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Yoma 5

1) [line 1] SEMICHAH
Semichah refers to the Mitzvah for a person to press his hands with all his might on the head of his sacrifice before it is slaughtered, as described in Vayikra (1:4).

2) [line 8] ASA'AH L'SEMICHAH SHEYAREI MITZVAH - (lit. if he treated Semichah as the dispensable, inessential remnants of a Mitzvah) if he did not do Semichah

3) [line 10] TENUFAH (Tenufas Chazeh Va'shok)
The chest and the hind leg of the Korban Shelamim were waved in a prescribed manner and were then given as a gift to the Kohanim, as described in Vayikra (7:28-36).

4) [line 24] RIBUY SHIV'AH
(a) A Kohen who becomes the Kohen Gadol must wear the eight vestments of the Kohen Gadol and do the Avodah for seven consecutive days to indicate his consecration, as stated in Shemos 29:30 "Shivas Yamim ..."
(b) The eight vestments are: 1. Tzitz (forehead-plate), 2. Ephod (apron), 3. Choshen (breastplate) 4. Me'il (robe) 5. Kutones (long shirt), 6. Michnasayim (breeches), 7. Avnet (belt), 8. Mitznefes (turban).
(c) The vestments of regular Kohanim are: 1. Kutones (long shirt), 2. Michnasayim (breeches), 3. Avnet (belt), 4. Migba'as (hat).


5) [line 7] ANINUS (The Halachic status of a mourner immediately after a close relative's death)
(a) A person is called an Onen mid'Oraisa on the day of death of one of his seven closest relatives for whom he is required to arrange for burial (i.e. father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter and wife). Chazal (Zevachim 101a) learn the Halachah of Aninus from the verse, "v'Achalti Chatas ha'Yom, ha'Yitav b'Einei HaSh-m?" (Vayikra 10:19). Among the Halachos that apply to an Onen is that a Kohen Onen is prohibited from doing the Avodah (divine service) in the Beis ha'Mikdash unless he is the Kohen Gadol (Vayikra 10:7, 21:1-4). Moreover, an Onen may not eat Kodshim, Terumah and Ma'aser Sheni.
(b) For a further discussion of Aninus and the difference between Aninus mid'Oraisa and Aninus mid'Rabanan, see Background to Pesachim 90:18.

6) [line 9] MICHNASAYIM - breeches

(a) On the day that every Kohen begins his service in the Beis ha'Mikdash, he must bring a Korban Minchah that is the same as the Minchas Chavitin that the Kohen Gadol brings every day. (Vayikra 6:12)
(b) The Minchah consists of 1/10 of an Eifah of wheat flour, made into twelve wafers or rolls. They were fried in olive oil in a flat pan after being boiled and baked. Half of the rolls were offered in the morning and half towards evening. They were completely burned on the Mizbe'ach (RAMBAM Hilchos Ma'aseh ha'Korbanos 13:2-4)

8) [line 19] MAI D'HAVAH HAVAH - what ever was done was done; i.e. what can we learn from it?

9) [line 22] L'MISBAR KERA'EI - to understand the Pesukim (that are seemingly contradictory)

10) [line 25] KUTONES - long shirt
11) [line 25] MITZNEFES - turban
12) [line 28] AVNET - belt

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