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Prepared by P. Feldman
of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Yevamos 96

YEVAMOS 96, 97 - These Dafim have been sponsored through the generous donation of Reb Uri Wolfson of Yerushalayim, a true Ohev Torah.

Yevamos 96 1) THE ARGUMENT OF RAV AND SHMUEL (a) Answer #3 (Abaye): Perhaps Rav Huna explained the argument incorrectly - really, they argue on Rav Hamnuna's law! 1. (Rav Hamnuna): A Shomeres Yavam that had extramarital relations is forbidden to her Yavam. 2. Rav says she is as a married woman, and becomes forbidden through extramarital relations; Shmuel says she is not as a married woman, and does not become forbidden through extramarital relations. (b) Answer #4 (Abaye): Perhaps they argue if engagement takes effect on a Yevamah - Rav says she is as a married woman, and engagement does not take effect on her; Shmuel says she is not as a married woman, and engagement takes effect on her. (c) Objection: But Rav and Shmuel already argued on this! (d) Answer: They only argued once - their argument here was inferred from what they said. 2) A MAN THAT HEARD SEVERAL FALSE REPORTS (a) (Mishnah): They told a man that his wife died - he married her paternal sister; they told him that this wife died - he married her maternal sister; they told him that this wife died - he married her paternal sister; they told him that this wife died - he married her maternal sister. (b) All were found to be alive - he is permitted to his 1st, 3rd and 5th wives, and they exempt their Tzaros (if he dies without children and one of them does Yibum or Chalitzah); he is forbidden to his 2nd and 4th wives, and (if he dies without children) Yibum of either of them does not exempt her Tzarah; (c) If he had relations with the 2nd wife after the 1st wife died, he is permitted to his 2nd and 4th wives, and they exempt their Tzaros; he is forbidden to his 3rd and 5th wives, and Yibum of either of them does not exempt her Tzarah. (d) A boy 9 years old and 1 day forbids a Yevamah on his (adult) brothers, and they forbid a Yevamah on him, just that he only forbids at the beginning, but they forbid at the beginning or end. (e) If the 9 year old had relations, he forbids her to the brothers; if they then had relations with her, or gave a Ma'amar or Get or did Chalitzah, they forbid her to him. (f) (Gemara) Question: Didn't he marry all (the last 4) wives after he heard that his 1st wife died?! (g) Answer (Rav Sheshes): After his 1st wife certainly died. 3) RELATIONS OF A 9 YEAR OLD

(a) (Mishnah): A 9 year old ...
(b) Question: A 9 year old only forbids at the beginning, but not at the end?
1. (Rav Zvid Bar R. Oshiya): One who gives a Ma'amar to his Yevamah, and later his 9-year old brother has relations with her, she is forbidden!
(c) Answer: His relations forbid even at the end; his Ma'amar, only at the beginning.
(d) Question: Is it really true that his relations forbid even at the end? The Mishnah says, he only forbids at the beginning, but they forbid at the beginning or end. How is this? If the 9 year old had relations,...!
(e) Answer: The Mishnah is abbreviated, and should read thusly: A 9 year old disqualifies at the beginning, adult brothers disqualify at the beginning and the end.
1. This applies by a Ma'amar; but relations disqualify even at the end. How is this? A 9 year old that has relations with his Yevamah disqualifies the brothers from doing Yibum.
(f) Question: Does the Ma'amar of a 9 year old really disqualify the brothers from doing Yibum?
1. (Beraisa): A 9 year old disqualifies in one way, the brothers forbid on him in 4 ways. He forbids through relations; the brothers forbid on him through relations, Ma'amar, Get and Chalitzah.
(g) Answer: The Tana taught relations of the 9 year old, since they always forbid; his Ma'amar, which forbids only at the beginning, he did not teach.
(h) (Rav Yehudah): A 9 year old has a Get (to forbid a Yevamah on the brothers).
(i) (Rav Tachlifa Bar Avimi): He has a Ma'amar.
(j) (Beraisa - R. Meir): He has a Get and he has a Ma'amar
(k) Question: Does R. Meir really hold that he has a Get?
1. (Beraisa): They made relations of a 9 year old as a Ma'amar of an adult; R. Meir says, they made Chalitzah of a 9 year old as the Get of an adult.
2. If R. Meir held that he has a Get - he should say, they made his Chalitzah as his Get!
(l) Answer (Rav Huna Brei d'Rav Yehoshua): He has a Get, but it is weaker than the Get of an adult.
1. According to R. Gamliel, who says a Get takes no effect after a Get, that is only when the 2nd is no stronger; but an adult that gives a Get after a minor, it takes effect;
2. According to Chachamim, who says a Get takes effect after a Get, that is only when the 2nd Get is no weaker; but a minor that gives a Get after an adult, it is void.

