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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Yevamos 54

YEVAMOS 46-55 - Ari Kornfeld has generously sponsored the Dafyomi publications for these Dafim for the benefit of Klal Yisrael.


(a) What does the Tana of the Beraisa learn from the Pasuk ...
  1. ... "ve'Im Lo Yachpotz ha'Ish ... "?
  2. ... "Yevamah Yavo Alehah"?
  3. ... "le'Hakim le'Achiv Sheim"?
(b) And what does the Tana of another Beraisa learn from the Pasuk ...
  1. ... "u'Lekachah"?
  2. ... "ve'Yibmah" (without the 'Hey')?
  3. ... the 'Hey' of "ve'Yibmah"?
(a) We learned above that a man *cannot acquire his Yevamah* when he is asleep. Why can we not reconcile this with the Beraisa which says that he *can*, by establishing the latter Beraisa when it was the Yevamah who was asleep and not the Yavam?

(b) So how do we establish the former Beraisa, to reconcile the two?

(c) What does 'Misnamnem' mean?

(a) What is the criterion for being Chayav 'Boshes' (causing someone embarrassment)?

(b) Why is it that if a Yavam made Bi'ah with his Yevamah after intending to pour his seed on a wall, he does *not acquire her*, whereas if he did so after intending to make Bi'ah with an animal, he *does*?

(a) Ha'ara'ah is written both by Nidah and by Achos Av va'Achos Eim. So what do we initially learn from the Pasuk "ve'Ish Asher Yikach es Eishes Achiv, Nidah Hi"?

(b) Why could we not learn Ha'ara'ah by all the Arayos with a 'Binyan Av' (also known as a 'Mah Matzinu') from ...

  1. ... Nidah?
  2. ... Eishes Ach (which, as we just saw, we learn from "Nidah Hi")?
  3. ... Achos Av va'Achos Eim?
(c) Which type of Arayos *would* we be able to learn from ...
  1. ... Eishes Ach?
  2. ... Achos Av va'Achos Eim?
(d) We cannot learn Ha'ara'ah by all the Arayos from a combination of Eishes Ach and Achos Av va'Achos Eim, because they are all Asur because of 'She'er'.
Which of the Arayos would we not be able to learn from there?
(a) So we try to learn Ha'ara'ah from a combination of Nidah and Eishes Ach. What is wrong with the contention that we could not learn Eishes Ish from them, due to the fact that they have no Heter in the lifetime of those who cause the Isur?

(b) So what is the basic difference between Nidah and Eishes Ach on the one hand, and Eishes Ish on the other? Why can we not learn the latter from the former?

(c) We ultimately learn Ha'ara'ah by all the Arayos from Nidah with Hekeisha de'Rebbi Yonah (according to others, Rav Huna Brei de'Rav Yehoshua).
What is the Hekeisha de'Rebbi Yonah ?

Answers to questions



(a) What do we mean when we talk about Eishes Ach being permitted during her husband's lifetime?

(b) Bearing in mind that the Torah prescribes a Mitzvah on a Yevamah hose husband died, what might we have thought with regard to marrying her in his lifetime, after he gave her a Get?

(c) So what does the Torah come to teach us by writing "Nidah Hi" by Eishes Ach?

(d) Why are Zachur and Beheimah not included in the Hekeishah de'Rebbi Yonah (see Tosfos DH 'be'Zachur Mahu'?

(a) What do we learn from the Pasuk "Mishkevei Ishah" written by Zachur?

(b) Then what does the Torah come to teach us by mentioning Ha'ara'ah by Achos Av va'Achos Eim (in Acharei-Mos)?

(c) What objection do we raise at having to learn Beheimah from Achos Av va'Achos Eim?

(d) So why *did* the Torah pick Achos Av va'Achos Eim to teach us Beheimah (Im Eino Inyan), rather than Imo, Chamoso or Bito?

(a) Is there any difference between a paternal relationship and a maternal one regarding the Ervah of ...
  1. ... one's sister?
  2. ... Dodaso? To whom does this refer?
(b) Why can we not learn Achos Av and Achos Eim in this regard from ...
  1. ... Dodaso (rather than Achoso)?
  2. ... Achoso (rather than Dodaso)?
(c) So from where *do* we learn the fact that there is no distinction drawn between his father's or mother's paternal sister or maternal one?

(d) And why does the Torah need to tell us this, both by Achos Av and by Achos Eim? Why could it not just write it by ...

  1. ... Achos Av?
  2. ... Achos Eim?
(a) What do we learn from the 'Gezeirah-Shavah' "Dodo" (Ervas Dodo Gilah") "Dodo" (O Dodo O ben Dodo Yig'alenah")?

(b) From where do we know that, in the latter Pasuk, it is only his *paternal* uncle who is obligated to redeem him?

(a) A man was told that his wife died, so he married her paternal sister; she too, died, and he married her maternal sister; when she dies, he marries her paternal sister, and finally, her maternal sister.
Which of these women remain permitted to him, if it is then discovered that his wife is still alive? Why is that?

(b) What does the Tana mean when he says 'u'Potros Tzaroseihen'?

(c) And how will the Din change if he made Bi'ah with the second woman after the death of the first one.

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