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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 25, v. 2: "V'shovsoh ho'oretz Shabbos laShem" - When one sanctifies himself by cutting back on his physical pursuits, "v'shovsoh ho'oretz," then his involvement in physicality on Shabbos, which is required of him as "oneg Shabbos," is also elelvated, "Shabbos laShem." (Rabbi Yisroel Dov of Yazsnitza in R'vid Hazohov)

Ch. 25, v. 2: "Shabbos LaShem" - We can derive from these words that the purpose of leaving the land fallow on the seventh year is not to allow the earth to regenerate its minerals, but rather "LaShem," to fulfill Hashem's wishes. (Kedushas Levi)

Ch. 25, v. 6: "V'hoysoh Shabbas ho'oretz lochem l'ochloh" - The Holy Zohar writes that the blessing for the six weekdays stems from Shabbos. We can thus interpret: "v'hoysoh Shabbas," and Shabbos will be for you as a source of, "ho'oretz lochem l'ochloh," that you will have earthly sustenance. (Nirreh li)

Ch. 25, v. 17: "V'lo sonu ish es amiso" - And you shall not deceive your own honesty (Ayin and Alef are interchangeable). You must be hones when doing a spiritual self-assessment. (Rabbi Zvi Hersch haKohein of Riminov)

Ch 25, v. 21: "V'tzivisi es birchosi" - If you would not ask, "What will we eat," then you will eat to your satisfaction (25:19), as the blessings will naturally be upon you for hearkening with full trust to Hashem's mitzvos. However, when you question, "What will we eat," then you have damaged the conduit of blessing with your lack of full trust. Since you are keeping the mitzvoh in any case, Hashem will still send you the blessing, but this requires a new infusion of blessing. Therefore, "v'tzivisi es birchosi," I will again command my blessing to descend upon you, and give you sustenance for three years. (Noam Elimelech in the name of his brother the Rebbe R' Zisha)

Ch. 25, v. 23: "V'ho'oretz lo simocheir litzmisus" - A person should not be sold to "artzius," physicality, to the level of "tzmisus," being totally joined and connected, as in "tzo'mes hagidin," junction of the veins. (Nirreh li)

Ch. 25, v. 23: "Ki geirim v'soshovim a'tem imodi" - Just as a convert usually does not find himself totally integrated with the society he has joined, as he has a different social and value system background, and upon finding another convert immediately bonds with him because of their having a common bond, so too, Hashem's Presence on this world is foreign to its inhabitants. However, with the bnei Yisroel He finds a likeminded people. That is why Hashem says that we are like "converts with Him." (Degel Macha'neh Efrayim)

Ch. 25, v. 49: "O dodo o ven dodo yigo'lenu - Either King Dovid himself ("dodo" contains the letters Dalet-Vov-Daled) or his descendant ("ben dodo") will bring about the redemption. (Degel Macha'neh Efrayim)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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