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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Parshas Vzos Habracha


Ch. 1, v. 1: "Breishis" - If right at the beginning of the day one contemplates on "borro Elokim eis hashomayim v'eis ho'oretz," then the physicality, "v'ho'oretz," will be to him as "tohu vovohu." (Rabbi Chanoch Henoch Admor of Alexander in Chashovoh L'tovoh vol. #1)

Ch. 1, v. 26: "Naa'seh odom" - I, Hashem have created you and imbued you will free will. You do your part to make proper choices and thus together WE will make a "mentch" out of you. (Imrei Emes in Likutei Yehudoh)

Ch. 2, v. 5: "V'odom ayin laavode es ho'adomoh" - If one throws himself totally into working the earth, then he is not a "mentch," "v'odom ayin." (Admor of Kotzk)

Ch. 3, v. 10: "Va'yomer lo a'yekoh" - The Baal Hatanya was imprisoned when his misnagdim trumped up false charges against him to the Russian government. A Jewish interrogator came to his cell and asked him theological questions to size up how hard a "nut to crack" the Holy Admor was. A question he raised was, "what is the meaning of Hashem's question, 'a'yekoh'? Didn't Hashem know exactly where he was?"

The Baal Hatanya asked the interrogator if he believed in the truth and Divinity of the Torah. He answered in the affirmative. The Baal Hatanya then explained, "Hashem's words span all time. This question isn't limited to Odom. Hashem asks each person, "Where are you? What have you accomplished in the .. years that you have lived?" (Here the Baal Hatanya gave the age of the interrogator.) He was very moved and put much effort into bringing about the release of the Baal Hatanya.

Ch. 3, v. 12: "Hee nosnoh li min ho'eitz v'ocheil" -M.R. says that Odom responded with, "I have eaten and I will again eat." Is this not the height of audacity? The mishnoh in the final chapter of Yoma says that one who sins with the intention of "getting away with it" by repenting, is not given the opportunity to repent. Hashem asked Odom, "How have you sinned when partaking of the forbidden fruit? Was it with the intention of later repenting?" Odom answered that at the time of sinning he had no such intention. To the contrary, while involved in eating he thought that he would do it again. Therefore he had hope of repenting. (Chidushei HoRi"m in Siach Sarfei Kodesh)

Ch. 3, v. 19: "B'zei'as a'pecho tochal lechem" - This is not one of the 613 mitzvos. Not one of the calculators of the 613 mitzvos lists this among them. Therefore there is no need to throw oneself into it with zest and enthusiasm. (Nirreh li)

Ch. 3, v. 24: "Vay'go'resh es ho'odom" - Who chased him out of Gan Eden and through which portal did he leave? Being chased out of Gan Eden simply means that he was now forced to pursue a livelihood. This of itself is removal from Gan Eden. Shabbos, a day when pursuit of livelihood is prohibited, is therefore a "taste of the world to come." (Baal Shem Tov)

Ch. 4, v. 4: "V'hevel heivi gam hu" - Not only did Hevel bring an offering for Hashem, but he also brought himself, dedicating his whole being to serve Hashem. Hashem not only accepted his sacrificial offering, but also Hevel himself, as is written, "Va'yisha Hashem el Hevel v'el minchoso." (Admor of Kotzk)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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