVIVAV - He is very exacting with those who are in His vicinity (those close to HaSh-m)

43) [line 23] "KEL NA'ARATZ B'SOD KEDOSHIM RABAH, V'NORA AL KOL SEVIVAV." - "HaSh-m is greatly feared in the assembly of the holy ones, and held in reverence by all those who are around Him." (Tehilim 89:8)

44) [line 29] KAMTZA - a grasshopper
45) [line 30] V'ASIKU LEI AL SHEMEI - and they called the grasshopper or ant by the name of the person who is suspected to have died. The children, however, were referring to the demise of their pet.

46) [line 31] SAPDANEI - eulogizers
47) [line 33] HASI'U ES ISHTO! - Allow his wife to remarry!
48) [line 36] BERIBI - a great Talmid Chacham (Rebbi Oshaya)
49) [line 39] MESI'ACH LEFI TUMO - speaking innocently
50) [line 39] MAN IKA BEI CHIVA'EI? - Who is in the house of Chiva'ei [to hear the bad news that I am bringing]?

51) [line 41] VAI LEI L'FARSAH ZERIZA - Woe unto Farsah Zeriza (a Jewish strongman)!
52) [line 43] ACHLU KAVREI L'CHASA - the fish have eaten Chasa
53) [line 43] MI'DIBUREI D'RAV NACHMAN... - Because of the words of Rav Nachman...
54) [line 46] LO MAFKINAN LAH MINEI - we (Beis Din) do not force him to divorce her
55) [line 49] KETOL ASPASTA - cut for my animals grain in its earliest stage of growth (which is used as animal fodder)

56) [last line] V'KATILTEI - and I killed him
57) [last line] SHAHISA TELASA RIGLEI - she waited for three festivals (the times when Abaye came to teach the laws of each festival) [but he did not answer her]

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