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D''vrei Mordechai

by Reb Mordechai Rosen z"l
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What does Hashem Elokecha ask from you, but to fear Hashem Elokecha and to walk in His ways? (Devorim, Perek Yud, Pasuk Yud Gimmel)





"Darash Darash Moshe" (Perek Yud Pasuk Tes Zayin). Aharon HaCohen had four sons Nadav, Avihu, Elazar, and Eesamar. The first two were killed after bringing a strange fire into the Bais Hamikdash. Soon after their deaths, we have Moshe instructing Elazar and Eesamar regarding certain Karbanos during their time of mourning.

The Pasuk tells us that in regards to the "Sieer Hachatas," the offering of the goat, Moshe became angry with the remaining sons of Aharon. There are a number of questions that can be asked about this Inyan.

First, why did Moshe get angry? Second, why does the Pasuk refer to them as the "remaining sons of Aharon," instead of by name? Third, the Chumash tells us that Aharon answered Moshe, why didn't his sons answer for themselves.

On the words "Darash, Darash," the Divrei Yisrael explains that Moshe darshaned that the gematria of the word "Sieer," goat, was the same as "suraf," burn. The Maharal explains that if two things are gematria each other that is their metziyos. For example, we say "Nichnas Yayin, Tezeh Sod," which means when a person drinks wine he lets out secrets. We know this is true because the words Yaayin and Sod have the same gematria. So, Moshe darshaned first that the goat should be burned and then darshaned that Elazar and Eesamar had already burned it.

Why did Moshe get angry? Because they had paskaned a Halacha before their Rav, (Moshe). This was the reason that Nadav and Avihu had been killed. Moshe was afraid the same thing would happen here. This is also why they are referred to as the remaining sons - to remind us about the other two who had died doing the same thing.

However, Aharon answered Moshe that it was not his sons who paskaned the Halacha - it was him. And as Kohen Gadol, that was his right.

Therefore, the Chumash ends the whole Inyan with the words, "VaYishmah Moshe Vayitav B'Enav," Moshe heard and it was good in his eyes.

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