Chasidic Insights

on the Weekly Parsha

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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 23, v. 15: "Beini u'veincho mah hee" - Rashi quotes Efron as saying , "Between two LOVERS like us 400 shekel are negligible." What is the meaning of two lovers? They had never met each other before? This doesn't mean that they love each other, but rather, each one is a lover of something. Efron was saying to Avrohom, "Since you love mitzvos so much, paying 400 shekel to purchase a burial spot for your wife is nothing. Likewise, I love money, so 400 shekel is insignificant to me as well." (The Holy Admor of Belz)

Ch. 24, v. 1: "V'Avrohom zo'kein bo ba'yomim" - Every day of Avrohom's life was accounted for. He accomplished what he was supposed to each day, even in his old age. (Degel Machaneh Efrayim)

Ch. 24, v. 3: "Lo sikach ishoh livni mibnos haKnaani asher onochi yosheiv b'kirbo" - I am within my son Yitzchok. My character trait of kindness is embedded in him. Therefore it is inappropriate to bring him a Canaanite woman as a wife. (Rabbi Leibel Eiger in Toras Emes)

Ch. 24, v. 3: "Asher onochi yosheiv b'kirbo" - Avrohom told Eliezer, "You might question why I send you to my family, among whom there are idol worshippers, to seek a wife, but to avoid Canaanites who have abhorrent character traits. The answer is that "Onochi Hashem Elokecho" (Shmos 20:2) is within him, and he will not be negatively influenced towards idol worship, while he may be influenced by bad character traits. (Nirreh li)

Ch. 24, v. 5: "Va'yomer eilov ho'evved" - Throughout this lengthy episode Eliezer's name is not mentioned. This teaches us that Eliezer totally negated himself and acted totally as Avrohom's agent in pursuing a life's partner for Yitzchok. (Shem miShmuel)

Ch. 24, v. 7: "Hu yishlach malocho l'fo'necho" - This is the angel mentioned in the gemara Nidoh 30b. Forty day before the formation of the embryo an angel calls out, "That man's daughter is destined as a wife for ploni." (Imrei Emes)

Ch. 24, v. 16, 18: "Va't'malei chadoh, Vato'red kadoh" - Rashi in verse 16 comments that Eliezer saw the water rise to meet Rivkoh. In verse 18, she had to lower her bucket to draw the water. Why the change? Since now she was involved in a mitzvoh, she had to put in her own effort. (Kedushas Levi)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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