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by Dr. Avigdor Bonchek


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Deuter. 18:13

Perfect shall you be with Hashem your G-d.


Perfect shall you be with Hashem your G-d. Rashi : Walk before Him whole-heartedly put your hope in Him and do not attempt to investigate the future, but whatever may comes upon you, accept it whole-heartedly and then you shall be with Him (G-d) and become His portion.

What Is Rashi Saying ?

Rashi explains what being perfect with Hashem means in practical terms - not to investigate the future, but instead to rely on Him, accept all that happens to you in life without complaints. Then Rashi tells us that this person will be rewarded by being with G-d and becoming His portion.

Questioning Rashi

A Question: Rashi's interpretation of the practical aspects of "being perfect with G-d" are understandable and important for us to know. Because "being perfect" is a very vague concept.

But Rashi also says "then you will be with Him and become His portion." How does he derive this from the verse?

What's bothering him that caused him to add this? Your Answer:

What Is Bothering Rashi ?

An Answer: Perhaps Rashi saw the phrasing as a bit awkward. The verse has "Perfect you should be" A different order would seem more appropriate: "You shall be perfect." This would be similar to wording found in Abraham's case when G-g urged him likewise to be perfect. (Genesis 17:1) "Walk before Me and become perfect."

But here we see the verb "to be or become" comes before the word "perfect" And this is as it should be. Because being perfect is a process, not a single act. Therefore "becoming" precedes "perfection."

How does Rashi's comment deal with this?

Understanding Rashi

An Answer: Because of the unusual order of these words, Rashi saw that there should be a separation between "Perfect" and the words "you shall be" in this way these latter words are connected with what follows "with Hashem your G-d." So now we have "Perfect. [then] you will be with Hashem your G-d."

The ultimate reward and the natural consequence of conducting yourself in perfect faith, is to be all the time in G-d's presence.

Shabbat Shalom

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