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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Yevamos 68

1) Why does a deaf-mute who is ...

  1. ... a Yisrael invalidate a bas Kohen from eating Terumah?
  2. ... a Kohen not feed a bas Yisrael Terumah?
(a) Does a Yavam who is ...
  1. ... a Katan (under the age of nine) invalidate his Yevamah bas Kohen from eating the Terumah of her father's house?
  2. ... a Gadol and a Kohen feed his Yevamah Yisre'eilis Terumah?
(b) Then what does Abaye initially think the Tana is referring to when he includes a nine-year old in his list of those who are 'Posel ve'Eino Ma'achil'?

(c) Seeing as he acquires his Yevamah, why does he not feed her Terumah?

(d) How will Abaye then interpret 'Posel'?

(a) What problem do we have Abaye's explanation from the case of 'Safek ben Tish'ah Shanim' which the Tana mentions?

(b) So we establish the case of a nine-year old by Pesulei Kahal or Kehunah, such as Amoni, Mo'avi, Chalal and Mamzer.
Are we speaking about 'Poslin' or 'Ein Ma'achilin'?

(c) How does this dispense with the Kashya from Safek that we just asked?

(d) And how do we reconcile this with the Seifa (on 69a.) 'Im Einan Re'uyin la'Vo be'Yisrael, Poslin' (inferring that the Reisha [our Mishnah] is not speaking about Pesulim)?

(a) The Tana Kama of the Beraisa invalidates a Kohenes, a Levi'ah or a Yisre'eilis through the Bi'ah of any of the P'sulei Kahal or Kehunah.
What sort of P'sul is ...
  1. ... a Mitzri and an Edomi? Is he permanently disqualified from entering the Kahal?
  2. ... a Kuti? Why is he not a fully-fledged Jew?
(b) What are the ramifications of a Levi'ah or a Yisre'eilis becoming Pasul through a Bi'ah Pesulah?

(c) What does the Tana learn from the Pasuk in Emor ...

  1. ... "u'Bas Kohen Ki Sihyeh le'Ish Zar Hi bi'S'rumas ha'Kodshim Lo Socheil"?
  2. ... "ve'Shavah el Beis Avihah ... mi'Lechem Avihah Tochel"?
  3. ... "ve'Chol Zar Lo Yochal Bo" (the conclusion of the previous Pasuk - Pasuk 13)?
  4. ... "ve'Chol Zar Lo Yochal Kodesh" (Pasuk 10)?
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(a) What does Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Chanina learn from *"ve'*Chol Zar ... "?

(b) And what does Rav Chisda Amar Ravina bar Rav Shilo learn from "u'Bas Kohen Ki Sihyeh le'Ish Zar Hi bi'*Terumas* ha'Kodashim Lo Socheil"?

(a) What does Rebbi Aba Amar Rav learn from the Pasuk "*U*'Bas Kohen Ki Sih'yeh le'Ish Zar ... "?

(b) Is this Derashah exclusive to Rebbi Akiva, who Darshens 'Vavin'?

(c) Could this Pasuk possibly be coming to forbid her to eat Terumah (despite the fact that a Levi'ah and a Yisre'eilis may not eat Terumah anyway)?

(a) We suggest that a bas Levi or a bas Yisrael who had relations with a P'sul Kahal and who had a son from him should be Asur to eat Terumah from a 'Kal va'Chomer'.
Which 'Kal va'Chomer'?

(b) On what grounds do we dismiss this contention?

(c) So we switch the D'rashos, to learn the prohibition of eating Terumah from the Pasuk "u'Bas Kohen", and the prohibition of marrying a Kohen from a 'Kal va'Chomer' from a Gerushah.
Which 'Kal va'Chomer'?

(d) How do we dispense with the problem of learning a La'av with Malkos from a 'Kal va'Chomer' (bearing in mind the principle 'Ein Mazhirin min ha'Din')?

(a) How do we know that when the Tana of the Beraisa (with regard to the Pasuk "u'Bas Kohen, Ki Sihyeh le'Ish Zar") says Niv'alah le'Pasul Lah Paslah' refers to Chayvei La'avin, and not to Chayvei K'riysus?

(b) What do we learn from the Pasuk "u'Bas Kohen Ki Sihyeh *Almanah u'Gerushah* ve'Shavah el Beis Avihah"?

(c) Seeing as the Pasuk "u'Bas Kohen, Ki Sihyeh le'Ish Zar" is confined to someone with whom Kidushin is effective, from where do we know that Chayvei Kareis invalidate, too?

(d) What do we learn from the Pasuk in Kedoshim "Eishes Re'eihu"?

(a) What does the She'iltos learn from the Pasuk in Vayeira "ve'Hi Be'ulas Ba'al"?

(b) How does he extrapolate from there that even the Kidushei Bi'ah of a Nochri is not effective on a Jewish woman?

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