(m) (Mishnah): Levi, a 9 year old, had relations with his Yevamah; later his 9 year old brother had relations with her - this forbids her on Levi; R. Shimon says, it does not forbid her;
(n) A 9 year old had relations with his Yevamah Leah, then with her Tzarah - this forbids Leah on himself; R. Shimon says, it does not forbid her.
(o) (Gemara - Beraisa): R. Shimon said to Chachamim - if Levi's relations are considered relations, his brother's relations have no effect! If Levi's relations are not considered relations - the same applies to his 9 year old brother (so his relations should not forbid her to Levi)!
(p) Our Mishnah is unlike Ben Azai.
1. (Beraisa - Ben Azai): A Ma'amar takes effect after a Ma'amar when there are 2 Yevamim and 1 Yevamah, but not by 1 Yavam and 2 Yevamos.
(a) (Mishnah): A 9 year old, Levi, had relations with his Yevamah and died - she does Chalitzah, not Yibum. Levi married a woman - she does not fall to Yibum;
(b) If Levi had relations with his Yevamah Sarah, and married Leah after he became an adult, then he died - if he did not have relations with Sarah in adulthood, Sarah does Chalitzah, not Yibum; Leah may do Chalitzah or Yibum; R. Shimon says, the Yavam may do Yibum or Chalitzah with either wife he wants, and does Chalitzah to the other.
1. A 9 year old has the same law as a 20 year old that did not bring 2 hairs.
(c) (Gemara - Rava): This that Chachamim say - a Yevamah that falls to Yibum from 2 brothers does Chalitzah, not Yibum - do not say, this only applies when there is a Tzarah, that they decreed lest people say, 2 Yevamos from the same husband both do Yibum - for here, there is no Tzarah, and the law is, she must do Chalitzah, not Yibum!
(d) (Mishnah): If he married a woman and he died ...
(e) Our Mishnah teaches what we learn in a Beraisa.
1. (Beraisa): A lunatic or minor that married and died, their wives are exempt from Chalitzah and Yibum.
(f) (Mishnah): A 9 year old ... after he grew up ...
(g) Question: The relations of a 9 year old should be as a Ma'amar of an adult, and Leah should be forbidden to do Yibum (just as if Levi had given a Ma'amar to Sarah, in the Mishnah 31B)!
(h) Answer (Rav): They did not make the relations of a 9 year old as a Ma'amar of an adult.
(i) (Shmuel and R. Yochanan): They are as a Ma'amar!
(j) Question: The above question is difficult on Shmuel and R. Yochanan!
(k) Answer: Tana'im argue whether the Tzarah of a woman that falls from 2 brothers may do Yibum.
1. The Tana of Perek '4 Brothers' decrees, lest people will do Yibum to both. He taught the case by an adult Yavam, but he holds the same by a minor.
2. Our Tana says that relations of a 9 year old are as a Ma'amar, but we do not decree lest people also do Yibum to the Tzarah. He taught the law by a minor, but the same applies if the Yavam is an adult.
i. He taught the law by a minor because he was dealing with minors.
(l) R. Elazar said this teaching, not in R. Yochanan's name. When R. Yochanan heard of this, he was upset.
1. R. Ami and R. Asi: In the Shul in Teveryah, regarding a bolt with a pounder at the end, R. Elazar and R. Yosi argued until they tore a Sefer Torah in their anger.
i. Objection: Certainly, they did not tear a Sefer Torah !
ii. Correction: Rather, a Sefer Torah was torn in their anger.
2. R. Yosi Ben Kisma was there, and said that it would not be surprising if the Shul became a place of idolatry - and it did!
3. R. Yochanan was even more adamant - 'You consider R. Elazar my colleague (as the parties in your story)'!
4. R. Yakov Bar Idi: "As Hash-m commanded Moshe his servant, so Moshe commanded Yehoshua, and so did Yehoshua, he did not omit 1 thing from everything Hash-m commanded Moshe".
i. Regarding everything Yehoshua said, did he say, 'So told me Moshe'? Rather, he just expounded, and everyone knows that he learned his Torah from Moshe.
ii. Also R. Elazar your Talmid, he expounds, and everyone knows that it is your teachings.
5. R. Yochanan (to R. Ami and R. Asi): Why don't you know to appease as our colleague, Idi's son?
(m) Question: Why was R. Yochanan so upset?
(n) Answer: As Rav Yehudah taught - "I will dwell in your tent Olamim (forever/worlds)".
1. Question: Can a person dwell in 2 worlds?
2. Answer: Rather, thusly said David in front of Hash-m - It should be your will that people should say teachings in my name in this world.
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